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Where do I find the following 6 man egtb files

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:19 pm
by dcorbit
Nalimov format:

Re: Where do I find the following 6 man egtb files

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:10 am
by Pachnes
Hi Dan!

These tablebases should be all online.

Just install eMule ( ... m=download), go to the website and run the eMule program. Then klick at the eDonkey links of the sets you want to download.

Re: Where do I find the following 6 man egtb files

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:11 am
by gambit3
there are two parts to this reply: if you aren't shy about using your cpu to benefit the whoile tb community, the first part is about finding the generator to generate them yourself. if you prefer to download them, there are a number of sites and you should just skip to the bottom part.

the top part: generating them yourself

i actually have a return question: do you have a 64 bit os (xp x64 or vista 64 or a flavour of *ix that is 64 or 128 bit)? if so, then google for tbgen.rar (filesize 256,268B) or tbgen.exe (filesize 696,320B) for windows 64 bit or find the source for tbgen or newtbgen for *ix and compile. to my knowledge, the *ix bin is not online but the windows .exe is and the rar also contains a couple of .cmds for if you throw a list of tbs at it from the desktop. then you can generate them yourself.
alternately you may email me right here or here too with a request for the tbgen-64.rar (i renamed it because i have the 32-bit and chessbase versions as well). comprehensive instructions on its use are not available, however i can email a couple of command lines that i know from experience work. if you need these as well, please just include that you'll need them in your email to me.
please be aware that the .exe inside the rar available from me is limitted in that it cannot create 5v1 bases. also be aware that the generator i am offering will automatically build all dependancies you do not have or do not point it to the location of. lastly, unlike it's precursor, the 32-bit non-chessbase version, the 64-bit version can work with pre-existing datacomp-compressed tables, but produces uncompressed tables, so that you have to find (included in the rar) datacomp and run 'datacomp e:8192 [table] across each table it generates to produce the compressed version used by most of the most-commonly-used guis today.

the bottom part

ok, the fun bit. this is essentially a list thet, knowing kirill, you'll be able to find in other places:
pakman's site
joshua schriver's site
kirill's site
just pick the tables you want from the list (last check, pak's was complete 3v3 and 4v2).

the english release of the german program wilhelm <- this program provides the easiest method for checking integrity of downloaded tables. i have forgotten where the md5 checksum list for wilhelm is located, but i would imagine that the one (that used to be) on bob hyatt's ftp site (listed in the bottom part) should work with wilhelm. if not, there used to be a location for it on aaron tay's site, which has moved but should be still listed on kirill's project site (listed below).

alternately, you may download and install emule and look insert links from kirill's project site to the tables you want

there are other ftp sites, http sites, and generators out there, but so far i have no reason to believe that there are any more complete than the ones i have listed. rob hyatt's ftp site is good for tb stats and 3-4-5 man files, but didn't contain any 6 man files for a number of years, though i have reason to believe they are now also available from there.

Re: Where do I find the following 6 man egtb files

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:42 am
by Vegan
Unfortunately the tbgen64 package floating around is not a native 64-bit build, its 32-bit