othoma wrote:Why do you test new engines (Houdini, Fire, Shredder) more on single CPU than 4-CPU ?
Nathan has Houdini 5.01 64-bit 4CPU and Fire 5 64-bit 4CPU gauntlets set up and running at present.
He had computer issues recently, so we're a bit behind with our 40/40 4CPU testing at present.
Thanks, Ray. The problem was indeed on my end: don't try multi-tasking while downloading this file as you may not receive the full file.
These files have become a bit unwieldy after 13-14 years of accumulation and the 40/4 is now approaching the maximum usable size for a .pgn. Someone might consider breaking the files up into 2006-2017 and 2018-present.
Cato the Younger wrote:
These files have become a bit unwieldy after 13-14 years of accumulation and the 40/4 is now approaching the maximum usable size for a .pgn. Someone might consider breaking the files up into 2006-2017 and 2018-present.
That is a very good point, we should do something about that.
May I suggest adding a link for download to the engine DChess 1.0.2? I found it after some searching and think it might be usefull to others, too. The page seems to be created by the author of the engine himself, Dave Wyatt. For me, DChess 1.0.2 doesn't work well with long time controll (makes blunders), but works fine at blitz.
This is the link:
Thanks for all the work! I have a small problem. My Chessbase (CB14) cannot process the 40/4 pgnfile. There is obviously a lmit to the size of the file (close to 2mio games), so I use gameSplit to reduce the file to a workable size. Unless the problem is on my end, may I suggest you keep the downloads in one big file and a separate file for recent updates?
There is an option in our scripts to offer downloads by month. We haven't used it for a long time. You can't use it to incrementally update a previous download of our database and that is where people got confused before. Sometimes engines are re-named, sometimes they are killed, and sometimes they are combined in case of minor bug fixes that don't affect play. But anyway, we can't offer anything else at the moment, so I'm going to enable that option on the 40/4 list the next update.
The latest CCRL updates do not include the top 5 and their latest versions of leelenstein (15.0beta), lzcero (0.25), and stockfish (May 2020), please include
Madeleine Birchfield wrote: ↑Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:01 am
Usually, there would be a post with an update for CCRL on talkchess.com, but there isn't one for the latest update on 21 August 2021.
Madeleine Birchfield wrote: ↑Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:12 am
Do Gabor and Sergio plan on testing Ethereal 13.25, Koivisto 6.0, and Berserk 4.5.1 (64 bit 1 CPU) for the CCRL 40/2 list?
I would imagine so, but can't speak for them.
Basti might test them for 40/2.
Madeleine Birchfield wrote: ↑Sun Nov 28, 2021 3:34 am
The CCRL website has been updated to the latest ratings (27th November 2021), but there hasn't yet been a post on talkchess.com about it.
Ray hasn't informed me that the 40/2 lists have been updated yet.
Madeleine Birchfield wrote: ↑Sun Nov 28, 2021 3:34 am
The CCRL website has been updated to the latest ratings (27th November 2021), but there hasn't yet been a post on talkchess.com about it.
Ray hasn't informed me that the 40/2 lists have been updated yet.
that's odd, because it looks updated on the CCRL 40/2 list website from my end: https://ccrl.chessdom.com/ccrl/404/; the date has been changed to 27th November 2021.
ssakgul wrote: ↑Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:53 pm
What does mean SF 15.1 64-bit > SF 15.1 64-bit 4CPU?
Different tester, different hardware, different book, different GUI. And large error margins with the small number of games, so it is impossible to say. Totally inconclusive.
ssakgul wrote: ↑Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:53 pm
What does mean SF 15.1 64-bit > SF 15.1 64-bit 4CPU?
Different tester, different hardware, different book, different GUI. And large error margins with the small number of games, so it is impossible to say. Totally inconclusive.
Testing has been on a 5950x using the stockfish_22120413_x64_avx2 exe.
Author: Joost VandeVondele
Date: Sun Dec 4 14:17:15 2022 +0100
Timestamp: 1670159835
Stockfish 15.1
Official release version of Stockfish 15.1
Bench: 3467381
First 304 games using the Top10SuperGM2020 book with maximum depth of 8 moves.
Second 304 games using the FOEBOSv20.1 book with maximum depth 8 moves.