(Kirr's Chess Engine Comparison)
A tournament of original free chess engines
June 16, 2013
Testing summary:
Total: 135,679 games
played by 202 programs
1398 CPU days (X2 4600+)

White wins: 55,227 (40.7%)
Black wins: 47,434 (35.0%)
Draws: 33,018 (24.3%)
White score: 52.9%

Draw Rate

Overall draw rate

Out of 135679 KCEC games played so far 33018 ended as a draw. This makes the overall draw rate of 24.3%.

Draw rate vs rating difference

Naturally the chance to get a draw is higher when both engines are of similar strength:

Each point represents a match of two engines.

Linear regression (blue line in the graph above):

Draw rate = − R.Diff / 22.37 [±2.25] + 27.95 [±0.46]

Draw rate vs average rating

As expected, strong engines make more draws:

Each point represents a match of two engines.

Linear regression (light blue straight line in the graph above):

Draw rate = Av.Rating / 87.96 [±7.67] − 2.13 [±2.32]

Exponential curve (purple curve in the graph above):

Draw rate = exp((Av.Rating − 2054.0 [±118.2]) / 271.93 [±43.73]) + 20.00 [±0.72]

Draw rate vs rating difference and average rating

If you try to use both Rating difference and Average rating, you may end up with something like this:

Draw rate = − R.Diff / 32.49 [±4.85] + exp((Av.Rating − 2254.7 [±85.7]) / 208.49 [±34.04]) + 23.87 [±0.76]

Created in 2005-2012 by Kirill Kryukov
Updated on June 16, 2013