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Clean eMule server.met

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:37 am
by Pachnes

as you know, there are many "eMule Servers" which are a fake. Smallest issue is that they simply do nothing. You connect to them and they do nothing. Newest examples are the "Donkey Server NoX" with IP-Address 72.x.x.x.

You should uncheck in "Options", "Server" both chapters "Get server addresses from connected servers" and "Get server adresses from connected clients".

I have attached a clean server.met. Just rename the file from server.txt to "server.met" (extension .met is not allowed as attachment here) copy this file in your directory ...\eMule\config\. Than you start emule again.

Please connect to one of the servers in server list, which is able to handle the amount of your shared files. Hardfile Limit and Softfile Limit should be higher than the number of your shared files. Otherwise randomly only a part of your shared files is indexed and the community can only see and download files, which are indexed (not 100% correct, because most of us use Kademlia, but a search on server is much faster than search with Kademlia).