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Faster EGTB File Open Times

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:50 pm
by Tinker
There have been some posts about this before, but I thought it might be helpful to post something that I noticed recently.

This is for Windows XP. Tinker uses about 80GB of EGTB files with all 3/4/5 and about 70GB of 6 men files.

The time to open only the 3/4/5 men EGTB files was longer the first time, but then quite fast for subsequent opens, likely due to OS file information caching. However, when I added the 6 men files, it took a much longer time to open the files, even after the first time. Again, this is not the full 6 men set, just those that seemed more "important".

At first, the files were on two drives in three different directories. I finally tried moving all of the files to the same drive and it still took a long time. I then tried moving them all to the same directory (on one drive) and what used to take about 30-40 seconds now only takes about 5 (for the 2nd open).