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Rodin 3.0 1CPU Gauntlets

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:21 pm
by Aser Huerga
Rodin 3.0 1CPU Gauntlets

Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHzDual 3000 MHz with 4.088 MB Memory
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP 64 Bit Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 3790)
All engines 1 CPU
Arena 2.0.1 GUI
128 Hash Tables
3-4-5 EGTBs
Ponder off
Book GrandPQRS PGN up to 8 moves (151.315 starting positions from years 1981-2009, games selected by Norm Pollock), each pair plays the same position with switched colours.
40 moves in 25 minutes repeating (adapted to the CCRL 40/40 standard)

Gauntlet I:
1 Rodin 3.0 -2509- 63.0/120 2 Muse 0.899b 2528 16.0/24 3 Gosu 0.16 2502 12.0/24 4 Thor's Hammer 2.28 32-bit 2481 11.0/24 5 Tytan 9.3 2466 10.5/24 6 Phalanx XXII 2491 7.5/24
(All ELOs referred to the last Chess Computer Rating List when tournament starts, except -XXXX- one, wich is referred to performance).

Re: Rodin 3.0 1CPU Gauntlets

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:20 am
by Aser Huerga
Gauntlet II:
1 Rodin 3.0 -2518- 39.0/80 2 Queen 4.03 2511 11.5/20 3 Bruja 1.9 2556 11.0/20 429.00 4 Amy 0.87b 2497 11.0/20 429.00 5 Kiwi 0.6d 2549 7.5/20
(All ELOs referred to the last Chess Computer Rating List when tournament starts, except -XXXX- one, wich is referred to performance).