Pictures of eMule Configuration

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Pictures of eMule Configuration

Post by Pachnes »


I took some pictures from the configuration of my eMule. I have attached them.

I did not make a picture of "Connection", because you must decide yourself what to configure:

- You must write in the proper values for your download- and upload-capacity, your provider did tell you the values.

- Limit for download: 0 (0 = no limit), or the limit you want to.

- Limit for upload: 80% - 90% of your upload-capacity, start with 80% and and increase it every day with 1 KB, until you see, that your browser gets slower, than go down 2 KB.

- TCP-Port. UDP-Port: Choose two Values with a difference of 10 between 3000 and 64000 (example 12345 and 12355). To get a High ID, these ports must be opened in your firewall and must be "forwarded" in your router. Zonealarm does not work with eMule. Please deinstall it (deactivating it is not enough) and try the free firewalls Outpost or Kerio, if you want to have a software firewall. You must have a fixed IP-Address at your PC, forwarding to IPs from DHCP may work, but usually does not. Look in the handbook of your router (not the small paper, which came with your router). The handbook of your router sure has 250 pages and is on the CD, delivered with your router. Look for the chapters "DHCP" or "Fixed IP-Addresses" and "Forwarding Ports".

You must forward the first port value for TCP and the second port value for UDP.

When you are done with opening/forwarding ports, click on "Test ports".

When you use a router, Max.-Connection may not increase 200. 80 should be sufficient, as there are never online more than 60 members of the coummunity at the same time.

Max sources/file: Good value 40, as there are not more sources. The product of Max connections and Max sources should not increase the value 6000.

Whenever the Wizard does open at startup of eMule, just leave it with cancel and make the manual configuration. The wizard does always choose bad values.

Check "Autoconnect on startup"
Check "Reconnect on loss"
Check "ed2k"

If you have a High ID for TCP and UDP (the globus at the bottom line of eMule-window must have 2 green arrows), than you may check "KAD" too. You can look this up better at the window "Servers". On the right side, you can see the status of the ed2k-Network and the Status of KAD.

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