Uh, I have just got to read this so probably you have already solved the issue.Joe McCauley wrote: Finally, is there a way to pause/interrupt a tournament when I need to do other stuff on the computer and resume it when I'm done? (I figured out a rather roundabout way to pause it after the current game; that might be marginally acceptable in a 40/4 tournament, but not in a 40/40 tournament.)
Anyway, here's how it goes. There are very convenient ways to interrupt a tournament. While it is running, select the 'Tournament' tab and click on either 'Last game' or 'Last round'. The effect of the former is that the current game will be finished, then the tournament interrupted. The latter lets the whole round finish and interrupts the tournament only thereafter. The nice thing is that by either method you won't have interrupt a tournament in the middle of a game.
To resume the interrupted tournament you restart Arena, press F9 then the Resume button.
PS. I had problems using the Last round option. As I switched tabs, sometimes Arena forgot to interrupt the tournament. Maybe 3.0 does not have that bug any longer. Never had a problem with Last game, though.