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Dedicated eMule server?

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:59 am
by clocks
I've read some past posts about files not being indexed the best with certain servers, limitations and so forth.

Is there any possible advantages to running a server with settings optimized for us? I'm sure pachnes would love sitting there tweaking it for us all :)

Not to mention the fun stats we could have of what durations people have been connected and so forth.

Just a thought,


Re: Dedicated eMule server?

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:05 pm
by Pachnes
Hi Derek,

we need no dedicated server for our community, but we should all connect to the same server, as than all sources are concentrated at one of them.

I suggest, to choose a small server, which does run lugdunum 17.14. The server should support obfuscation and must have a soft- and hardwarelimt of at least 2512 files.

We all should enable the obfuscated protocol in "Options", "Security", as there are a few members from Brazil and from a few providers around the world, which suffer from a try of their ISPs, to slow down the speed for p2p-networks. With an obfuscated connection, this is not so easy for them anymore.

And sure, if we all would have a high ID, we would not need a connection to a server at all. A connection to s server is a must only for clients with a Low ID. A connection between two clients with Low ID can only be established with the help of a server.

KAD would be enough to find at least one other client. Our eMule than would find all sources via Source Exchange with the other clients.