Calvin v3.4.0 released

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Calvin v3.4.0 released

Post by kelseyde »

Hello CCRL,

Calvin 3.4.0 is now released: ... /tag/3.4.0

3.4.0 comes with the following new features + improvements:

- Faster move generation: instead of calling make/unmake move to check legality of generated king moves, just remove the king from the board and check if the destination square is attacked
- Faster move generation: store masks, magics, shifts and attacks in a single lookup array during sliding piece move generation, instead of in separate arrays.
- UCI info output: Calvin now outputs basic UCI info (depth, score, nodes, think time, NPS, and pv) while thinking.
- Faster quiescence search: only use MVV-LVA score for move scoring during the qsearch, instead of the complete move ordering score.
- Texel tuner is now multi-threaded leading to a significant speed up in tuning.
- Fine-tuned late move reduction logic

Currently Calvin 3.3.0 is scheduled to play in the upcoming 109th Amateur Series. Any chance I could sneak in Calvin 3.4.0 there instead? :D



(Previous release)

Hello CCRL,

I have released a new version 3.3.0 of my engine Calvin, who has been rated a couple of times before on the CCRL leaderboards: ... /tag/3.3.0

New features include Texel-tuned evaluation params, late move pruning, pawn evaluation hash table and other small improvements.

Texel tuning alone gained Calvin ~100 elo on Lichess where he's now sitting somewhere between 2500 - 2600.

I would love for Calvin to be included in the next round of matches, if possible! Please let me know if you have any issues.

P.S. I also created a Java 17 release in case you have problems running Java 21: ... .3.0-jdk17

Thanks very much!

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