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Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:11 pm
by Sergio Martinez

Swiss system tournament. New rules: The engines will be divided into groups of 80 engines + 16 best engines of the lower group. There will be five groups (A, B, C, D, E) and a last group (F), where new engines will be added. The sixteen best engines of group F will automatically promote to group E and will play a Swiss system against the 80 engines (12 rounds) that are in that group. Of those 96 engines, they will promote the first 16 to group D, and so on. All this in a single edition, so a new engine has the possibility to reach group A in that same edition. The 16 worst engines in each group will automatically demote.
GUI : Arena (3.51)
Time control: 40/4 (adapted to the CCRL benchmark).
Ponder: off
Threads : 1
Default hash=256Mb
Endgame tablebases: Syzygy - Nalimov - Scorpio Bitbases - Gaviota. Hash set to 64Mb.
Resign is set to -5 for 3 consecutive moves where able.
Updates will not be allowed during each tournament (each group).
Open to all Winboard and UCI engines (free, private and commercial).
The similarity tool will be used to determine whether or not an engine can participate (Engines allowed until 70% of moves match).
Results will be rated only for engines already in the CCRL lists.
All engines will use the same opening book limited to an 8 move depth.
Engine authors can either post their wish for their engine to participate or contact through email ( or private message. I will choose engines by myself too.

Deadline: August 13
Start: Tuesday 14 ... groupC.htm

Code: Select all


  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             Milos Tatarevic             USA          3066
  2: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         Raoni Campos                Brazil       2681
  3: Delocto 0.6 64bit             Moritz Terink               Austria      2604
  4: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          P.Kumar                     India        2540
  5: Orion 0.5 64-bit              David CARTEAU               France       2512
  6: Yace 0.99.87                  Dieter Buerssner            Germany      2508
  7: Trace 1.37a                   Ross Boyd                   Australia    2507
  8: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       Gustaf Ullberg              Sweden       2493
  9: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            Dan Honeycutt               USA          2488
 10: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           Borko Boskovic              Slovenia     2478
 11: Winter 0.2 64-bit             Jonathan Rosenthal          Switzerland  2478
 12: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            Philippe Fabiani            France       2475
 13: Xpdnt 091007                  David Weller                USA          2469
 14: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          Shawn Chidester             USA          2451
 15: Matacz 1.4                    Maciej Pestka               Poland       2448
 16: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             Colin Jenkins               England      2442
 17: King of Kings 2.56            Koundinya Veluri            Canada       2438
 18: Ares 1.005.2 64-bit           Charles Roberson            USA          2432
 19: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               J. ROMANG D. RABEL          France       2428
 20: Nejmet 3.07                   Jean-Christophe Gabillard   France       2427
 21: Gromit 3.82                   Frank Schneider/Kai Skibbe  Germany      2426
 22: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          Michael Sherwin             USA          2425
 23: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            Anton Maydell               Russia       2424
 24: Quark 2.35                    Thomas Mayer                Germany      2424
 25: Caligula 0.7b                 Pedro Castro                Spain        2423
 26: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         Oliver Brausch              Germany      2422
 27: Hussar 0.4                    Peter Horvath               Hungary      2419
 28: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       Scott Gasch                 USA          2414
 29: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       Matthew Lai                 Canada       2406
 30: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            Tony Hecker                 USA          2406
 31: KnightDreamer 3.3             Johan Melin                 Sweden       2402
 32: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          Mariusz Marszalkowski       Poland       2397
 33: PostModernist 1016            Andrew Williams             England      2391
 34: Diablo 0.5.1                  Marcus Predaski             USA          2390
 35: Leila 0.53h                   Carmelo Calzerano           Italy        2388
 36: MadChess 2.1 64-bit           Erik Madsen                 USA          2388
 37: Amy 0.87b                     Thorsten Greiner            Germany      2387
 38: Gosu 0.16                     Arkadiusz Paterek           Poland       2384
 39: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           John Merlino                USA          2382
 40: Patzer 3.80                   Roland Pfister              Germany      2382
 41: Comet B68                     Uli Tuerke                  Germany      2377
 42: Der Bringer 1.9               Gerrit Reubold              Germany      2376
 43: Flux 2.21                     Phokham Nonava              Switzerland  2373
 44: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           Ma Chao                     China        2357
 45: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             Landon W. Rabern            USA          2356
 46: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             Normand M. Blais            USA          2349
 47: Anubisx 0.052                 Jose Carlos Martinez Galan  Spain        2348
 48: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           Miguel Izquierdo            Spain        2345
 49: Horizon 4.4                   Ron Murawski                USA          2342
 50: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           Vlad Stamate                USA          2341
 51: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            Mihaly, Gabor               Hungary      2340
 52: Now 0.1x                      Mark Lefler                 USA          2338
 53: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           Eric MARATHEE               France       2336
 54: Arion 1.7                     Gabriel Guillory            France       2334
 55: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     Toma Roncevic               Croatia      2331
 56: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       Nicu Ionita                 Romania      2331
 57: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             Tomasz Michniewski          Poland       2329
 58: Sage 3.53                     David Dahlem                USA          2327
 59: Sorgenkind 0.4                Steffen Basting             Germany      2326
 60: Chezzz 1.0.3                  David Rasmussen             Denmark      2323
 61: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           Jonatan Pettersson          Sweden       2319
 62: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         Werner Taelemans            Belgium      2318
 63: Jazz 840 64-bit               Evert Glebbeek              Netherlands  2317
 64: Aice 0.99.2                   Milikas Anastasios          Greece       2312
 65: Averno 0.81                   Jóse Carlos Martínez Galán  Spain        2310
 66: Asterisk 0.6                  Peter Horvath               Hungary      2309
 67: Eveann 1.72                   Andres Valverde             Spain        2309
 68: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           Pablo Vazquez               Spain        2307
 69: Joker 1.1.14                  H.G. Muller                 Netherlands  2306
 70: KnightX 1.92                  Christophe Jolly            France       2300
 71: Ayito 0.2.994                 Jaime Benito de Valle Ruiz  Spain        2288
 72: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         Paul Villanueva Urquijo     Spain        2284
 73: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            Chris Moreton               England      2273
 74: Natwarlal 0.14                Pallav Nawani               India        2262
 75: Absolute Zero 64-bit  Zong Zheng Li               China        2260
 76: Zeus 1.29                     Vadim Bykov                 Russia       2254
 77: Gothmog 1.0b10                Tord Romstad                Norway       2241
 78: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      Stephen J Lovell            USA          2235
 79: Adam 3.3                      Dominique Longbien          France       2228
 80: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              Pradu Kannan                USA          2221
 81: RamJet 0.13                   Edoardo Manino              Italy        2213
 82: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          Mauro Riccardi              Italy        2203
 83: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    Maurizio Monge              Italy        2202
 84: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          George Georgopoulos         Greece       2198
 85: ChessAlex 2.0r4               Alexander Turikov           Russia       2198
 86: Chispa 4.0.3                  Federico A Corigliano       Argentina    2197
 87: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           Colin Frayn/Dann Corbit     England      2193
 88: Uralochka 1.1b                Ivan Maklyakov              Russia       2189
 89: Waster 0.15                   Geoff Westwood              England      2181
 90: InmiChess 3.05                Inmann Werner               Austria      2160
 91: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              Shawn Chidester             USA          2160
 92: Protej 0.5.8c                 Alex Brunetti               Italy        2149
 93: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      Rian Neogi                  India        2141
 94: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            James Swafford              USA          2118
 95: Parrot 07.07.22               Johanes Suhardjo            USA          2071
 96: Matheus 2.3                   Josué Forte                 Brazil       2053

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:24 pm
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Matheus 2.3                   0.5 -- 0.5  Popochin 4.1 64-bit         
 Parrot 07.07.22               0.0 -- 1.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 Alex 2.14a 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Prophet 3.0 64-bit          
 Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Betsy 6.51 Nobook           
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Protej 0.5.8c               
 Flux 2.21                     1.0 -- 0.0  Clunk 1.1 64-bit            
 Der Bringer 1.9               1.0 -- 0.0  InmiChess 3.05              
 Waster 0.15                   1.0 -- 0.0  Comet B68                   
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Uralochka 1.1b              
 Patzer 3.80                   0.5 -- 0.5  Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit         
 Gosu 0.16                     1.0 -- 0.0  Chispa 4.0.3                
 ChessAlex 2.0r4               0.0 -- 1.0  Amy 0.87b                   
 NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  MadChess 2.2 64-bit         
 RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    0.5 -- 0.5  Leila 0.53h                 
 Diablo 0.5.1                  1.0 -- 0.0  Chexa 0.49991 64-bit        
 RamJet 0.13                   1.0 -- 0.0  PostModernist 1016          
 Bearded N44.5 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Buzz 0.08 64-bit            
 KnightDreamer 3.3             0.0 -- 1.0  Adam 3.3                    
 GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 TJchess 1.3 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Gothmog 1.0b10              
 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Zeus 1.29                   
 Absolute Zero 64-bit  1.0 -- 0.0  Hussar 0.4                  
 Natwarlal 0.14                0.0 -- 1.0  OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit       
 Caligula 0.7b                 1.0 -- 0.0  Rival 1.0.1 64-bit          
 KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Quark 2.35                  
 Ayito 0.2.994                 0.0 -- 1.0  Eeyore 1.52 64-bit          
 KnightX 1.92                  0.0 -- 1.0  RomiChess P3n 64-bit        
 Joker 1.1.14                  0.0 -- 1.0  Gromit 3.82                 
 Nejmet 3.07                   0.0 -- 1.0  Sungorus 1.4 64-bit         
 Gaia 3.5 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Asterisk 0.6                
 Ares 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Eveann 1.72                 
 Averno 0.81                   0.0 -- 1.0  King of Kings 2.56          
 Lozza 1.18 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Aice 0.99.2                 
 Jazz 840 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Matacz 1.4                  
 Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit        
 Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Xpdnt 091007                
 Delphil 3.2 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 Sorgenkind 0.4                0.5 -- 0.5  Winter 0.2 64-bit           
 Sage 3.53                     1.0 -- 0.0  BBChess 1.3b 64-bit         
 Tytan 9.32 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit          
 Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     0.0 -- 1.0  Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit     
 Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Trace 1.37a                 
 Arion 1.7                     0.0 -- 1.0  Yace 0.99.87                
 Orion 0.5 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit         
 Now 0.1x                      0.0 -- 1.0  Nameless 1.1j 64-bit        
 Delocto 0.6 64bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Tigran 2.4n 64-bit          
 Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit       
 Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Horizon 4.4                 

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 2. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Parrot 07.07.22              ----   Joker 1.1.14                    
   2: Asterisk 0.6                 ----   Prophet 3.0 64-bit              
   3: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit     ----   Averno 0.81                     
   4: Protej 0.5.8c                ----   Jazz 840 64-bit                 
   5: InmiChess 3.05               ----   Mediocre 0.5 64-bit             
   6: Clunk 1.1 64-bit             ----   Tytan 9.32 64-bit               
   7: Uralochka 1.1b               ----   Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit         
   8: Chispa 4.0.3                 ----   Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit       
   9: ChessAlex 2.0r4              ----   Arion 1.7                       
  10: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          ----   NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit            
  11: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit         ----   Now 0.1x                        
  12: Buzz 0.08 64-bit             ----   Tigran 2.4n 64-bit              
  13: Horizon 4.4                  ----   GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit        
  14: Gothmog 1.0b10               ----   Comet B68                       
  15: PostModernist 1016           ----   Natwarlal 0.14                  
  16: Zeus 1.29                    ----   KnightDreamer 3.3               
  17: Hussar 0.4                   ----   KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit           
  18: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit           ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
  19: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit          ----   Ayito 0.2.994                   
  20: KnightX 1.92                 ----   Matheus 2.3                     
  21: Popochin 4.1 64-bit          ----   RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu      
  22: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit          ----   Leila 0.53h                     
  23: Aice 0.99.2                  ----   Ares 64-bit           
  24: Eveann 1.72                  ----   Lozza 1.18 64-bit               
  25: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         ----   Sorgenkind 0.4                  
  26: Delphil 3.2 64-bit           ----   Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit           
  27: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   Winter 0.2 64-bit               
  28: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit        ----   Patzer 3.80                     
  29: Waster 0.15                  ----   Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit             
  30: Adam 3.3                     ----   Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit         
  31: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit        ----   RamJet 0.13                     
  32: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit          ----   Caligula 0.7b                   
  33: Quark 2.35                   ----   Absolute Zero 64-bit    
  34: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit           ----   Sage 3.53                       
  35: RomiChess P3n 64-bit         ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
  36: Gromit 3.82                  ----   Alex 2.14a 64-bit               
  37: Betsy 6.51 Nobook            ----   Gaia 3.5 64-bit                 
  38: King of Kings 2.56           ----   Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit             
  39: Matacz 1.4                   ----   Flux 2.21                       
  40: Xpdnt 091007                 ----   Der Bringer 1.9                 
  41: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit             
  42: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit      ----   Gosu 0.16                       
  43: Trace 1.37a                  ----   Amy 0.87b                       
  44: Yace 0.99.87                 ----   Diablo 0.5.1                    
  45: MadChess 2.2 64-bit          ----   Orion 0.5 64-bit                
  46: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit         ----   Bearded N44.5 64-bit            
  47: Delocto 0.6 64bit            ----   TJchess 1.3 64-bit              
  48: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   Xiphos 0.3 64-bit               

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:16 pm
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Parrot 07.07.22               0.5 -- 0.5  Joker 1.1.14                
 Asterisk 0.6                  1.0 -- 0.0  Prophet 3.0 64-bit          
 Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      1.0 -- 0.0  Averno 0.81                 
 Protej 0.5.8c                 0.0 -- 1.0  Jazz 840 64-bit             
 InmiChess 3.05                0.0 -- 1.0  Mediocre 0.5 64-bit         
 Clunk 1.1 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Tytan 9.32 64-bit           
 Uralochka 1.1b                0.0 -- 1.0  Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit     
 Chispa 4.0.3                  0.0 -- 1.0  Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit   
 ChessAlex 2.0r4               1.0 -- 0.0  Arion 1.7                   
 Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit        
 Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Now 0.1x                    
 Buzz 0.08 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Tigran 2.4n 64-bit          
 Horizon 4.4                   1.0 -- 0.0  GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit    
 Gothmog 1.0b10                0.0 -- 1.0  Comet B68                   
 PostModernist 1016            1.0 -- 0.0  Natwarlal 0.14              
 Zeus 1.29                     0.0 -- 1.0  KnightDreamer 3.3           
 Hussar 0.4                    0.5 -- 0.5  KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit       
 Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Nejmet 3.07                 
 BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Ayito 0.2.994               
 KnightX 1.92                  1.0 -- 0.0  Matheus 2.3                 
 Popochin 4.1 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu  
 Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Leila 0.53h                 
 Aice 0.99.2                   1.0 -- 0.0  Ares 64-bit       
 Eveann 1.72                   0.0 -- 1.0  Lozza 1.18 64-bit           
 Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Sorgenkind 0.4              
 Delphil 3.2 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit       
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.0 -- 1.0  Winter 0.2 64-bit           
 Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Patzer 3.80                 
 Waster 0.15                   0.0 -- 1.0  Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit         
 Adam 3.3                      0.0 -- 1.0  Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit     
 OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  RamJet 0.13                 
 Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Caligula 0.7b               
 Quark 2.35                    0.5 -- 0.5  Absolute Zero 64-bit
 Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Sage 3.53                   
 RomiChess P3n 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 Gromit 3.82                   1.0 -- 0.0  Alex 2.14a 64-bit           
 Betsy 6.51 Nobook             0.0 -- 1.0  Gaia 3.5 64-bit             
 King of Kings 2.56            1.0 -- 0.0  Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit         
 Matacz 1.4                    1.0 -- 0.0  Flux 2.21                   
 Xpdnt 091007                  1.0 -- 0.0  Der Bringer 1.9             
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit         
 Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Gosu 0.16                   
 Trace 1.37a                   1.0 -- 0.0  Amy 0.87b                   
 Yace 0.99.87                  1.0 -- 0.0  Diablo 0.5.1                
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Orion 0.5 64-bit            
 Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Bearded N44.5 64-bit        
 Delocto 0.6 64bit             0.0 -- 1.0  TJchess 1.3 64-bit          
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Xiphos 0.3 64-bit           

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Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  50W+  42B+    2.0      2.0     1     0
  2: Trace 1.37a                   2507  51B+  33W+    2.0      2.0     1    +6
  3: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  52B+  44W+    2.0      2.0     1    +6
  4: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  53B+  47W+    2.0      2.0     1    +7
  5: Matacz 1.4                    2448  54B+  38W+    2.0      2.0     1    +7
  6: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  55W+  34B+    2.0      2.0     1    +7
  7: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  40B+  41W+    2.0      2.0     1   +13
  8: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  70B+  45W+    2.0      1.5     1    +7
  9: Gromit 3.82                   2426  71B+  49W+    2.0      1.5     1    +7
 10: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  73B+  31B+    2.0      1.5     0    +8
 11: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  82B+  43W+    2.0      1.0     1    +6
 12: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  83B+  32W+    2.0      1.0     1    +6
 13: King of Kings 2.56            2438  84B+  48W+    2.0      1.0     1    +7
 14: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  85B+  36W+    2.0      1.0     1    +5
 15: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  86W+  35B+    2.0      1.0     1    +6
 16: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  87W+  30B+    2.0      1.0     1   +10
 17: Sage 3.53                     2327  57W+  25B=    1.5      2.5     1    +8
 18: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  77W+  21B=    1.5      2.0     1    +1
 19: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  23W=  78B+    1.5      2.0     1    +1
 20: Quark 2.35                    2424  79B+  24W=    1.5      2.0     1    +1
 21: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  80B+  18W=    1.5      2.0     1    +4
 22: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341  37W=  39B+    1.5      2.0     1    +7
 23: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  19B=  75W+    1.5      2.0     1    +8
 24: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  76W+  20B=    1.5      2.0     1    +9
 25: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  88B+  17W=    1.5      1.5     1    +2
 26: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  67B=  68B+    1.5      1.0     0    +1
 27: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  68W=  69W+    1.5      1.0     2    +1
 28: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  69B=  67W+    1.5      1.0     1    +2
 29: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  74B=  72W+    1.5      1.0     1     0
 30: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  63W+  16W-    1.0      3.0     2    -6
 31: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  59B+  10W-    1.0      3.0     1    -3
 32: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  64W+  12B-    1.0      3.0     1    -1
 33: Amy 0.87b                     2387  65B+   2B-    1.0      3.0     0    -1
 34: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  66B+   6W-    1.0      3.0     1    -2
 35: Adam 3.3                      2228  60B+  15W-    1.0      3.0     1    +5
 36: RamJet 0.13                   2213  61W+  14B-    1.0      3.0     1    +5
 37: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  22B=  46W=    1.0      2.5     1    -7
 38: Flux 2.21                     2373  81W+   5B-    1.0      2.5     1    -2
 39: Waster 0.15                   2181  62W+  22W-    1.0      2.5     2    +5
 40: Nejmet 3.07                   2427   7W-  89B+    1.0      2.0     1    -4
 41: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  89W+   7B-    1.0      2.0     1    -4
 42: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  90B+   1W-    1.0      2.0     1    +3
 43: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  91W+  11B-    1.0      2.0     1     0
 44: Gosu 0.16                     2384  92W+   3B-    1.0      2.0     1    -1
 45: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  93W+   8B-    1.0      2.0     1    -1
 46: Patzer 3.80                   2382  56W=  37B=    1.0      2.0     1    +1
 47: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  94W+   4B-    1.0      2.0     1    -1
 48: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  95W+  13B-    1.0      2.0     1    -2
 49: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  96W+   9B-    1.0      2.0     1    -2
 50: Horizon 4.4                   2342   1B-  90W+    1.0      2.0     1    +3
 51: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   2W-  93B+    1.0      2.0     1     0
 52: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331   3W-  92B+    1.0      2.0     1     0
 53: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319   4W-  94B+    1.0      2.0     1     0
 54: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   5W-  95B+    1.0      2.0     1     0
 55: Asterisk 0.6                  2309   6B-  96W+    1.0      2.0     1    -1
 56: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  46B=  58W=    1.0      2.0     1    +5
 57: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  17B-  88W+    1.0      1.5     1    -4
 58: Leila 0.53h                   2388  72B=  56B=    1.0      1.5     0    -5
 59: KnightX 1.92                  2300  31W-  74W+    1.0      1.5     2    -1
 60: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  35W-  86B+    1.0      1.0     1    -4
 61: PostModernist 1016            2391  36B-  85W+    1.0      1.0     1    -4
 62: Comet B68                     2377  39B-  87B+    1.0      1.0     0    -4
 63: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  30B-  91B+    1.0      1.0     0    +2
 64: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  32B-  82W+    1.0      1.0     1    +4
 65: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  33W-  83W+    1.0      1.0     2    +4
 66: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  34W-  84W+    1.0      1.0     2    +5
 67: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326  26W=  28B-    0.5      3.0     1    -1
 68: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  27B=  26W-    0.5      3.0     1    -1
 69: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  28W=  27B-    0.5      3.0     1    -1
 70: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329   8W-  81B=    0.5      2.5     1    -5
 71: Joker 1.1.14                  2306   9W-  73B=    0.5      2.5     1    -6
 72: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  58W=  29B-    0.5      2.5     1    -1
 73: Parrot 07.07.22               2071  10W-  71W=    0.5      2.5     2    +1
 74: Matheus 2.3                   2053  29W=  59B-    0.5      2.5     1    +2
 75: Ares 64-bit         2432  78W=  23B-    0.5      2.0     1    -8
 76: Hussar 0.4                    2419  24B-  79W=    0.5      2.0     1    -9
 77: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336  18B-  80W=    0.5      2.0     1    -5
 78: Eveann 1.72                   2309  75B=  19W-    0.5      2.0     1    -1
 79: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  20W-  76B=    0.5      2.0     1    -1
 80: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  21W-  77B=    0.5      2.0     1    -1
 81: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  38B-  70W=    0.5      1.5     1     0
 82: Now 0.1x                      2338  11W-  64B-    0.0      3.0     1    -9
 83: Arion 1.7                     2334  12W-  65B-    0.0      3.0     1    -9
 84: Averno 0.81                   2310  13W-  66B-    0.0      3.0     1   -10
 85: Natwarlal 0.14                2262  14W-  61B-    0.0      3.0     1    -6
 86: Zeus 1.29                     2254  15B-  60W-    0.0      3.0     1    -6
 87: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  16B-  62W-    0.0      3.0     1    -6
 88: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288  25W-  57B-    0.0      2.5     1    -6
 89: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  41B-  40W-    0.0      2.0     1    -6
 90: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  42W-  50B-    0.0      2.0     1    -6
 91: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  43B-  63W-    0.0      2.0     1    -6
 92: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  44B-  52W-    0.0      2.0     1    -6
 93: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  45B-  51W-    0.0      2.0     1    -6
 94: InmiChess 3.05                2160  47B-  53W-    0.0      2.0     1    -5
 95: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  48B-  54W-    0.0      2.0     1    -5
 96: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  49B-  55B-    0.0      2.0     0    -5

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 3. PAIRINGS ------------------- 
   1: Prophet 3.0 64-bit           ----   Ayito 0.2.994                   
   2: Gothmog 1.0b10               ----   Protej 0.5.8c                   
   3: InmiChess 3.05               ----   Zeus 1.29                       
   4: Uralochka 1.1b               ----   Natwarlal 0.14                  
   5: Averno 0.81                  ----   Chispa 4.0.3                    
   6: Buzz 0.08 64-bit             ----   Arion 1.7                       
   7: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit     ----   Now 0.1x                        
   8: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit           ----   Clunk 1.1 64-bit                
   9: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit         ----   Parrot 07.07.22                 
  10: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu   ----   KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit           
  11: Joker 1.1.14                 ----   Eveann 1.72                     
  12: Tytan 9.32 64-bit            ----   Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit             
  13: Hussar 0.4                   ----   Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit           
  14: Ares 64-bit        ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
  15: Sorgenkind 0.4               ----   Matheus 2.3                     
  16: Der Bringer 1.9              ----   Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit        
  17: Patzer 3.80                  ----   ChessAlex 2.0r4                 
  18: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit          ----   Chexa 0.49991 64-bit            
  19: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit           ----   Gosu 0.16                       
  20: Comet B68                    ----   Bearded N44.5 64-bit            
  21: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   PostModernist 1016              
  22: Caligula 0.7b                ----   KnightDreamer 3.3               
  23: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   KnightX 1.92                    
  24: Leila 0.53h                  ----   Waster 0.15                     
  25: Flux 2.21                    ----   BBChess 1.3b 64-bit             
  26: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit        ----   Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit             
  27: Asterisk 0.6                 ----   RamJet 0.13                     
  28: Adam 3.3                     ----   Jazz 840 64-bit                 
  29: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit          ----   Betsy 6.51 Nobook               
  30: Amy 0.87b                    ----   Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit       
  31: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit      ----   Diablo 0.5.1                    
  32: RomiChess P3n 64-bit         ----   Horizon 4.4                     
  33: Alex 2.14a 64-bit            ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit               
  34: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit          ----   Popochin 4.1 64-bit             
  35: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit          ----   Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit            
  36: MadChess 2.2 64-bit          ----   Delphil 3.2 64-bit              
  37: Winter 0.2 64-bit            ----   Quark 2.35                      
  38: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit           ----   Lozza 1.18 64-bit               
  39: Orion 0.5 64-bit             ----   Absolute Zero 64-bit    
  40: Sage 3.53                    ----   Aice 0.99.2                     
  41: TJchess 1.3 64-bit           ----   Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit              
  42: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit      ----   Sungorus 1.4 64-bit             
  43: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit        ----   Gaia 3.5 64-bit                 
  44: King of Kings 2.56           ----   Matacz 1.4                      
  45: Yace 0.99.87                 ----   Xpdnt 091007                    
  46: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit         ----   Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit         
  47: Anubisx 0.052                ----   Trace 1.37a                     
  48: Gromit 3.82                  ----   Xiphos 0.3 64-bit               

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:52 pm
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Prophet 3.0 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Ayito 0.2.994               
 Gothmog 1.0b10                0.0 -- 1.0  Protej 0.5.8c               
 InmiChess 3.05                0.5 -- 0.5  Zeus 1.29                   
 Uralochka 1.1b                1.0 -- 0.0  Natwarlal 0.14              
 Averno 0.81                   1.0 -- 0.0  Chispa 4.0.3                
 Buzz 0.08 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Arion 1.7                   
 GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Now 0.1x                    
 Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Clunk 1.1 64-bit            
 NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Parrot 07.07.22             
 RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    0.0 -- 1.0  KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit       
 Joker 1.1.14                  0.0 -- 1.0  Eveann 1.72                 
 Tytan 9.32 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit         
 Hussar 0.4                    1.0 -- 0.0  Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit       
 Ares 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 Sorgenkind 0.4                1.0 -- 0.0  Matheus 2.3                 
 Der Bringer 1.9               1.0 -- 0.0  Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit    
 Patzer 3.80                   1.0 -- 0.0  ChessAlex 2.0r4             
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Chexa 0.49991 64-bit        
 Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Gosu 0.16                   
 Comet B68                     0.5 -- 0.5  Bearded N44.5 64-bit        
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  PostModernist 1016          
 Caligula 0.7b                 0.5 -- 0.5  KnightDreamer 3.3           
 Nejmet 3.07                   0.0 -- 1.0  KnightX 1.92                
 Leila 0.53h                   1.0 -- 0.0  Waster 0.15                 
 Flux 2.21                     0.5 -- 0.5  BBChess 1.3b 64-bit         
 Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit         
 Asterisk 0.6                  0.5 -- 0.5  RamJet 0.13                 
 Adam 3.3                      0.5 -- 0.5  Jazz 840 64-bit             
 Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Betsy 6.51 Nobook           
 Amy 0.87b                     1.0 -- 0.0  Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit   
 Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Diablo 0.5.1                
 RomiChess P3n 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Horizon 4.4                 
 Alex 2.14a 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Delocto 0.6 64bit           
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Popochin 4.1 64-bit         
 Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit        
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Delphil 3.2 64-bit          
 Winter 0.2 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Quark 2.35                  
 Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Lozza 1.18 64-bit           
 Orion 0.5 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Absolute Zero 64-bit
 Sage 3.53                     0.5 -- 0.5  Aice 0.99.2                 
 TJchess 1.3 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit          
 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Sungorus 1.4 64-bit         
 OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Gaia 3.5 64-bit             
 King of Kings 2.56            0.0 -- 1.0  Matacz 1.4                  
 Yace 0.99.87                  1.0 -- 0.0  Xpdnt 091007                
 Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit     
 Anubisx 0.052                 0.0 -- 1.0  Trace 1.37a                 
 Gromit 3.82                   0.0 -- 1.0  Xiphos 0.3 64-bit           

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  72B+  26W+  12W+    3.0      5.0     2   +11
  2: Trace 1.37a                   2507  60B+  27W+  13B+    3.0      5.0     1    +9
  3: Matacz 1.4                    2448  45B+  44W+  17B+    3.0      5.0     1   +12
  4: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  66W+  63B+  29B+    3.0      4.0     1     0
  5: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  67B+  64W+  15B+    3.0      4.0     1   +12
  6: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  87W+  42B+  22W+    3.0      4.0     2    +9
  7: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  91B+  41W+  18W+    3.0      3.5     2   +10
  8: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  52B+  30W+   9B=    2.5      6.0     1    +5
  9: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  92W+  14B+   8W=    2.5      4.5     2   +12
 10: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  86W+  19B=  46W+    2.5      4.0     2    +3
 11: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  48B=  82B+  43W+    2.5      3.5     1    +5
 12: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  34B+  33W+   1B-    2.0      7.0     1    +2
 13: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  77B+  24B+   2W-    2.0      6.0     1    +5
 14: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  37W+   9W-  71B+    2.0      5.5     2    -4
 15: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  78B+  56W+   5W-    2.0      5.5     2     0
 16: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  21W=  53B+  25B=    2.0      5.5     1    +1
 17: King of Kings 2.56            2438  79B+  47W+   3W-    2.0      5.5     2    +2
 18: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  57W+  65B+   7B-    2.0      5.5     1    +2
 19: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  75B+  10W=  36W=    2.0      5.5     2    +5
 20: Sage 3.53                     2327  49W+  25B=  21W=    2.0      5.5     2    +8
 21: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  16B=  50W+  20B=    2.0      5.5     1    +9
 22: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  70B+  51W+   6B-    2.0      5.5     1   +10
 23: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  28B=  32W=  61W+    2.0      5.0     2    -7
 24: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  35B+  13W-  66W+    2.0      5.0     2    +1
 25: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  74B+  20W=  16W=    2.0      5.0     2    +2
 26: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  68W+   1B-  60B+    2.0      5.0     1    +3
 27: Amy 0.87b                     2387  69B+   2B-  67W+    2.0      5.0     1    +3
 28: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341  23W=  62B+  31W=    2.0      5.0     2    +8
 29: Gromit 3.82                   2426  88B+  71W+   4W-    2.0      4.5     2    +7
 30: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  80W+   8B-  68W+    2.0      4.5     2    +2
 31: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  83B=  48W+  28B=    2.0      4.0     1     0
 32: Patzer 3.80                   2382  61W=  23B=  69W+    2.0      4.0     2    +4
 33: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  89W+  12B-  73W+    2.0      3.5     2    +1
 34: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319  12W-  89B+  65W+    2.0      3.5     2    +5
 35: KnightX 1.92                  2300  24W-  85W+  70B+    2.0      3.5     2    +5
 36: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  82W=  83W+  19B=    2.0      3.0     2     0
 37: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  14B-  93B+  64W+    2.0      3.0     1    +7
 38: PostModernist 1016            2391  41B-  91W+  63B+    2.0      2.5     1    +1
 39: Leila 0.53h                   2388  84B=  61B=  62W+    2.0      2.5     1    -3
 40: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  85B=  84W+  47B=    2.0      2.5     1     0
 41: RamJet 0.13                   2213  38W+   7B-  57B=    1.5      6.5     1    +6
 42: Adam 3.3                      2228  55B+   6W-  45W=    1.5      6.0     2    +6
 43: Quark 2.35                    2424  58B+  46W=  11B-    1.5      5.5     1    -3
 44: Flux 2.21                     2373  76W+   3B-  49W=    1.5      5.5     2     0
 45: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   3W-  81B+  42B=    1.5      5.5     1    -2
 46: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  54W+  43B=  10B-    1.5      5.5     1    +7
 47: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  81W+  17B-  40W=    1.5      5.0     2    -2
 48: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326  11W=  31B-  85W+    1.5      5.0     2     0
 49: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  20B-  74W+  44B=    1.5      4.5     1    -6
 50: Ares 64-bit         2432  53W=  21B-  82W+    1.5      4.0     2    -5
 51: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  90W+  22B-  55W=    1.5      4.0     2    -4
 52: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329   8W-  76B=  86W+    1.5      4.0     2     0
 53: Eveann 1.72                   2309  50B=  16W-  88B+    1.5      4.0     1    +4
 54: Hussar 0.4                    2419  46B-  58W=  83W+    1.5      3.5     2    -5
 55: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  42W-  87B+  51B=    1.5      3.5     1    -4
 56: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  93W+  15B-  59B=    1.5      3.5     1    -1
 57: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  18B-  94W+  41W=    1.5      3.5     2    -2
 58: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  43W-  54B=  84B+    1.5      3.5     1    +3
 59: Comet B68                     2377  62B-  92B+  56W=    1.5      2.5     1    -4
 60: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   2W-  80B+  26W-    1.0      6.0     2    -4
 61: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  32B=  39W=  23B-    1.0      6.0     1    +5
 62: Waster 0.15                   2181  59W+  28W-  39B-    1.0      5.5     2    +2
 63: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  95B+   4W-  38W-    1.0      5.0     2    -3
 64: Gosu 0.16                     2384  96W+   5B-  37B-    1.0      5.0     1    -6
 65: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  73B+  18W-  34B-    1.0      5.0     1    -7
 66: Horizon 4.4                   2342   4B-  95W+  24B-    1.0      5.0     1     0
 67: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331   5W-  96B+  27B-    1.0      5.0     1    -4
 68: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  26B-  78W+  30B-    1.0      5.0     1    +2
 69: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  27W-  72W+  32B-    1.0      5.0     2    +2
 70: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  22W-  90B+  35W-    1.0      4.5     2   -10
 71: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  94W+  29B-  14W-    1.0      4.0     2    -4
 72: Arion 1.7                     2334   1W-  69B-  93B+    1.0      4.0     1    -6
 73: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  65W-  79W+  33B-    1.0      4.0     2    +3
 74: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288  25W-  49B-  94B+    1.0      3.5     1    -3
 75: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  19W-  86B=  77W=    1.0      3.5     2    -2
 76: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  44B-  52W=  90B=    1.0      3.5     1    +1
 77: Parrot 07.07.22               2071  13W-  88W=  75B=    1.0      3.5     2    +3
 78: Now 0.1x                      2338  15W-  68B-  95B+    1.0      3.0     1    -6
 79: Averno 0.81                   2310  17W-  73B-  96W+    1.0      3.0     2    -7
 80: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  30B-  60W-  91W+    1.0      3.0     2     0
 81: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  47B-  45W-  92B+    1.0      3.0     1    +1
 82: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  36B=  11W-  50B-    0.5      6.0     1    -4
 83: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  31W=  36B-  54B-    0.5      5.5     1    -5
 84: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  39W=  40B-  58W-    0.5      5.5     2    -5
 85: Matheus 2.3                   2053  40W=  35B-  48B-    0.5      5.5     1     0
 86: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336  10B-  75W=  52B-    0.5      5.0     1   -10
 87: Zeus 1.29                     2254   6B-  55W-  89B=    0.5      5.0     1    -7
 88: Joker 1.1.14                  2306  29W-  77B=  53W-    0.5      4.5     2   -11
 89: InmiChess 3.05                2160  33B-  34W-  87W=    0.5      4.5     2    -4
 90: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  51B-  70W-  76W=    0.5      3.5     2    -7
 91: Natwarlal 0.14                2262   7W-  38B-  80B-    0.0      6.0     1   -12
 92: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241   9B-  59W-  81W-    0.0      5.0     2   -12
 93: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  56B-  37W-  72W-    0.0      4.5     2   -10
 94: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  71B-  57B-  74W-    0.0      3.5     1    -7
 95: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  63W-  66B-  78W-    0.0      3.0     2   -10
 96: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  64B-  67W-  79B-    0.0      3.0     1    -9

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 4. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Chispa 4.0.3                 ----   Buzz 0.08 64-bit                
   2: Prophet 3.0 64-bit           ----   Gothmog 1.0b10                  
   3: Natwarlal 0.14               ----   GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit        
   4: Matheus 2.3                  ----   Rival 1.0.1 64-bit              
   5: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu   ----   InmiChess 3.05                  
   6: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit        ----   Joker 1.1.14                    
   7: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   Zeus 1.29                       
   8: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          ----   Protej 0.5.8c                   
   9: ChessAlex 2.0r4              ----   Uralochka 1.1b                  
  10: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit         ----   Averno 0.81                     
  11: Now 0.1x                     ----   Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit       
  12: Horizon 4.4                  ----   Parrot 07.07.22                 
  13: Clunk 1.1 64-bit             ----   Betsy 6.51 Nobook               
  14: Gosu 0.16                    ----   NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit            
  15: Ayito 0.2.994                ----   Giraffe 20161023 64-bit         
  16: Waster 0.15                  ----   Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit        
  17: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit          ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
  18: Arion 1.7                    ----   Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit         
  19: Comet B68                    ----   Alex 2.14a 64-bit               
  20: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit          ----   KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit           
  21: Asterisk 0.6                 ----   Sorgenkind 0.4                  
  22: Bearded N44.5 64-bit         ----   Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit             
  23: KnightDreamer 3.3            ----   Absolute Zero 64-bit    
  24: Jazz 840 64-bit              ----   Hussar 0.4                      
  25: Eveann 1.72                  ----   Flux 2.21                       
  26: Quark 2.35                   ----   Tytan 9.32 64-bit               
  27: Caligula 0.7b                ----   Adam 3.3                        
  28: RamJet 0.13                  ----   Ares 64-bit           
  29: Popochin 4.1 64-bit          ----   Eeyore 1.52 64-bit              
  30: Leila 0.53h                  ----   RomiChess P3n 64-bit            
  31: PostModernist 1016           ----   Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit           
  32: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit          ----   Tigran 2.4n 64-bit              
  33: Aice 0.99.2                  ----   Delphil 3.2 64-bit              
  34: Sage 3.53                    ----   KnightX 1.92                    
  35: MadChess 2.2 64-bit          ----   Mediocre 0.5 64-bit             
  36: Gaia 3.5 64-bit              ----   Der Bringer 1.9                 
  37: King of Kings 2.56           ----   Patzer 3.80                     
  38: Lozza 1.18 64-bit            ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit             
  39: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         ----   Nameless 1.1j 64-bit            
  40: Gromit 3.82                  ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit               
  41: Anubisx 0.052                ----   Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit             
  42: Amy 0.87b                    ----   Xpdnt 091007                    
  43: Diablo 0.5.1                 ----   Winter 0.2 64-bit               
  44: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           ----   Orion 0.5 64-bit                
  45: TJchess 1.3 64-bit           ----   OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit           
  46: Matacz 1.4                   ----   Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit         
  47: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit            ----   Trace 1.37a                     
  48: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit      ----   Yace 0.99.87                    

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:56 pm
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Chispa 4.0.3                  0.0 -- 1.0  Buzz 0.08 64-bit            
 Prophet 3.0 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Gothmog 1.0b10              
 Natwarlal 0.14                0.5 -- 0.5  GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit    
 Matheus 2.3                   0.0 -- 1.0  Rival 1.0.1 64-bit          
 RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    0.5 -- 0.5  InmiChess 3.05              
 Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Joker 1.1.14                
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  1.0 -- 0.0  Zeus 1.29                   
 Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Protej 0.5.8c               
 ChessAlex 2.0r4               1.0 -- 0.0  Uralochka 1.1b              
 Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Averno 0.81                 
 Now 0.1x                      1.0 -- 0.0  Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit   
 Horizon 4.4                   0.0 -- 1.0  Parrot 07.07.22             
 Clunk 1.1 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Betsy 6.51 Nobook           
 Gosu 0.16                     1.0 -- 0.0  NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit        
 Ayito 0.2.994                 1.0 -- 0.0  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 Waster 0.15                   1.0 -- 0.0  Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit    
 Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Nejmet 3.07                 
 Arion 1.7                     0.0 -- 1.0  Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit     
 Comet B68                     0.5 -- 0.5  Alex 2.14a 64-bit           
 BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit       
 Asterisk 0.6                  0.0 -- 1.0  Sorgenkind 0.4              
 Bearded N44.5 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit         
 KnightDreamer 3.3             0.0 -- 1.0  Absolute Zero 64-bit
 Jazz 840 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Hussar 0.4                  
 Eveann 1.72                   1.0 -- 0.0  Flux 2.21                   
 Quark 2.35                    1.0 -- 0.0  Tytan 9.32 64-bit           
 Caligula 0.7b                 1.0 -- 0.0  Adam 3.3                    
 RamJet 0.13                   0.0 -- 1.0  Ares 64-bit       
 Popochin 4.1 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Eeyore 1.52 64-bit          
 Leila 0.53h                   0.5 -- 0.5  RomiChess P3n 64-bit        
 PostModernist 1016            0.0 -- 1.0  Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit       
 Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Tigran 2.4n 64-bit          
 Aice 0.99.2                   1.0 -- 0.0  Delphil 3.2 64-bit          
 Sage 3.53                     1.0 -- 0.0  KnightX 1.92                
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Mediocre 0.5 64-bit         
 Gaia 3.5 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Der Bringer 1.9             
 King of Kings 2.56            0.0 -- 1.0  Patzer 3.80                 
 Lozza 1.18 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit         
 Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Nameless 1.1j 64-bit        
 Gromit 3.82                   1.0 -- 0.0  Delocto 0.6 64bit           
 Anubisx 0.052                 0.5 -- 0.5  Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit         
 Amy 0.87b                     0.0 -- 1.0  Xpdnt 091007                
 Diablo 0.5.1                  0.5 -- 0.5  Winter 0.2 64-bit           
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Orion 0.5 64-bit            
 TJchess 1.3 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit       
 Matacz 1.4                    1.0 -- 0.0  Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit     
 Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Trace 1.37a                 
 Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Yace 0.99.87                

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  77B+  22W+   6W+  10B+    4.0      9.5     2   +15
  2: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  76W+  78B+  16B+   7W+    4.0      8.0     2    +1
  3: Matacz 1.4                    2448  62B+  60W+  41B+  17W+    4.0      8.0     2   +17
  4: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  92B+  61W+  42W+  27B+    4.0      6.5     2   +15
  5: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  72W+  15B=  26W+  21B+    3.5      9.5     2    +8
  6: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  47B+  19W+   1B-  46B+    3.0     11.0     1    +6
  7: Trace 1.37a                   2507  49B+  46W+  24B+   2B-    3.0     10.5     1    +9
  8: Sage 3.53                     2327  31W+  13B=  11W=  52W+    3.0     10.5     3   +13
  9: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  25B=  14W=  44W+  55B+    3.0      9.5     2    -5
 10: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  84B+  50W+  23B+   1W-    3.0      9.5     2    +7
 11: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  39B=  29W+   8B=  45W+    3.0      9.5     2   +16
 12: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  34B=  67B+  30W+  22B=    3.0      9.0     1    +4
 13: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  54B+   8W=  39W=  56B+    3.0      9.0     2    +6
 14: Patzer 3.80                   2382  44W=   9B=  53W+  41B+    3.0      9.0     2    +9
 15: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  79B+   5W=  45W=  47W+    3.0      8.5     3    +9
 16: Gromit 3.82                   2426  90B+  71W+   2W-  40W+    3.0      8.0     3   +15
 17: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  93W+  66B+  43W+   3B-    3.0      8.0     2    +5
 18: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  81W+  21B-  63W+  39B+    3.0      7.0     2    +7
 19: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  87W+   6B-  82W+  42B+    3.0      7.0     2    +6
 20: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  40B-  86B+  50W+  43B+    3.0      7.0     1   +12
 21: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  64B+  18W+  27B=   5W-    2.5     10.5     2    +1
 22: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  63W+   1B-  49B+  12W=    2.5     10.5     2    +5
 23: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  57B+  36W+  10W-  28B=    2.5     10.0     2    -1
 24: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  59B+  32B+   7W-  25W=    2.5     10.0     2    +5
 25: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341   9W=  48B+  28W=  24B=    2.5     10.0     2    +8
 26: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  35W+  30B=   5B-  70B+    2.5     10.0     1   +14
 27: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  88W+  40B+  21W=   4W-    2.5      9.5     3    +7
 28: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  69B=  34W+  25B=  23W=    2.5      9.0     2    +1
 29: Ares 64-bit         2432  38W=  11B-  67W+  61B+    2.5      8.5     2    -3
 30: Quark 2.35                    2424  65B+  26W=  12B-  64W+    2.5      8.5     2     0
 31: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478   8B-  54W+  60B=  65W+    2.5      8.0     2    -3
 32: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  52B+  24W-  76W+  33B=    2.5      8.0     2    +1
 33: Leila 0.53h                   2388  85B=  44B=  48W+  32W=    2.5      7.5     2    -2
 34: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326  12W=  28B-  91W+  73B+    2.5      7.5     2    +5
 35: Hussar 0.4                    2419  26B-  65W=  69W+  62B+    2.5      7.0     2    -2
 36: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  86W+  23B-  51B=  68W+    2.5      7.0     2    +4
 37: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  74W+  43B-  70W=  66W+    2.5      6.5     3    -1
 38: Eveann 1.72                   2309  29B=  39W-  90B+  60W+    2.5      6.5     2    +9
 39: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  11W=  38B+  13B=  18W-    2.0     11.5     2    -5
 40: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  20W+  27W-  71B+  16B-    2.0     10.0     2   -11
 41: King of Kings 2.56            2438  75B+  68W+   3W-  14W-    2.0     10.0     3    -3
 42: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  73W+  83B+   4B-  19W-    2.0      9.5     2    -3
 43: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  80B+  37W+  17B-  20W-    2.0      9.5     2    +5
 44: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  14B=  33W=   9B-  80W+    2.0      9.5     2   +13
 45: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  67W=  69W+  15B=  11B-    2.0      9.0     2    -7
 46: Amy 0.87b                     2387  53B+   7B-  84W+   6W-    2.0      9.0     2    -1
 47: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319   6W-  87B+  83W+  15B-    2.0      8.0     2    +1
 48: Waster 0.15                   2181  51W+  25W-  33B-  82W+    2.0      8.0     3    +7
 49: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   7W-  81B+  22W-  77B+    2.0      7.5     2    +1
 50: Gosu 0.16                     2384  96W+  10B-  20B-  79W+    2.0      7.0     2    -4
 51: Comet B68                     2377  48B-  88B+  36W=  71W=    2.0      7.0     2    -4
 52: KnightX 1.92                  2300  32W-  91W+  80B+   8B-    2.0      7.0     2    +1
 53: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  46W-  77W+  14B-  81W+    2.0      7.0     3    +7
 54: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288  13W-  31B-  95B+  78W+    2.0      6.5     2    +4
 55: PostModernist 1016            2391  61B-  92W+  78B+   9W-    2.0      6.0     2     0
 56: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  91B=  85W+  68B=  13W-    2.0      6.0     2    -4
 57: Now 0.1x                      2338  23W-  63B-  94B+  84W+    2.0      5.5     2    -1
 58: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  60B-  64W=  74B=  83W+    2.0      5.5     2    +9
 59: Parrot 07.07.22               2071  24W-  90W=  79B=  76B+    2.0      5.0     2   +11
 60: Flux 2.21                     2373  58W+   3B-  31W=  38B-    1.5     11.0     2    -6
 61: RamJet 0.13                   2213  55W+   4B-  73B=  29W-    1.5     10.0     2    +4
 62: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   3W-  89B+  66B=  35W-    1.5      9.0     2    -5
 63: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  22B-  57W+  18B-  75W=    1.5      9.0     2    +3
 64: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329  21W-  58B=  72W+  30B-    1.5      8.5     2    -4
 65: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  30W-  35B=  85B+  31B-    1.5      8.5     1     0
 66: Adam 3.3                      2228  70B+  17W-  62W=  37B-    1.5      8.5     2    +3
 67: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  45B=  12W-  29B-  93W+    1.5      8.0     2     0
 68: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  89W+  41B-  56W=  36B-    1.5      7.5     2    -6
 69: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  28W=  45B-  35B-  90W+    1.5      7.5     2     0
 70: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  66W-  93B+  37B=  26W-    1.5      7.0     2   -11
 71: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  95W+  16B-  40W-  51B=    1.5      7.0     2    -3
 72: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336   5B-  79W=  64B-  89W+    1.5      7.0     2    -7
 73: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  42B-  95W+  61W=  34W-    1.5      6.0     3    -7
 74: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  37B-  80W-  58W=  91B+    1.5      6.0     2    -5
 75: Averno 0.81                   2310  41W-  82B-  96W+  63B=    1.5      4.5     2    -8
 76: Horizon 4.4                   2342   2B-  94W+  32B-  59W-    1.0      9.0     2    -9
 77: Arion 1.7                     2334   1W-  53B-  86B+  49W-    1.0      9.0     2   -11
 78: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  94B+   2W-  55W-  54B-    1.0      8.5     2    -9
 79: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  15W-  72B=  59W=  50B-    1.0      8.5     2    -5
 80: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  43W-  74B+  52W-  44B-    1.0      7.5     2   -18
 81: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  18B-  49W-  92W+  53B-    1.0      7.5     2    -4
 82: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  83W-  75W+  19B-  48B-    1.0      7.5     2    -2
 83: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  82B+  42W-  47B-  58B-    1.0      7.0     1   -15
 84: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331  10W-  96B+  46B-  57B-    1.0      7.0     1    -9
 85: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  33W=  56B-  65W-  87W=    1.0      7.0     3    -5
 86: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  36B-  20W-  77W-  96B+    1.0      6.5     2    -5
 87: InmiChess 3.05                2160  19B-  47W-  93W=  85B=    1.0      6.5     2    -3
 88: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  27B-  51W-  89W-  95B+    1.0      5.5     2    -9
 89: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  68B-  62W-  88B+  72B-    1.0      5.5     1    -1
 90: Joker 1.1.14                  2306  16W-  59B=  38W-  69B-    0.5      9.0     2   -16
 91: Matheus 2.3                   2053  56W=  52B-  34B-  74W-    0.5      8.0     2    -2
 92: Natwarlal 0.14                2262   4W-  55B-  81B-  94W=    0.5      7.5     2   -13
 93: Zeus 1.29                     2254  17B-  70W-  87B=  67B-    0.5      7.0     1   -11
 94: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  78W-  76B-  57W-  92B=    0.5      4.5     2    -9
 95: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  71B-  73B-  54W-  88W-    0.0      6.0     2   -11
 96: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  50B-  84W-  75B-  86W-    0.0      5.5     2   -14

Code: Select all

------------------ ROUND 5. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Chispa 4.0.3                 ----   Prophet 3.0 64-bit              
   2: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit     ----   Matheus 2.3                     
   3: Zeus 1.29                    ----   Joker 1.1.14                    
   4: Protej 0.5.8c                ----   Natwarlal 0.14                  
   5: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit     ----   Gothmog 1.0b10                  
   6: InmiChess 3.05               ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
   7: Buzz 0.08 64-bit             ----   NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit            
   8: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu      
   9: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit    ----   Arion 1.7                       
  10: Betsy 6.51 Nobook            ----   Horizon 4.4                     
  11: Uralochka 1.1b               ----   Averno 0.81                     
  12: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit           ----   Adam 3.3                        
  13: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit        ----   Asterisk 0.6                    
  14: Tytan 9.32 64-bit            ----   Alex 2.14a 64-bit               
  15: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit         ----   Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit             
  16: KnightDreamer 3.3            ----   Jazz 840 64-bit                 
  17: RamJet 0.13                  ----   Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit           
  18: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit          ----   Flux 2.21                       
  19: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   Parrot 07.07.22                 
  20: Clunk 1.1 64-bit             ----   Waster 0.15                     
  21: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit          ----   Now 0.1x                        
  22: Amy 0.87b                    ----   Popochin 4.1 64-bit             
  23: Delphil 3.2 64-bit           ----   PostModernist 1016              
  24: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit          ----   Ayito 0.2.994                   
  25: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit          ----   ChessAlex 2.0r4                 
  26: Gaia 3.5 64-bit              ----   KnightX 1.92                    
  27: Comet B68                    ----   King of Kings 2.56              
  28: Delocto 0.6 64bit            ----   Gosu 0.16                       
  29: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit      ----   Lozza 1.18 64-bit               
  30: Quark 2.35                   ----   Eveann 1.72                     
  31: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         ----   Caligula 0.7b                   
  32: Hussar 0.4                   ----   TJchess 1.3 64-bit              
  33: Absolute Zero 64-bit ----   Bearded N44.5 64-bit            
  34: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit          ----   Sorgenkind 0.4                  
  35: Anubisx 0.052                ----   Leila 0.53h                     
  36: RomiChess P3n 64-bit         ----   Nameless 1.1j 64-bit            
  37: Diablo 0.5.1                 ----   BBChess 1.3b 64-bit             
  38: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           ----   Ares 64-bit           
  39: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit           ----   Eeyore 1.52 64-bit              
  40: Winter 0.2 64-bit            ----   Der Bringer 1.9                 
  41: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit          ----   Aice 0.99.2                     
  42: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit      ----   Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit         
  43: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit        ----   Gromit 3.82                     
  44: Trace 1.37a                  ----   MadChess 2.2 64-bit             
  45: Xpdnt 091007                 ----   Patzer 3.80                     
  46: Orion 0.5 64-bit             ----   Sage 3.53                       
  47: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit        ----   Xiphos 0.3 64-bit               
  48: Matacz 1.4                   ----   Yace 0.99.87                    

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:57 am
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Chispa 4.0.3                  0.5 -- 0.5  Prophet 3.0 64-bit          
 GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      0.5 -- 0.5  Matheus 2.3                 
 Zeus 1.29                     0.0 -- 1.0  Joker 1.1.14                
 Protej 0.5.8c                 1.0 -- 0.0  Natwarlal 0.14              
 Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Gothmog 1.0b10              
 InmiChess 3.05                0.0 -- 1.0  Nejmet 3.07                 
 Buzz 0.08 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit        
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu  
 Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     0.5 -- 0.5  Arion 1.7                   
 Betsy 6.51 Nobook             0.0 -- 1.0  Horizon 4.4                 
 Uralochka 1.1b                0.0 -- 1.0  Averno 0.81                 
 Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Adam 3.3                    
 KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Asterisk 0.6                
 Tytan 9.32 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Alex 2.14a 64-bit           
 Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit         
 KnightDreamer 3.3             0.0 -- 1.0  Jazz 840 64-bit             
 RamJet 0.13                   1.0 -- 0.0  Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit       
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Flux 2.21                   
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  1.0 -- 0.0  Parrot 07.07.22             
 Clunk 1.1 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Waster 0.15                 
 Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Now 0.1x                    
 Amy 0.87b                     0.0 -- 1.0  Popochin 4.1 64-bit         
 Delphil 3.2 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  PostModernist 1016          
 Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Ayito 0.2.994               
 Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  ChessAlex 2.0r4             
 Gaia 3.5 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  KnightX 1.92                
 Comet B68                     0.0 -- 1.0  King of Kings 2.56          
 Delocto 0.6 64bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Gosu 0.16                   
 Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Lozza 1.18 64-bit           
 Quark 2.35                    1.0 -- 0.0  Eveann 1.72                 
 Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Caligula 0.7b               
 Hussar 0.4                    1.0 -- 0.0  TJchess 1.3 64-bit          
 Absolute Zero 64-bit  1.0 -- 0.0  Bearded N44.5 64-bit        
 Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Sorgenkind 0.4              
 Anubisx 0.052                 0.5 -- 0.5  Leila 0.53h                 
 RomiChess P3n 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Nameless 1.1j 64-bit        
 Diablo 0.5.1                  0.0 -- 1.0  BBChess 1.3b 64-bit         
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Ares 64-bit       
 Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Eeyore 1.52 64-bit          
 Winter 0.2 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Der Bringer 1.9             
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Aice 0.99.2                 
 Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       0.5 -- 0.5  Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit     
 Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Gromit 3.82                 
 Trace 1.37a                   1.0 -- 0.0  MadChess 2.2 64-bit         
 Xpdnt 091007                  1.0 -- 0.0  Patzer 3.80                 
 Orion 0.5 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Sage 3.53                   
 OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Xiphos 0.3 64-bit           
 Matacz 1.4                    1.0 -- 0.0  Yace 0.99.87                

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Matacz 1.4                    2448  44B+  58W+  28B+  19W+   4W+    5.0     15.0     3   +22
  2: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  68W+  85B+  25B+   5W+  10B+    5.0     14.0     2    +1
  3: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  53W+  29B=  14W+  13B+  22W+    4.5     15.5     3   +10
  4: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  81B+  39W+   9W+  16B+   1B-    4.0     16.5     2   +10
  5: Trace 1.37a                   2507  66B+  59W+  26B+   2B-  29W+    4.0     15.0     2   +12
  6: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  12B=  24W=  41W+  54B+  25W+    4.0     14.5     3    -3
  7: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  52B+  22W=  23W=  35B+  30B+    4.0     14.5     2   +10
  8: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  43B=  51B+  17W+  39B=  33W+    4.0     14.0     2    +8
  9: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  67B+  33W+   4B-  59B+  24W+    4.0     14.0     2   +10
 10: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  93B+  49W+  62W+  38B+   2W-    4.0     12.5     3   +15
 11: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  89W+  13B-  78W+  23B+  27W+    4.0     12.0     3   +11
 12: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341   6W=  34B+  18W=  26B=  43W+    3.5     16.0     3   +13
 13: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  61B+  11W+  38B=   3W-  42W+    3.5     15.5     3    +5
 14: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  21W+  17B=   3B-  82B+  46W+    3.5     15.5     2   +21
 15: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  37B+  46W+  16W-  18B=  40B+    3.5     15.0     2    +2
 16: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  83B+  55W+  15B+   4W-  19W=    3.5     15.0     3    +6
 17: Quark 2.35                    2424  60B+  14W=   8B-  61W+  48W+    3.5     14.0     3    +4
 18: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  79B=  43W+  12B=  15W=  50W+    3.5     13.5     3    +6
 19: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  94W+  80B+  32W+   1B-  16B=    3.5     13.5     2    +6
 20: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  22B-  52W+  58B=  60W+  39B+    3.5     12.0     2     0
 21: Hussar 0.4                    2419  14B-  60W=  79W+  44B+  38W+    3.5     12.0     3    +3
 22: Sage 3.53                     2327  20W+   7B=  27W=  36W+   3B-    3.0     18.0     3   +10
 23: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  27W=  48B+   7B=  11W-  66B+    3.0     15.5     2    -1
 24: Patzer 3.80                   2382  41W=   6B=  69W+  28B+   9B-    3.0     15.5     2    +6
 25: Gromit 3.82                   2426  84B+  71W+   2W-  45W+   6B-    3.0     15.0     3   +13
 26: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  73B+  40B+   5W-  12W=  31W=    3.0     15.0     3    +5
 27: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  23B=  42W+  22B=  47W+  11B-    3.0     15.0     2   +12
 28: King of Kings 2.56            2438  57B+  64W+   1W-  24W-  63B+    3.0     14.5     3    +1
 29: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  86B+   3W=  47W=  67W+   5B-    3.0     14.0     3    +6
 30: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  45B-  76B+  55W+  32B+   7W-    3.0     14.0     2    +8
 31: Leila 0.53h                   2388  72B=  41B=  34W+  40W=  26B=    3.0     13.0     2    -3
 32: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  65B+  50W+  19B-  30W-  69W+    3.0     13.0     3    +9
 33: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  90W+   9B-  88W+  62B+   8B-    3.0     12.0     2    +3
 34: Waster 0.15                   2181  63W+  12W-  31B-  88W+  70B+    3.0     11.5     3   +11
 35: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  87B=  72W+  64B=   7W-  59B+    3.0     11.0     2    +2
 36: KnightX 1.92                  2300  40W-  87W+  65B+  22B-  62B+    3.0     10.5     2    +7
 37: Now 0.1x                      2338  15W-  78B-  92B+  83W+  67B+    3.0      9.5     2    +4
 38: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  77W+  45B+  13W=  10W-  21B-    2.5     15.5     3    +2
 39: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  78W+   4B-  66B+   8W=  20W-    2.5     15.0     3    +1
 40: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  36B+  26W-  68W+  31B=  15W-    2.5     14.5     3    -3
 41: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  24B=  31W=   6B-  65W+  52W=    2.5     14.5     3   +14
 42: Ares 64-bit         2432  48W=  27B-  51W+  49B+  13B-    2.5     14.0     2    -7
 43: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326   8W=  18B-  87W+  74B+  12B-    2.5     14.0     2     0
 44: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   1W-  75B+  80B=  21W-  82B+    2.5     13.5     2    +1
 45: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  30W+  38W-  71B+  25B-  55W=    2.5     13.0     3   -14
 46: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  76W+  15B-  63B=  64W+  14B-    2.5     13.0     2    -3
 47: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  51W=  79W+  29B=  27B-  54W=    2.5     12.5     3    -9
 48: Eveann 1.72                   2309  42B=  23W-  84B+  58W+  17B-    2.5     12.5     2    +6
 49: RamJet 0.13                   2213  54W+  10B-  74B=  42W-  79W+    2.5     12.5     3   +11
 50: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  56W+  32B-  82W=  80W+  18B-    2.5     12.0     3    -6
 51: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  47B=   8W-  42B-  94W+  73W+    2.5     11.5     3    +2
 52: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288   7W-  20B-  96B+  85W+  41B=    2.5     11.5     2    +2
 53: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336   3B-  86W=  61B-  75W+  78B+    2.5     11.0     2    -4
 54: PostModernist 1016            2391  49B-  93W+  85B+   6W-  47B=    2.5     10.5     2    +1
 55: Gosu 0.16                     2384  95W+  16B-  30B-  86W+  45B=    2.5     10.5     2    -1
 56: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  50B-  65W-  70W=  87B+  80W+    2.5      9.0     3    -1
 57: Averno 0.81                   2310  28W-  88B-  95W+  78B=  89B+    2.5      7.0     2    -5
 58: Flux 2.21                     2373  70W+   1B-  20W=  48B-  64B=    2.0     15.0     2    -6
 59: Amy 0.87b                     2387  69B+   5B-  83W+   9W-  35W-    2.0     14.5     3    -6
 60: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  17W-  21B=  72B+  20B-  74W=    2.0     14.5     2     0
 61: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329  13W-  70B=  53W+  17B-  71W=    2.0     13.5     3    -3
 62: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  74W+  91B+  10B-  33W-  36W-    2.0     13.0     3   -10
 63: Comet B68                     2377  34B-  77B+  46W=  71W=  28W-    2.0     12.5     3    -9
 64: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  75W+  28B-  35W=  46B-  58W=    2.0     12.5     3    -6
 65: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  32W-  56B+  36W-  41B-  90B+    2.0     12.0     2   -16
 66: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   5W-  89B+  39W-  81B+  23W-    2.0     12.0     3    -2
 67: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319   9W-  90B+  91W+  29B-  37W-    2.0     12.0     3    -3
 68: Horizon 4.4                   2342   2B-  92W+  40B-  73W-  91B+    2.0     11.5     2    -4
 69: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  59W-  81W+  24B-  89W+  32B-    2.0     10.5     3    +3
 70: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  58B-  61W=  56B=  91W+  34W-    2.0     10.5     3    +4
 71: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  96W+  25B-  45W-  63B=  61B=    2.0     10.0     2    -4
 72: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  31W=  35B-  60W-  90W=  85B+    2.0     10.0     3    +2
 73: Parrot 07.07.22               2071  26W-  84W=  86B=  68B+  51B-    2.0     10.0     2    +9
 74: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  62B-  96W+  49W=  43W-  60B=    2.0      9.5     3    -7
 75: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  64B-  44W-  77B+  53B-  93W+    2.0      9.5     2    +5
 76: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  46B-  30W-  81W-  95B+  86W+    2.0      8.5     3     0
 77: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  38B-  63W-  75W-  96B+  88B+    2.0      8.0     2    -5
 78: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  39B-  37W+  11B-  57W=  53W-    1.5     14.5     3     0
 79: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  18W=  47B-  21B-  84W+  49B-    1.5     13.5     2    -6
 80: Adam 3.3                      2228  82B+  19W-  44W=  50B-  56B-    1.5     12.5     2    -1
 81: Arion 1.7                     2334   4W-  69B-  76B+  66W-  83B=    1.5     11.5     2   -11
 82: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  80W-  94B+  50B=  14W-  44W-    1.5     10.5     3   -17
 83: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331  16W-  95B+  59B-  37B-  81W=    1.5     10.5     2    -9
 84: Joker 1.1.14                  2306  25W-  73B=  48W-  79B-  94B+    1.5      9.5     2   -12
 85: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  92B+   2W-  54W-  52B-  72W-    1.0     13.0     3   -17
 86: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  29W-  53B=  73W=  55B-  76B-    1.0     12.0     2   -10
 87: Matheus 2.3                   2053  35W=  36B-  43B-  56W-  92B=    1.0     12.0     2     0
 88: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  91W-  57W+  33B-  34B-  77W-    1.0     11.5     3    -5
 89: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  11B-  66W-  93W+  69B-  57W-    1.0     11.0     3    -8
 90: InmiChess 3.05                2160  33B-  67W-  94W=  72B=  65W-    1.0      9.5     3    -5
 91: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  88B+  62W-  67B-  70B-  68W-    1.0      9.0     2   -20
 92: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  85W-  68B-  37W-  93B=  87W=    1.0      7.5     3   -12
 93: Natwarlal 0.14                2262  10W-  54B-  89B-  92W=  75B-    0.5     10.5     2   -19
 94: Zeus 1.29                     2254  19B-  82W-  90B=  51B-  84W-    0.5     10.0     2   -15
 95: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  55B-  83W-  57B-  76W-  96W=    0.5      9.0     3   -15
 96: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  71B-  74B-  52W-  77W-  95B

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 6. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Prophet 3.0 64-bit           ----   Zeus 1.29                       
   2: Natwarlal 0.14               ----   Chispa 4.0.3                    
   3: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit     ----   Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit        
   4: Betsy 6.51 Nobook            ----   Matheus 2.3                     
   5: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit         ----   InmiChess 3.05                  
   6: Uralochka 1.1b               ----   Giraffe 20161023 64-bit         
   7: Arion 1.7                    ----   KnightDreamer 3.3               
   8: Adam 3.3                     ----   Joker 1.1.14                    
   9: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit    ----   Chexa 0.49991 64-bit            
  10: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit        ----   ChessAlex 2.0r4                 
  11: Gothmog 1.0b10               ----   Mediocre 0.5 64-bit             
  12: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   Buzz 0.08 64-bit                
  13: Asterisk 0.6                 ----   Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit             
  14: Protej 0.5.8c                ----   Comet B68                       
  15: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu   ----   Gaia 3.5 64-bit                 
  16: Parrot 07.07.22              ----   Tytan 9.32 64-bit               
  17: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit        ----   Clunk 1.1 64-bit                
  18: Alex 2.14a 64-bit            ----   Amy 0.87b                       
  19: Flux 2.21                    ----   Horizon 4.4                     
  20: Averno 0.81                  ----   Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit         
  21: Bearded N44.5 64-bit         ----   Rival 1.0.1 64-bit              
  22: PostModernist 1016           ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit               
  23: Gosu 0.16                    ----   Jazz 840 64-bit                 
  24: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          ----   Sorgenkind 0.4                  
  25: Ayito 0.2.994                ----   Ares 64-bit           
  26: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit             
  27: RomiChess P3n 64-bit         ----   Caligula 0.7b                   
  28: Diablo 0.5.1                 ----   RamJet 0.13                     
  29: Eveann 1.72                  ----   TJchess 1.3 64-bit              
  30: Now 0.1x                     ----   Delphil 3.2 64-bit              
  31: KnightX 1.92                 ----   King of Kings 2.56              
  32: Aice 0.99.2                  ----   Waster 0.15                     
  33: Popochin 4.1 64-bit          ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
  34: Der Bringer 1.9              ----   Gromit 3.82                     
  35: Patzer 3.80                  ----   Sungorus 1.4 64-bit             
  36: Leila 0.53h                  ----   Lozza 1.18 64-bit               
  37: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit           ----   Sage 3.53                       
  38: Hussar 0.4                   ----   MadChess 2.2 64-bit             
  39: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit          ----   Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit         
  40: Absolute Zero 64-bit ----   Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit            
  41: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit      ----   Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit              
  42: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit          ----   Quark 2.35                      
  43: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit         ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit             
  44: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit           ----   OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit           
  45: Xpdnt 091007                 ----   Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit           
  46: Yace 0.99.87                 ----   Winter 0.2 64-bit               
  47: Trace 1.37a                  ----   Orion 0.5 64-bit                
  48: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit            ----   Matacz 1.4                      

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:39 am
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Prophet 3.0 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Zeus 1.29                   
 Natwarlal 0.14                1.0 -- 0.0  Chispa 4.0.3                
 GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      0.5 -- 0.5  Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit    
 Betsy 6.51 Nobook             1.0 -- 0.0  Matheus 2.3                 
 NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  InmiChess 3.05              
 Uralochka 1.1b                1.0 -- 0.0  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 Arion 1.7                     1.0 -- 0.0  KnightDreamer 3.3           
 Adam 3.3                      1.0 -- 0.0  Joker 1.1.14                
 Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     1.0 -- 0.0  Chexa 0.49991 64-bit        
 Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  ChessAlex 2.0r4             
 Gothmog 1.0b10                1.0 -- 0.0  Mediocre 0.5 64-bit         
 Nejmet 3.07                   0.0 -- 1.0  Buzz 0.08 64-bit            
 Asterisk 0.6                  0.5 -- 0.5  Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit         
 Protej 0.5.8c                 0.5 -- 0.5  Comet B68                   
 RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    0.0 -- 1.0  Gaia 3.5 64-bit             
 Parrot 07.07.22               0.0 -- 1.0  Tytan 9.32 64-bit           
 KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Clunk 1.1 64-bit            
 Alex 2.14a 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Amy 0.87b                   
 Flux 2.21                     0.0 -- 1.0  Horizon 4.4                 
 Averno 0.81                   0.5 -- 0.5  Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit     
 Bearded N44.5 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Rival 1.0.1 64-bit          
 PostModernist 1016            0.0 -- 1.0  Delocto 0.6 64bit           
 Gosu 0.16                     0.0 -- 1.0  Jazz 840 64-bit             
 Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Sorgenkind 0.4              
 Ayito 0.2.994                 0.5 -- 0.5  Ares 64-bit       
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.5 -- 0.5  Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit         
 RomiChess P3n 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Caligula 0.7b               
 Diablo 0.5.1                  1.0 -- 0.0  RamJet 0.13                 
 Eveann 1.72                   0.0 -- 1.0  TJchess 1.3 64-bit          
 Now 0.1x                      0.0 -- 1.0  Delphil 3.2 64-bit          
 KnightX 1.92                  0.0 -- 1.0  King of Kings 2.56          
 Aice 0.99.2                   1.0 -- 0.0  Waster 0.15                 
 Popochin 4.1 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 Der Bringer 1.9               0.0 -- 1.0  Gromit 3.82                 
 Patzer 3.80                   1.0 -- 0.0  Sungorus 1.4 64-bit         
 Leila 0.53h                   0.0 -- 1.0  Lozza 1.18 64-bit           
 Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Sage 3.53                   
 Hussar 0.4                    0.0 -- 1.0  MadChess 2.2 64-bit         
 BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit     
 Absolute Zero 64-bit  1.0 -- 0.0  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit        
 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit          
 Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Quark 2.35                  
 Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit         
 Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit       
 Xpdnt 091007                  0.5 -- 0.5  Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit       
 Yace 0.99.87                  0.0 -- 1.0  Winter 0.2 64-bit           
 Trace 1.37a                   1.0 -- 0.0  Orion 0.5 64-bit            
 Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Matacz 1.4                  

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  49W+  92B+  20B+   2W+  10B+   3W+    6.0     22.5     3    +1
  2: Trace 1.37a                   2507  59B+  39W+  22B+   1B-  24W+   5W+    5.0     24.0     3   +17
  3: Matacz 1.4                    2448  38B+  74W+  23B+  31W+  14W+   1B-    5.0     23.0     3   +22
  4: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  35B=  46B+  16W+  32B=  40W+  14B+    5.0     21.0     2   +13
  5: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  67W+  24B=  12W+   7B+  25W+   2B-    4.5     24.0     3    +5
  6: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  15B=  17W=  43W+  65B+  20W+  11B=    4.5     22.0     3    -6
  7: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  50B+  21W+  27B=   5W-  41W+  31B+    4.5     21.5     3    +9
  8: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  53B+  25W=  19W=  48B+  33B+  10W=    4.5     21.5     3   +10
  9: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  55B+  34W+  26W-  28B=  29B+  21W+    4.5     21.0     3    +5
 10: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  89B+  63W+  47W+  27B+   1W-   8B=    4.5     21.0     3   +15
 11: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  75B+  40W+  14B-  39B+  17W+   6W=    4.5     20.5     3   +13
 12: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  30W+  16B=   5B-  86B+  34W+  28W+    4.5     20.5     3   +29
 13: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  25B-  53W+  74B=  45W+  32B+  26W+    4.5     18.5     3    +6
 14: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  66B+  32W+  11W+  26B+   3B-   4W-    4.0     24.0     3    +4
 15: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341   6W=  52B+  28W=  22B=  35W+  16W=    4.0     22.5     4   +14
 16: Quark 2.35                    2424  45B+  12W=   4B-  50W+  61W+  15B=    4.0     22.0     3    +3
 17: Patzer 3.80                   2382  43W=   6B=  54W+  23B+  11B-  44W+    4.0     22.0     3   +10
 18: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  19B=  41W+  25B=  37W+  21B-  52W+    4.0     21.0     3   +15
 19: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  18W=  61B+   8B=  21W-  59B+  42B+    4.0     20.5     2    +3
 20: Gromit 3.82                   2426  88B+  77W+   1W-  36W+   6B-  40B+    4.0     20.5     3   +17
 21: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  81W+   7B-  84W+  19B+  18W+   9B-    4.0     20.5     3    +9
 22: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  79B+  29B+   2W-  15W=  42W=  48B+    4.0     20.5     3   +10
 23: King of Kings 2.56            2438  58B+  62W+   3W-  17W-  60B+  51B+    4.0     20.0     3    +4
 24: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  93B+   5W=  37W=  75W+   2B-  30B+    4.0     19.5     3   +11
 25: Sage 3.53                     2327  13W+   8B=  18W=  51W+   5B-  33B=    3.5     24.0     3   +10
 26: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  72B+  68W+   9B+  14W-  31W=  13B-    3.5     21.5     3    +1
 27: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  57W+  36B+   7W=  10W-  30B-  61B+    3.5     21.5     3    +6
 28: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  85B=  35W+  15B=   9W=  64W+  12B-    3.5     20.5     3    -2
 29: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  51B+  22W-  49W+  42B=   9W-  64W+    3.5     20.0     4    +2
 30: Hussar 0.4                    2419  12B-  45W=  85W+  38B+  27W+  24W-    3.5     20.0     4    -2
 31: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  90W+  71B+  44W+   3B-  26B=   7W-    3.5     20.0     3    +2
 32: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  84W+  14B-  59B+   4W=  13W-  63W+    3.5     20.0     4    +4
 33: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  36B-  56B+  68W+  44B+   8W-  25W=    3.5     20.0     3    +8
 34: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  56W+   9B-  60B=  62W+  12B-  73W+    3.5     19.5     3     0
 35: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326   4W=  28B-  94W+  70B+  15B-  67B+    3.5     18.5     2    +6
 36: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  33W+  27W-  77B+  20B-  68W=  65B+    3.5     18.0     3   -12
 37: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  46W=  85W+  24B=  18B-  65W=  55B+    3.5     18.0     3    -5
 38: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   3W-  69B+  71B=  30W-  86B+  68B+    3.5     17.5     2    +7
 39: Amy 0.87b                     2387  54B+   2B-  72W+  11W-  48W-  77B+    3.0     20.0     3    -2
 40: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  83W+  11B-  87W+  47B+   4B-  20W-    3.0     20.0     3    -2
 41: Ares 64-bit         2432  61W=  18B-  46W+  63B+   7B-  53B=    3.0     19.5     2    -9
 42: Leila 0.53h                   2388  80B=  43B=  52W+  29W=  22B=  19W-    3.0     19.5     3    -7
 43: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  17B=  42W=   6B-  76W+  53W=  46B=    3.0     19.5     3   +16
 44: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  76B+  64W+  31B-  33W-  54W+  17B-    3.0     18.5     3    +5
 45: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  16W-  30B=  80B+  13B-  70W=  78W+    3.0     18.5     3    +4
 46: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  37B=   4W-  41B-  90W+  79W+  43W=    3.0     18.0     4     0
 47: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  70W+  82B+  10B-  40W-  51W-  80B+    3.0     17.0     3    -8
 48: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  94B=  80W+  62B=   8W-  39B+  22W-    3.0     17.0     3    -3
 49: Horizon 4.4                   2342   1B-  91W+  29B-  79W-  82B+  74B+    3.0     17.0     2    +2
 50: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329   7W-  78B=  67W+  16B-  77W=  79B+    3.0     17.0     3    -2
 51: KnightX 1.92                  2300  29W-  94W+  76B+  25B-  47B+  23W-    3.0     17.0     3    +4
 52: Waster 0.15                   2181  60W+  15W-  42B-  87W+  78B+  18B-    3.0     17.0     3    +8
 53: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288   8W-  13B-  96B+  92W+  43B=  41W=    3.0     16.5     3    +4
 54: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  39W-  66W+  17B-  81W+  44B-  85B+    3.0     16.0     3   +10
 55: Now 0.1x                      2338   9W-  84B-  91B+  72W+  75B+  37W-    3.0     15.5     3    +1
 56: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  34B-  33W-  66W-  95B+  93W+  76B+    3.0     13.0     3    +7
 57: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  27B-  60W-  69W-  96B+  87B+  75W+    3.0     12.5     3    +1
 58: Averno 0.81                   2310  23W-  87B-  95W+  84B=  81B+  59W=    3.0     12.0     3    -5
 59: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   2W-  81B+  32W-  66B+  19W-  58B=    2.5     20.0     3    -3
 60: Comet B68                     2377  52B-  57B+  34W=  77W=  23W-  69B=    2.5     18.0     3   -11
 61: Eveann 1.72                   2309  41B=  19W-  88B+  74W+  16B-  27W-    2.5     18.0     3    +2
 62: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  69W+  23B-  48W=  34B-  74W=  70B=    2.5     17.5     3    -7
 63: RamJet 0.13                   2213  65W+  10B-  70B=  41W-  85W+  32B-    2.5     17.5     3    +8
 64: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  73W+  44B-  86W=  71W+  28B-  29B-    2.5     16.5     3   -11
 65: PostModernist 1016            2391  63B-  89W+  92B+   6W-  37B=  36W-    2.5     16.5     3    -1
 66: Arion 1.7                     2334  14W-  54B-  56B+  59W-  72B=  86W+    2.5     16.5     3    -5
 67: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336   5B-  93W=  50B-  69W+  84B+  35W-    2.5     16.0     3    -9
 68: Gosu 0.16                     2384  95W+  26B-  33B-  93W+  36B=  38W-    2.5     15.5     3    -7
 69: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  62B-  38W-  57B+  67B-  89W+  60W=    2.5     15.5     3    +8
 70: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  47B-  96W+  63W=  35W-  45B=  62W=    2.5     15.0     4    -7
 71: Adam 3.3                      2228  86B+  31W-  38W=  64B-  73B-  88W+    2.5     15.0     3    +5
 72: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331  26W-  95B+  39B-  55B-  66W=  84W+    2.5     14.0     3    -5
 73: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  64B-  76W-  78W=  94B+  71W+  34B-    2.5     13.5     3    -4
 74: Flux 2.21                     2373  78W+   3B-  13W=  61B-  62B=  49W-    2.0     19.5     3   -12
 75: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319  11W-  83B+  82W+  24B-  55W-  57B-    2.0     18.5     3    -9
 76: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  44W-  73B+  51W-  43B-  83B+  56W-    2.0     16.5     3   -24
 77: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  96W+  20B-  36W-  60B=  50B=  39W-    2.0     16.5     3    -8
 78: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  74B-  50W=  73B=  82W+  52W-  45B-    2.0     15.5     3    +1
 79: Parrot 07.07.22               2071  22W-  88W=  93B=  49B+  46B-  50W-    2.0     15.5     3    +8
 80: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  42W=  48B-  45W-  83W=  92B+  47W-    2.0     15.0     4     0
 81: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  21B-  59W-  89W+  54B-  58W-  92W+    2.0     15.0     4     0
 82: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  87B+  47W-  75B-  78B-  49W-  94W+    2.0     12.5     3   -18
 83: InmiChess 3.05                2160  40B-  75W-  90W=  80B=  76W-  93B+    2.0     11.5     3    +1
 84: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  32B-  55W+  21B-  58W=  67W-  72B-    1.5     18.5     3    -3
 85: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  28W=  37B-  30B-  88W+  63B-  54W-    1.5     17.5     3   -13
 86: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  71W-  90B+  64B=  12W-  38W-  66B-    1.5     17.0     3   -23
 87: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  82W-  58W+  40B-  52B-  57W-  91B=    1.5     15.5     3    -4
 88: Joker 1.1.14                  2306  20W-  79B=  61W-  85B-  90B+  71B-    1.5     14.0     2   -18
 89: Natwarlal 0.14                2262  10W-  65B-  81B-  91W=  69B-  95W+    1.5     13.5     3   -15
 90: Zeus 1.29                     2254  31B-  86W-  83B=  46B-  88W-  96B+    1.5     12.0     2   -12
 91: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  92W-  49B-  55W-  89B=  94W=  87W=    1.5     11.0     4   -13
 92: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  91B+   1W-  65W-  53B-  80W-  81B-    1.0     17.0     3   -25
 93: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  24W-  67B=  79W=  68B-  56B-  83W-    1.0     16.0     3   -15
 94: Matheus 2.3                   2053  48W=  51B-  35B-  73W-  91B=  82B-    1.0     15.5     2    -1
 95: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  68B-  72W-  58B-  56W-  96W=  89B-    0.5     13.0     3   -19
 96: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  77B-  70B-  53W-  57W-  95B=  90W-    0.5     12.5     3   -13

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 7. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit         ----   Prophet 3.0 64-bit              
   2: Chispa 4.0.3                 ----   Giraffe 20161023 64-bit         
   3: Matheus 2.3                  ----   Natwarlal 0.14                  
   4: Joker 1.1.14                 ----   GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit        
   5: Zeus 1.29                    ----   Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit           
   6: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit     ----   Chexa 0.49991 64-bit            
   7: KnightDreamer 3.3            ----   InmiChess 3.05                  
   8: Alex 2.14a 64-bit            ----   Uralochka 1.1b                  
   9: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu      
  10: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit          ----   Clunk 1.1 64-bit                
  11: Betsy 6.51 Nobook            ----   Flux 2.21                       
  12: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit           ----   Parrot 07.07.22                 
  13: Adam 3.3                     ----   PostModernist 1016              
  14: Caligula 0.7b                ----   Asterisk 0.6                    
  15: RamJet 0.13                  ----   Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit       
  16: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit          ----   Gosu 0.16                       
  17: Protej 0.5.8c                ----   Eveann 1.72                     
  18: Comet B68                    ----   Arion 1.7                       
  19: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          ----   Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit         
  20: Averno 0.81                  ----   Popochin 4.1 64-bit             
  21: Gaia 3.5 64-bit              ----   Gothmog 1.0b10                  
  22: Buzz 0.08 64-bit             ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
  23: ChessAlex 2.0r4              ----   KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit           
  24: Now 0.1x                     ----   Sungorus 1.4 64-bit             
  25: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit          ----   Waster 0.15                     
  26: Leila 0.53h                  ----   Ayito 0.2.994                   
  27: Ares 64-bit        ----   KnightX 1.92                    
  28: Tytan 9.32 64-bit            ----   Der Bringer 1.9                 
  29: Horizon 4.4                  ----   Amy 0.87b                       
  30: Jazz 840 64-bit              ----   Diablo 0.5.1                    
  31: Delphil 3.2 64-bit           ----   Hussar 0.4                      
  32: Sorgenkind 0.4               ----   RomiChess P3n 64-bit            
  33: Delocto 0.6 64bit            ----   Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit            
  34: Bearded N44.5 64-bit         ----   TJchess 1.3 64-bit              
  35: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit           ----   Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit         
  36: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit      ----   Sage 3.53                       
  37: Aice 0.99.2                  ----   MadChess 2.2 64-bit             
  38: Anubisx 0.052                ----   Patzer 3.80                     
  39: Quark 2.35                   ----   King of Kings 2.56              
  40: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit          ----   Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit             
  41: Gromit 3.82                  ----   Yace 0.99.87                    
  42: Lozza 1.18 64-bit            ----   BBChess 1.3b 64-bit             
  43: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit           ----   Absolute Zero 64-bit    
  44: Xpdnt 091007                 ----   Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit              
  45: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit        ----   Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit           
  46: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit         ----   Orion 0.5 64-bit                
  47: Trace 1.37a                  ----   Matacz 1.4                      
  48: Winter 0.2 64-bit            ----   Xiphos 0.3 64-bit               

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:23 pm
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Prophet 3.0 64-bit          
 Chispa 4.0.3                  0.5 -- 0.5  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 Matheus 2.3                   0.0 -- 1.0  Natwarlal 0.14              
 Joker 1.1.14                  1.0 -- 0.0  GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit    
 Zeus 1.29                     1.0 -- 0.0  Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit       
 Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Chexa 0.49991 64-bit        
 KnightDreamer 3.3             1.0 -- 0.0  InmiChess 3.05              
 Alex 2.14a 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Uralochka 1.1b              
 Nejmet 3.07                   0.5 -- 0.5  RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu  
 Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Clunk 1.1 64-bit            
 Betsy 6.51 Nobook             0.0 -- 1.0  Flux 2.21                   
 Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Parrot 07.07.22             
 Adam 3.3                      0.0 -- 1.0  PostModernist 1016          
 Caligula 0.7b                 1.0 -- 0.0  Asterisk 0.6                
 RamJet 0.13                   0.5 -- 0.5  Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit   
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Gosu 0.16                   
 Protej 0.5.8c                 0.0 -- 1.0  Eveann 1.72                 
 Comet B68                     1.0 -- 0.0  Arion 1.7                   
 Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit     
 Averno 0.81                   0.0 -- 1.0  Popochin 4.1 64-bit         
 Gaia 3.5 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Gothmog 1.0b10              
 Buzz 0.08 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 ChessAlex 2.0r4               1.0 -- 0.0  KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit       
 Now 0.1x                      1.0 -- 0.0  Sungorus 1.4 64-bit         
 Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Waster 0.15                 
 Leila 0.53h                   0.0 -- 1.0  Ayito 0.2.994               
 Ares 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  KnightX 1.92                
 Tytan 9.32 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Der Bringer 1.9             
 Horizon 4.4                   1.0 -- 0.0  Amy 0.87b                   
 Jazz 840 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Diablo 0.5.1                
 Delphil 3.2 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Hussar 0.4                  
 Sorgenkind 0.4                0.5 -- 0.5  RomiChess P3n 64-bit        
 Delocto 0.6 64bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit        
 Bearded N44.5 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  TJchess 1.3 64-bit          
 Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit     
 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Sage 3.53                   
 Aice 0.99.2                   0.5 -- 0.5  MadChess 2.2 64-bit         
 Anubisx 0.052                 1.0 -- 0.0  Patzer 3.80                 
 Quark 2.35                    1.0 -- 0.0  King of Kings 2.56          
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit         
 Gromit 3.82                   1.0 -- 0.0  Yace 0.99.87                
 Lozza 1.18 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  BBChess 1.3b 64-bit         
 Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Absolute Zero 64-bit
 Xpdnt 091007                  0.5 -- 0.5  Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit          
 OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit       
 Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Orion 0.5 64-bit            
 Trace 1.37a                   0.5 -- 0.5  Matacz 1.4                  
 Winter 0.2 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Xiphos 0.3 64-bit           

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  37W+  90B+   9B+   2W+   5B+   3W+   7B+    7.0     32.0     3    +1
  2: Trace 1.37a                   2507  49B+  56W+  14B+   1B-  19W+   4W+   3W=    5.5     34.0     4   +16
  3: Matacz 1.4                    2448  50B+  60W+  30B+  24W+  26W+   1B-   2B=    5.5     31.5     3   +23
  4: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  75W+  19B=   6W+   8B+  43W+   2B-  17B+    5.5     31.0     3   +11
  5: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  83B+  62W+  36W+  27B+   1W-  15B=  16W+    5.5     29.5     4   +23
  6: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  23W+  11B=   4B-  76B+  32W+  45W+  15B+    5.5     29.5     3   +36
  7: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  38B=  35B+  11W+  22B=  33W+  26B+   1W-    5.0     32.5     3   +13
  8: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  61B+  12W+  27B=   4W-  46W+  24B+  13B=    5.0     30.5     3    +9
  9: Gromit 3.82                   2426  81B+  65W+   1W-  20W+  16B-  33B+  26W+    5.0     29.5     4   +23
 10: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  18W=  48B+  15B=  12W-  49B+  57B+  21W+    5.0     28.5     3    +9
 11: Quark 2.35                    2424  59B+   6W=   7B-  61W+  48W+  28B=  30W+    5.0     28.0     4    +8
 12: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  86W+   8B-  74W+  10B+  18W+  17B-  28W+    5.0     27.5     4   +13
 13: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  84B+  33W+  26B-  56B+  29W+  16W=   8W=    5.0     26.5     4   +13
 14: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  85B+  31B+   2W-  28W=  57W=  39B+  29W+    5.0     26.5     4   +16
 15: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  40B+  43W=  10W=  39B+  25B+   5W=   6W-    4.5     32.0     4    +3
 16: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  28B=  29W=  34W+  52B+   9W+  13B=   5B-    4.5     31.0     3   -14
 17: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  41B+  32W+  44W-  45B=  31B+  12W+   4W-    4.5     29.5     4     0
 18: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  10B=  46W+  43B=  47W+  12B-  63W+  19W=    4.5     28.0     4   +16
 19: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  92B+   4W=  47W=  84W+   2B-  23B+  18B=    4.5     27.0     3   +10
 20: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  25W+  27W-  65B+   9B-  66W=  52B+  45W+    4.5     26.5     4    -9
 21: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  43B-  40W+  60B=  59W+  22B+  44W+  10B-    4.5     26.5     3     0
 22: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  74W+  26B-  49B+   7W=  21W-  62W+  50B+    4.5     26.0     4    +8
 23: Hussar 0.4                    2419   6B-  59W=  89W+  50B+  27W+  19W-  47B+    4.5     25.5     4    +4
 24: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  82W+  73B+  58W+   3B-  44B=   8W-  43W+    4.5     25.5     4    +5
 25: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  20B-  67B+  66W+  58B+  15W-  43W=  44W+    4.5     25.0     4   +15
 26: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  72B+  22W+  13W+  44B+   3B-   7W-   9B-    4.0     31.0     3    -2
 27: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  71W+  20B+   8W=   5W-  23B-  48B+  32B=    4.0     30.0     3    +6
 28: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341  16W=  63B+  45W=  14B=  38W+  11W=  12B-    4.0     30.0     4   +10
 29: Patzer 3.80                   2382  34W=  16B=  42W+  30B+  13B-  58W+  14B-    4.0     29.5     3    +4
 30: King of Kings 2.56            2438  70B+  64W+   3W-  29W-  53B+  51B+  11B-    4.0     27.5     3    -1
 31: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  51B+  14W-  37W+  57B=  17W-  54W+  38B=    4.0     27.5     4    +1
 32: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  67W+  17B-  53B=  64W+   6B-  55W+  27W=    4.0     27.0     4     0
 33: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  88W+  13B-  91W+  36B+   7B-   9W-  61B+    4.0     25.5     3    +3
 34: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  29B=  57W=  16B-  77W+  40W=  35B=  63W+    4.0     25.0     4   +20
 35: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  47B=   7W-  46B-  82W+  85W+  34W=  67B+    4.0     23.5     4    +3
 36: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  78W+  87B+   5B-  33W-  51W-  80B+  71W+    4.0     23.0     4    -5
 37: Horizon 4.4                   2342   1B-  93W+  31B-  85W-  87B+  60B+  56W+    4.0     22.5     3    +7
 38: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326   7W=  45B-  94W+  78B+  28B-  75B+  31W=    4.0     22.5     3    +7
 39: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  94B=  80W+  64B=  15W-  56B+  14W-  70B+    4.0     22.0     3    +1
 40: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288  15W-  21B-  95B+  90W+  34B=  46W=  57B+    4.0     22.0     3   +11
 41: Now 0.1x                      2338  17W-  74B-  93B+  68W+  84B+  47W-  58W+    4.0     20.0     4    +5
 42: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  56W-  72W+  29B-  86W+  58B-  89B+  59W+    4.0     19.0     4   +16
 43: Sage 3.53                     2327  21W+  15B=  18W=  51W+   4B-  25B=  24B-    3.5     31.5     3    +7
 44: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  68B+  66W+  17B+  26W-  24W=  21B-  25B-    3.5     28.0     3    -6
 45: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  89B=  38W+  28B=  17W=  54W+   6B-  20B-    3.5     27.5     3    -5
 46: Ares 64-bit         2432  48W=  18B-  35W+  62B+   8B-  40B=  51W=    3.5     27.5     3   -10
 47: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  35W=  89W+  19B=  18B-  52W=  41B+  23W-    3.5     26.5     4   -11
 48: Eveann 1.72                   2309  46B=  10W-  81B+  60W+  11B-  27W-  79B+    3.5     25.5     3    +5
 49: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   2W-  86B+  22W-  72B+  10W-  70B=  75B+    3.5     25.0     3    +3
 50: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   3W-  79B+  73B=  23W-  76B+  66B+  22W-    3.5     25.0     3    +3
 51: KnightX 1.92                  2300  31W-  94W+  77B+  43B-  36B+  30W-  46B=    3.5     22.5     3    +6
 52: PostModernist 1016            2391  62B-  83W+  90B+  16W-  47B=  20W-  73B+    3.5     22.0     3    +1
 53: Comet B68                     2377  63B-  71B+  32W=  65W=  30W-  79B=  72W+    3.5     22.0     4    -7
 54: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  55W+  58B-  76W=  73W+  45B-  31B-  78W+    3.5     21.5     4    -8
 55: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  54B-  77W-  69W=  94B+  73W+  32B-  85W+    3.5     18.5     4    -2
 56: Amy 0.87b                     2387  42B+   2B-  68W+  13W-  39W-  65B+  37B-    3.0     28.5     3    -7
 57: Leila 0.53h                   2388  80B=  34B=  63W+  31W=  14B=  10W-  40W-    3.0     27.5     4   -13
 58: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  77B+  54W+  24B-  25W-  42W+  29B-  41B-    3.0     27.0     3     0
 59: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  11W-  23B=  80B+  21B-  78W=  69W+  42B-    3.0     26.0     3    -2
 60: Flux 2.21                     2373  69W+   3B-  21W=  48B-  64B=  37W-  87B+    3.0     25.5     3    -7
 61: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329   8W-  69B=  75W+  11B-  65W=  85B+  33W-    3.0     24.5     4    -6
 62: RamJet 0.13                   2213  52W+   5B-  78B=  46W-  89W+  22B-  68W=    3.0     24.0     4    +9
 63: Waster 0.15                   2181  53W+  28W-  57B-  91W+  69B+  18B-  34B-    3.0     23.5     3    +3
 64: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  79W+  30B-  39W=  32B-  60W=  78B=  66W=    3.0     23.0     4    -6
 65: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  95W+   9B-  20W-  53B=  61B=  56W-  86W+    3.0     22.0     4    -5
 66: Gosu 0.16                     2384  96W+  44B-  25B-  92W+  20B=  50W-  64B=    3.0     21.5     3    -7
 67: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  32B-  25W-  72W-  96B+  92W+  77B+  35W-    3.0     20.0     4    +4
 68: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331  44W-  96B+  56B-  41B-  72W=  74W+  62B=    3.0     19.5     3    -7
 69: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  60B-  61W=  55B=  87W+  63W-  59B-  84B+    3.0     19.5     3    +8
 70: Averno 0.81                   2310  30W-  91B-  96W+  74B=  86B+  49W=  39W-    3.0     18.5     4    -9
 71: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  27B-  53W-  79W-  95B+  91B+  84W+  36B-    3.0     18.5     3    -2
 72: Arion 1.7                     2334  26W-  42B-  67B+  49W-  68B=  76W+  53B-    2.5     23.5     3    -9
 73: Adam 3.3                      2228  76B+  24W-  50W=  54B-  55B-  81W+  52W-    2.5     23.5     4    +2
 74: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  22B-  41W+  12B-  70W=  75W-  68B-  91B+    2.5     23.5     3    +1
 75: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336   4B-  92W=  61B-  79W+  74B+  38W-  49W-    2.5     22.5     4   -14
 76: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  73W-  82B+  54B=   6W-  50W-  72B-  88W+    2.5     22.0     4   -21
 77: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  58W-  55B+  51W-  34B-  88B+  67W-  80W=    2.5     21.5     4   -27
 78: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  36B-  95W+  62W=  38W-  59B=  64W=  54B-    2.5     21.5     4   -10
 79: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  64B-  50W-  71B+  75B-  83W+  53W=  48W-    2.5     21.5     4    +5
 80: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  57W=  39B-  59W-  88W=  90B+  36W-  77B=    2.5     20.0     4    +3
 81: Joker 1.1.14                  2306   9W-  85B=  48W-  89B-  82B+  73B-  93W+    2.5     18.5     3   -14
 82: Zeus 1.29                     2254  24B-  76W-  88B=  35B-  81W-  95B+  89W+    2.5     18.0     3    -6
 83: Natwarlal 0.14                2262   5W-  52B-  86B-  93W=  79B-  96W+  94B+    2.5     17.0     3   -13
 84: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319  13W-  88B+  87W+  19B-  41W-  71B-  69W-    2.0     23.5     4   -16
 85: Parrot 07.07.22               2071  14W-  81W=  92B=  37B+  35B-  61W-  55B-    2.0     23.5     3    +5
 86: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  12B-  49W-  83W+  42B-  70W-  90W+  65B-    2.0     22.5     4    -3
 87: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  91B+  36W-  84B-  69B-  37W-  94W+  60W-    2.0     18.5     4   -23
 88: InmiChess 3.05                2160  33B-  84W-  82W=  80B=  77W-  92B+  76B-    2.0     17.5     3    -1
 89: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  45W=  47B-  23B-  81W+  62B-  42W-  82B-    1.5     23.5     3   -19
 90: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  93B+   1W-  52W-  40B-  80W-  86B-  96B=    1.5     21.5     3   -27
 91: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  87W-  70W+  33B-  63B-  71W-  93B=  74W-    1.5     19.0     4    -8
 92: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  19W-  75B=  85W=  66B-  67B-  88W-  95W=    1.5     18.0     4   -16
 93: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  90W-  37B-  41W-  83B=  94W=  91W=  81B-    1.5     17.0     4   -17
 94: Matheus 2.3                   2053  39W=  51B-  38B-  55W-  93B=  87B-  83W-    1.0     21.0     3    -4
 95: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  65B-  78B-  40W-  71W-  96B=  82W-  92B=    1.0     17.5     3   -12
 96: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  66B-  68W-  70B-  67W-  95W=  83B-  90W=    1.0     17.0     4   -16

Code: Select all

------------------ ROUND 8. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Matheus 2.3                  ----   Chispa 4.0.3                    
   2: Prophet 3.0 64-bit           ----   GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit        
   3: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit            
   4: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit        ----   Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit        
   5: InmiChess 3.05               ----   Uralochka 1.1b                  
   6: Parrot 07.07.22              ----   Betsy 6.51 Nobook               
   7: Natwarlal 0.14               ----   Mediocre 0.5 64-bit             
   8: Zeus 1.29                    ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
   9: Joker 1.1.14                 ----   Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit             
  10: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit         ----   RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu      
  11: Protej 0.5.8c                ----   Adam 3.3                        
  12: Arion 1.7                    ----   Asterisk 0.6                    
  13: Gothmog 1.0b10               ----   KnightDreamer 3.3               
  14: Waster 0.15                  ----   Averno 0.81                     
  15: Clunk 1.1 64-bit             ----   RamJet 0.13                     
  16: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit    ----   Tytan 9.32 64-bit               
  17: Flux 2.21                    ----   Buzz 0.08 64-bit                
  18: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit          ----   Alex 2.14a 64-bit               
  19: Amy 0.87b                    ----   Gosu 0.16                       
  20: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit           ----   Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit             
  21: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit        ----   Comet B68                       
  22: KnightX 1.92                 ----   Leila 0.53h                     
  23: Eveann 1.72                  ----   Caligula 0.7b                   
  24: Ares 64-bit        ----   PostModernist 1016              
  25: Jazz 840 64-bit              ----   Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit            
  26: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit      ----   Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit         
  27: Sage 3.53                    ----   Delphil 3.2 64-bit              
  28: Der Bringer 1.9              ----   ChessAlex 2.0r4                 
  29: Now 0.1x                     ----   Bearded N44.5 64-bit            
  30: Ayito 0.2.994                ----   RomiChess P3n 64-bit            
  31: Popochin 4.1 64-bit          ----   King of Kings 2.56              
  32: Sorgenkind 0.4               ----   Patzer 3.80                     
  33: Horizon 4.4                  ----   Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit             
  34: TJchess 1.3 64-bit           ----   Gaia 3.5 64-bit                 
  35: Yace 0.99.87                 ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
  36: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit          ----   Tigran 2.4n 64-bit              
  37: MadChess 2.2 64-bit          ----   Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit         
  38: Aice 0.99.2                  ----   Hussar 0.4                      
  39: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit         ----   Diablo 0.5.1                    
  40: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit        ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit               
  41: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit          ----   Eeyore 1.52 64-bit              
  42: Lozza 1.18 64-bit            ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
  43: Xpdnt 091007                 ----   Gromit 3.82                     
  44: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           ----   Quark 2.35                      
  45: Winter 0.2 64-bit            ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit             
  46: Absolute Zero 64-bit ----   Matacz 1.4                      
  47: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit        ----   Trace 1.37a                     
  48: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit            ----   Orion 0.5 64-bit                

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:05 am
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Matheus 2.3                   0.0 -- 1.0  Chispa 4.0.3                
 Prophet 3.0 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit    
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit        
 Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit    
 InmiChess 3.05                0.0 -- 1.0  Uralochka 1.1b              
 Parrot 07.07.22               1.0 -- 0.0  Betsy 6.51 Nobook           
 Natwarlal 0.14                1.0 -- 0.0  Mediocre 0.5 64-bit         
 Zeus 1.29                     0.5 -- 0.5  Nejmet 3.07                 
 Joker 1.1.14                  1.0 -- 0.0  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit         
 Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu  
 Protej 0.5.8c                 1.0 -- 0.0  Adam 3.3                    
 Arion 1.7                     0.0 -- 1.0  Asterisk 0.6                
 Gothmog 1.0b10                1.0 -- 0.0  KnightDreamer 3.3           
 Waster 0.15                   1.0 -- 0.0  Averno 0.81                 
 Clunk 1.1 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  RamJet 0.13                 
 Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     0.0 -- 1.0  Tytan 9.32 64-bit           
 Flux 2.21                     1.0 -- 0.0  Buzz 0.08 64-bit            
 Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Alex 2.14a 64-bit           
 Amy 0.87b                     1.0 -- 0.0  Gosu 0.16                   
 Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit         
 KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Comet B68                   
 KnightX 1.92                  0.0 -- 1.0  Leila 0.53h                 
 Eveann 1.72                   0.0 -- 1.0  Caligula 0.7b               
 Ares 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  PostModernist 1016          
 Jazz 840 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit        
 Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit     
 Sage 3.53                     0.5 -- 0.5  Delphil 3.2 64-bit          
 Der Bringer 1.9               1.0 -- 0.0  ChessAlex 2.0r4             
 Now 0.1x                      1.0 -- 0.0  Bearded N44.5 64-bit        
 Ayito 0.2.994                 0.0 -- 1.0  RomiChess P3n 64-bit        
 Popochin 4.1 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  King of Kings 2.56          
 Sorgenkind 0.4                0.0 -- 1.0  Patzer 3.80                 
 Horizon 4.4                   1.0 -- 0.0  Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit         
 TJchess 1.3 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Gaia 3.5 64-bit             
 Yace 0.99.87                  1.0 -- 0.0  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Tigran 2.4n 64-bit          
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit     
 Aice 0.99.2                   0.0 -- 1.0  Hussar 0.4                  
 Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Diablo 0.5.1                
 Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Delocto 0.6 64bit           
 BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Eeyore 1.52 64-bit          
 Lozza 1.18 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 Xpdnt 091007                  0.5 -- 0.5  Gromit 3.82                 
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Quark 2.35                  
 Winter 0.2 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit         
 Absolute Zero 64-bit  0.0 -- 1.0  Matacz 1.4                  
 OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Trace 1.37a                 
 Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Orion 0.5 64-bit            

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  27W+  94B+   8B+   2W+   9B+   3W+   4B+   7W+    8.0     42.0     4    +1
  2: Trace 1.37a                   2507  62B+  45W+   6B+   1B-  30W+   7W+   3W=   9B+    6.5     43.5     4   +20
  3: Matacz 1.4                    2448  61B+  51W+  33B+  14W+  16W+   1B-   2B=  11B+    6.5     42.5     3   +26
  4: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  52B=  47B+  21W+  25B=  26W+  16B+   1W-  22W+    6.0     41.0     4   +16
  5: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  49B+  22W+  19B=   7W-  48W+  14B+  12B=  21W+    6.0     39.5     4   +13
  6: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  71B+  23B+   2W-  41W=  44W=  37B+  18W+  20B+    6.0     37.0     4   +22
  7: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  83W+  30B=  11W+   5B+  42W+   2B-  17B+   1B-    5.5     42.0     3   +10
  8: Gromit 3.82                   2426  66B+  55W+   1W-  29W+  10B-  26B+  16W+  12B=    5.5     41.0     4   +24
  9: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  67B+  72W+  50W+  19B+   1W-  13B=  10W+   2W-    5.5     41.0     5   +19
 10: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  41B=  18W=  24W+  56B+   8W+  12B=   9B-  29W+    5.5     39.0     4   -10
 11: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  15W+  21B=   7B-  85B+  43W+  35W+  13B+   3W-    5.5     39.0     4   +33
 12: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  89B+  26W+  16B-  45B+  18W+  10W=   5W=   8W=    5.5     38.0     5   +12
 13: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  54B+  42W=  20W=  37B+  36B+   9W=  11W-  32B+    5.5     37.5     4    +9
 14: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  81W+  82B+  68W+   3B-  34B=   5W-  42W+  30B+    5.5     34.0     4   +10
 15: Hussar 0.4                    2419  11B-  69W=  93W+  61B+  19W+  30W-  46B+  31B+    5.5     31.5     4    +7
 16: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  84B+  25W+  12W+  34B+   3B-   4W-   8B-  47W+    5.0     39.5     4    +1
 17: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  28B+  43W+  34W-  35B=  23B+  22W+   7W-  25W=    5.0     38.5     5    -2
 18: Patzer 3.80                   2382  24W=  10B=  57W+  33B+  12B-  68W+   6B-  52B+    5.0     37.5     3    +8
 19: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  59W+  29B+   5W=   9W-  15B-  60B+  43B=  50W+    5.0     37.0     4   +11
 20: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  31W=  60B+  13B=  22W-  62B+  44B+  32W+   6W-    5.0     36.5     4    +2
 21: Quark 2.35                    2424  69B+  11W=   4B-  49W+  60W+  41B=  33W+   5B-    5.0     36.5     4    +4
 22: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  79W+   5B-  73W+  20B+  31W+  17B-  41W+   4B-    5.0     36.5     4    +9
 23: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  63B+   6W-  27W+  44B=  17W-  39W+  52B=  54B+    5.0     36.0     4    +4
 24: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  18B=  44W=  10B-  76W+  54W=  47B=  53W+  36W+    5.0     34.0     5   +27
 25: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  73W+  16B-  62B+   4W=  32W-  72W+  61B+  17B=    5.0     33.5     4   +10
 26: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  91W+  12B-  86W+  50B+   4B-   8W-  49B+  57W+    5.0     33.5     4    +5
 27: Horizon 4.4                   2342   1B-  87W+  23B-  71W-  90B+  51B+  45W+  41W+    5.0     32.5     4   +12
 28: Now 0.1x                      2338  17W-  73B-  87B+  75W+  89B+  46W-  68W+  43W+    5.0     26.5     5   +11
 29: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  36W+  19W-  55B+   8B-  74W=  56B+  35W+  10B-    4.5     36.0     4   -13
 30: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  88B+   7W=  46W=  89W+   2B-  15B+  31B=  14W-    4.5     36.0     4    +6
 31: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  20B=  48W+  42B=  46W+  22B-  53W+  30W=  15W-    4.5     36.0     5   +13
 32: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  42B-  54W+  51B=  69W+  25B+  34W+  20B-  13W-    4.5     35.0     4    -6
 33: King of Kings 2.56            2438  77B+  70W+   3W-  18W-  38B+  63B+  21B-  37B=    4.5     35.0     3    -3
 34: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  75B+  74W+  17B+  16W-  14W=  32B-  36B-  62B+    4.5     34.0     3    -3
 35: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  93B=  52W+  41B=  17W=  39W+  11B-  29B-  61B+    4.5     32.5     3    -1
 36: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  29B-  78B+  74W+  68B+  13W-  42W=  34W+  24B-    4.5     32.5     4    +8
 37: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  95B=  80W+  70B=  13W-  45B+   6W-  77B+  33W=    4.5     30.0     4    +2
 38: Comet B68                     2377  53B-  59B+  43W=  55W=  33W-  64B=  84W+  69B+    4.5     29.5     4    -3
 39: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  40W+  68B-  85W=  82W+  35B-  23B-  65W+  60B+    4.5     29.0     4    -4
 40: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  39B-  76W-  58W=  95B+  82W+  43B-  71W+  70W+    4.5     25.0     5    +5
 41: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341  10W=  53B+  35W=   6B=  52W+  21W=  22B-  27B-    4.0     39.0     4    +5
 42: Sage 3.53                     2327  32W+  13B=  31W=  63W+   7B-  36B=  14B-  46W=    4.0     37.5     4    +9
 43: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  78W+  17B-  38B=  70W+  11B-  40W+  19W=  28B-    4.0     35.5     4    -5
 44: Leila 0.53h                   2388  80B=  24B=  53W+  23W=   6B=  20W-  54W-  63B+    4.0     35.5     4    -9
 45: Amy 0.87b                     2387  57B+   2B-  75W+  12W-  37W-  55B+  27B-  74W+    4.0     35.5     4    -2
 46: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  47W=  93W+  30B=  31B-  56W=  28B+  15W-  42B=    4.0     33.0     4   -13
 47: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  46B=   4W-  48B-  81W+  71W+  24W=  78B+  16B-    4.0     33.0     4    +1
 48: Ares 64-bit         2432  60W=  31B-  47W+  72B+   5B-  54B=  63W=  56W=    4.0     32.5     4   -11
 49: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329   5W-  58B=  83W+  21B-  55W=  71B+  26W-  75B+    4.0     32.5     4    -1
 50: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  65W+  90B+   9B-  26W-  63W-  80B+  59W+  19B-    4.0     31.5     4   -11
 51: Flux 2.21                     2373  58W+   3B-  32W=  60B-  70B=  27W-  90B+  78W+    4.0     31.5     4    -4
 52: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326   4W=  35B-  95W+  65B+  41B-  83B+  23W=  18W-    4.0     31.5     4    +3
 53: Waster 0.15                   2181  38W+  41W-  44B-  86W+  58B+  31B-  24B-  77W+    4.0     31.5     4   +10
 54: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288  13W-  32B-  96B+  94W+  24B=  48W=  44B+  23W-    4.0     30.5     4    +8
 55: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  96W+   8B-  29W-  38B=  49B=  45W-  79W+  68B+    4.0     29.5     4    -1
 56: PostModernist 1016            2391  72B-  67W+  94B+  10W-  46B=  29W-  82B+  48B=    4.0     28.5     3    +2
 57: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  45W-  84W+  18B-  79W+  68B-  93B+  69W+  26B-    4.0     27.0     4   +13
 58: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  51B-  49W=  40B=  90W+  53W-  69B-  89B+  72W+    4.0     26.5     4   +14
 59: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  19B-  38W-  64W-  96B+  86B+  89W+  50B-  85W+    4.0     25.0     4    +5
 60: Eveann 1.72                   2309  48B=  20W-  66B+  51W+  21B-  19W-  64B+  39W-    3.5     34.5     4    +2
 61: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   3W-  64B+  82B=  15W-  85B+  74B+  25W-  35W-    3.5     33.0     4     0
 62: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   2W-  79B+  25W-  84B+  20W-  77B=  83B+  34W-    3.5     32.0     4     0
 63: KnightX 1.92                  2300  23W-  95W+  76B+  42B-  50B+  33W-  48B=  44W-    3.5     29.5     4    +2
 64: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  70B-  61W-  59B+  83B-  67W+  38W=  60W-  82W+    3.5     27.0     5   +11
 65: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  50B-  96W+  72W=  52W-  69B=  70W=  39B-  84B+    3.5     25.0     4    -5
 66: Joker 1.1.14                  2306   8W-  71B=  60W-  93B-  81B+  82B-  87W+  83W+    3.5     24.0     4    -8
 67: Natwarlal 0.14                2262   9W-  56B-  79B-  87W=  64B-  92W+  95B+  89W+    3.5     23.5     4    -7
 68: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  76B+  39W+  14B-  36W-  57W+  18B-  28B-  55W-    3.0     35.5     4    -4
 69: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  21W-  15B=  80B+  32B-  65W=  58W+  57B-  38W-    3.0     34.0     4    -6
 70: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  64W+  33B-  37W=  43B-  51W=  65B=  74W=  40B-    3.0     31.5     4   -12
 71: Parrot 07.07.22               2071   6W-  66W=  88B=  27B+  47B-  49W-  40B-  90W+    3.0     31.5     4   +14
 72: RamJet 0.13                   2213  56W+   9B-  65B=  48W-  93W+  25B-  75W=  58B-    3.0     30.5     4    +4
 73: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  25B-  28W+  22B-  77W=  83W-  75B-  86B+  80W=    3.0     29.0     4    +1
 74: Gosu 0.16                     2384  92W+  34B-  36B-  88W+  29B=  61W-  70B=  45B-    3.0     28.5     3   -12
 75: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331  34W-  92B+  45B-  28B-  84W=  73W+  72B=  49W-    3.0     28.0     4   -12
 76: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  68W-  40B+  63W-  24B-  91B+  78W-  80W=  81B=    3.0     27.0     4   -29
 77: Averno 0.81                   2310  33W-  86B-  92W+  73B=  79B+  62W=  37W-  53B-    3.0     27.0     4   -16
 78: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  43B-  36W-  84W-  92B+  88W+  76B+  47W-  51B-    3.0     26.5     4    +1
 79: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  22B-  62W-  67W+  57B-  77W-  94W+  55B-  91B+    3.0     26.5     4    +2
 80: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  44W=  37B-  69W-  91W=  94B+  50W-  76B=  73B=    3.0     25.0     4    +3
 81: Zeus 1.29                     2254  14B-  85W-  91B=  47B-  66W-  96B+  93W+  76W=    3.0     23.0     4    -4
 82: Adam 3.3                      2228  85B+  14W-  61W=  39B-  40B-  66W+  56W-  64B-    2.5     31.5     4    -4
 83: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336   7B-  88W=  49B-  64W+  73B+  52W-  62W-  66B-    2.5     29.5     4   -19
 84: Arion 1.7                     2334  16W-  57B-  78B+  62W-  75B=  85W+  38B-  65W-    2.5     29.0     4   -15
 85: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  82W-  81B+  39B=  11W-  61W-  84B-  91W+  59B-    2.5     27.5     4   -28
 86: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  90W-  77W+  26B-  53B-  59W-  87B=  73W-  93B+    2.5     25.0     4    -1
 87: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  94W-  27B-  28W-  67B=  95W=  86W=  66B-  96B+    2.5     23.0     4   -14
 88: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  30W-  83B=  71W=  74B-  78B-  91W-  96W=  94B+    2.5     20.5     4    -8
 89: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319  12W-  91B+  90W+  30B-  28W-  59B-  58W-  67B-    2.0     30.5     4   -22
 90: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  86B+  50W-  89B-  58B-  27W-  95W+  51W-  71B-    2.0     25.5     4   -32
 91: InmiChess 3.05                2160  26B-  89W-  81W=  80B=  76W-  88B+  85B-  79W-    2.0     24.0     4    -6
 92: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  74B-  75W-  77B-  78W-  96W=  67B-  94W=  95B+    2.0     19.0     4   -13
 93: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  35W=  46B-  15B-  66W+  72B-  57W-  81B-  86W-    1.5     30.0     4   -26
 94: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  87B+   1W-  56W-  54B-  80W-  79B-  92B=  88W-    1.5     29.0     4   -35
 95: Matheus 2.3                   2053  37W=  63B-  52B-  40W-  87B=  90B-  67W-  92W-    1.0     26.5     4    -7
 96: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  55B-  65B-  54W-  59W-  92B=  81W-  88B=  87W-    1.0     25.5     4   -15

Code: Select all

------------------ ROUND 9. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Matheus 2.3                  ----   Prophet 3.0 64-bit              
   2: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit           
   3: InmiChess 3.05               ----   Betsy 6.51 Nobook               
   4: Chispa 4.0.3                 ----   Mediocre 0.5 64-bit             
   5: KnightDreamer 3.3            ----   NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit            
   6: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          ----   GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit        
   7: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit     ----   Adam 3.3                        
   8: Arion 1.7                    ----   Zeus 1.29                       
   9: Uralochka 1.1b               ----   Chexa 0.49991 64-bit            
  10: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu   ----   RamJet 0.13                     
  11: Buzz 0.08 64-bit             ----   Parrot 07.07.22                 
  12: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit          ----   Averno 0.81                     
  13: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit           
  14: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit          ----   Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit       
  15: Gosu 0.16                    ----   Natwarlal 0.14                  
  16: Joker 1.1.14                 ----   Protej 0.5.8c                   
  17: Asterisk 0.6                 ----   Jazz 840 64-bit                 
  18: Eveann 1.72                  ----   KnightX 1.92                    
  19: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit      ----   Gothmog 1.0b10                  
  20: ChessAlex 2.0r4              ----   Tytan 9.32 64-bit               
  21: Ares 64-bit        ----   Clunk 1.1 64-bit                
  22: PostModernist 1016           ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
  23: Delphil 3.2 64-bit           ----   Alex 2.14a 64-bit               
  24: Amy 0.87b                    ----   Ayito 0.2.994                   
  25: Sorgenkind 0.4               ----   Leila 0.53h                     
  26: Waster 0.15                  ----   Bearded N44.5 64-bit            
  27: Flux 2.21                    ----   Sage 3.53                       
  28: Gaia 3.5 64-bit              ----   Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit             
  29: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         ----   Rival 1.0.1 64-bit              
  30: King of Kings 2.56           ----   Caligula 0.7b                   
  31: Comet B68                    ----   BBChess 1.3b 64-bit             
  32: Popochin 4.1 64-bit          ----   Aice 0.99.2                     
  33: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit           ----   MadChess 2.2 64-bit             
  34: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit      ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit               
  35: Quark 2.35                   ----   Now 0.1x                        
  36: Horizon 4.4                  ----   Lozza 1.18 64-bit               
  37: Der Bringer 1.9              ----   TJchess 1.3 64-bit              
  38: Patzer 3.80                  ----   Diablo 0.5.1                    
  39: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit         ----   Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit             
  40: RomiChess P3n 64-bit         ----   Yace 0.99.87                    
  41: Hussar 0.4                   ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit             
  42: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit        ----   Eeyore 1.52 64-bit              
  43: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit      ----   OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit           
  44: Gromit 3.82                  ----   Absolute Zero 64-bit    
  45: Orion 0.5 64-bit             ----   Xpdnt 091007                    
  46: Matacz 1.4                   ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
  47: Winter 0.2 64-bit            ----   Trace 1.37a                     
  48: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit            ----   Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit              

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:53 am
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Matheus 2.3                   0.0 -- 1.0  Prophet 3.0 64-bit          
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit       
 InmiChess 3.05                0.0 -- 1.0  Betsy 6.51 Nobook           
 Chispa 4.0.3                  0.0 -- 1.0  Mediocre 0.5 64-bit         
 KnightDreamer 3.3             1.0 -- 0.0  NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit        
 Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit    
 Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      0.5 -- 0.5  Adam 3.3                    
 Arion 1.7                     0.5 -- 0.5  Zeus 1.29                   
 Uralochka 1.1b                0.5 -- 0.5  Chexa 0.49991 64-bit        
 RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    0.5 -- 0.5  RamJet 0.13                 
 Buzz 0.08 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Parrot 07.07.22             
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Averno 0.81                 
 Nejmet 3.07                   0.5 -- 0.5  KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit       
 Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit   
 Gosu 0.16                     0.5 -- 0.5  Natwarlal 0.14              
 Joker 1.1.14                  1.0 -- 0.0  Protej 0.5.8c               
 Asterisk 0.6                  1.0 -- 0.0  Jazz 840 64-bit             
 Eveann 1.72                   0.5 -- 0.5  KnightX 1.92                
 Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Gothmog 1.0b10              
 ChessAlex 2.0r4               0.0 -- 1.0  Tytan 9.32 64-bit           
 Ares 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Clunk 1.1 64-bit            
 PostModernist 1016            0.0 -- 1.0  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 Delphil 3.2 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Alex 2.14a 64-bit           
 Amy 0.87b                     1.0 -- 0.0  Ayito 0.2.994               
 Sorgenkind 0.4                0.0 -- 1.0  Leila 0.53h                 
 Waster 0.15                   1.0 -- 0.0  Bearded N44.5 64-bit        
 Flux 2.21                     1.0 -- 0.0  Sage 3.53                   
 Gaia 3.5 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit         
 Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Rival 1.0.1 64-bit          
 King of Kings 2.56            0.5 -- 0.5  Caligula 0.7b               
 Comet B68                     0.0 -- 1.0  BBChess 1.3b 64-bit         
 Popochin 4.1 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Aice 0.99.2                 
 Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  MadChess 2.2 64-bit         
 Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Delocto 0.6 64bit           
 Quark 2.35                    1.0 -- 0.0  Now 0.1x                    
 Horizon 4.4                   0.5 -- 0.5  Lozza 1.18 64-bit           
 Der Bringer 1.9               0.0 -- 1.0  TJchess 1.3 64-bit          
 Patzer 3.80                   0.5 -- 0.5  Diablo 0.5.1                
 Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit         
 RomiChess P3n 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Yace 0.99.87                
 Hussar 0.4                    0.5 -- 0.5  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit         
 Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Eeyore 1.52 64-bit          
 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit       
 Gromit 3.82                   1.0 -- 0.0  Absolute Zero 64-bit
 Orion 0.5 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Xpdnt 091007                
 Matacz 1.4                    0.5 -- 0.5  Anubisx 0.052               
 Winter 0.2 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Trace 1.37a                 
 Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit          

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  25W+  95B+   5B+   2W+  15B+   3W+  10B+   4W+   9W+    9.0     52.0     5    +2
  2: Trace 1.37a                   2507  67B+  35W+   6B+   1B-  46W+   4W+   3W=  15B+  10B+    7.5     53.5     4   +25
  3: Matacz 1.4                    2448  66B+  38W+  32B+   8W+  18W+   1B-   2B=  16B+   6W=    7.0     54.0     4   +24
  4: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  74W+  46B=  16W+   9B+  54W+   2B-  11B+   1B-  17W+    6.5     51.5     4   +15
  5: Gromit 3.82                   2426  52B+  58W+   1W-  20W+   7B-  34B+  18W+  17B=  16W+    6.5     51.0     5   +26
  6: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  69B+  23B+   2W-  53W=  33W=  30B+  21W+  22B+   3B=    6.5     49.0     4   +24
  7: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  53B=  21W=  31W+  61B+   5W+  17B=  15B-  20W+  19W+    6.5     47.0     5    -9
  8: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  81W+  83B+  57W+   3B-  48B=   9W-  54W+  46B+  15W+    6.5     42.0     5   +15
  9: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  42B+  24W+  12B=   4W-  41W+   8B+  17B=  13W+   1B-    6.0     55.0     4   +13
 10: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  59B=  36B+  13W+  26B=  34W+  18B+   1W-  24W+   2W-    6.0     53.0     5   +12
 11: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  44B+  56W+  48W-  28B=  23B+  24W+   4W-  26W=  31W+    6.0     47.0     6    -1
 12: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  45W+  20B+   9W=  15W-  14B-  55B+  56B=  37W+  34B+    6.0     46.0     4   +15
 13: Quark 2.35                    2424  68B+  16W=  10B-  42W+  55W+  53B=  32W+   9B-  44W+    6.0     44.0     5    +8
 14: Hussar 0.4                    2419  16B-  68W=  89W+  66B+  12W+  46W-  39B+  47B+  24W=    6.0     40.5     5    +7
 15: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  65B+  71W+  37W+  12B+   1W-  19B=   7W+   2W-   8B-    5.5     53.5     5   +14
 16: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  14W+  13B=   4B-  79B+  56W+  28W+  19B+   3W-   5B-    5.5     50.5     4   +30
 17: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  86B+  34W+  18B-  35B+  21W+   7W=   9W=   5W=   4B-    5.5     49.5     5    +8
 18: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  84B+  26W+  17W+  48B+   3B-  10W-   5B-  36W+  23B=    5.5     48.5     4     0
 19: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  60B+  54W=  22W=  30B+  29B+  15W=  16W-  27B+   7B-    5.5     47.5     4    +7
 20: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  29W+  12W-  58B+   5B-  72W=  61B+  28W+   7B-  48B+    5.5     46.0     4    -9
 21: Patzer 3.80                   2382  31W=   7B=  64W+  32B+  17B-  57W+   6B-  59B+  26W=    5.5     46.0     4    +8
 22: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  47W=  55B+  19B=  24W-  67B+  33B+  27W+   6W-  25B=    5.5     45.5     4    +1
 23: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  62B+   6W-  25W+  33B=  11W-  40W+  59B=  60B+  18W=    5.5     45.5     5    +5
 24: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  82W+   9B-  73W+  22B+  47W+  11B-  53W+  10B-  14B=    5.5     45.0     4   +10
 25: Horizon 4.4                   2342   1B-  90W+  23B-  69W-  88B+  38B+  35W+  53W+  22W=    5.5     43.0     5   +14
 26: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  73W+  18B-  67B+  10W=  27W-  71W+  66B+  11B=  21B=    5.5     42.5     4    +9
 27: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  54B-  60W+  38B=  68W+  26B+  48W+  22B-  19W-  49B+    5.5     42.0     4    -2
 28: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  89B=  59W+  53B=  11W=  40W+  16B-  20B-  66B+  51W+    5.5     40.5     4    +1
 29: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  20B-  77B+  72W+  57B+  19W-  54W=  48W+  31B-  46W+    5.5     40.0     5   +13
 30: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  96B=  80W+  70B=  19W-  35B+   6W-  76B+  32W=  47W+    5.5     38.0     5    +7
 31: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  21B=  33W=   7B-  78W+  60W=  36B=  43W+  29W+  11B-    5.0     46.0     5   +26
 32: King of Kings 2.56            2438  76B+  70W+   3W-  21W-  49B+  62B+  13B-  30B=  40W=    5.0     44.5     4    -3
 33: Leila 0.53h                   2388  80B=  31B=  43W+  23W=   6B=  22W-  60W-  62B+  59B+    5.0     43.0     4    -5
 34: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  92W+  17B-  87W+  37B+  10B-   5W-  42B+  64W+  12W-    5.0     43.0     5    +1
 35: Amy 0.87b                     2387  64B+   2B-  85W+  17W-  30W-  58B+  25B-  72W+  60W+    5.0     42.5     5    +1
 36: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  39B=  10W-  41B-  81W+  69W+  31W=  77B+  18B-  61B+    5.0     41.0     4    +7
 37: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  50W+  88B+  15B-  34W-  62W-  80B+  45W+  12B-  53W+    5.0     40.5     5    -7
 38: Flux 2.21                     2373  63W+   3B-  27W=  55B-  70B=  25W-  88B+  77W+  54W+    5.0     40.0     5     0
 39: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  36W=  89W+  46B=  47B-  61W=  44B+  14W-  54B=  58W+    5.0     39.5     5   -10
 40: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  51W+  57B-  79W=  83W+  28B-  23B-  50W+  55B+  32B=    5.0     39.5     4    -4
 41: Ares 64-bit         2432  55W=  47B-  36W+  71B+   9B-  60B=  62W=  61W=  63W+    5.0     39.0     5    -9
 42: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329   9W-  63B=  74W+  13B-  58W=  69B+  34W-  85B+  64B+    5.0     39.0     4    +2
 43: Waster 0.15                   2181  49W+  53W-  33B-  87W+  63B+  47B-  31B-  76W+  56W+    5.0     37.5     5   +18
 44: Now 0.1x                      2338  11W-  73B-  90B+  85W+  86B+  39W-  57W+  56W+  13B-    5.0     37.0     5    +7
 45: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  12B-  49W-  75W-  93B+  87B+  86W+  37B-  79W+  67B+    5.0     34.0     4   +11
 46: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  91B+   4W=  39W=  86W+   2B-  14B+  47B=   8W-  29B-    4.5     47.0     4     0
 47: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  22B=  41W+  54B=  39W+  24B-  43W+  46W=  14W-  30B-    4.5     46.0     5    +8
 48: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  85B+  72W+  11B+  18W-   8W=  27B-  29B-  67B+  20W-    4.5     44.5     4    -7
 49: Comet B68                     2377  43B-  45B+  56W=  58W=  32W-  75B=  84W+  68B+  27W-    4.5     38.5     5    -7
 50: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  37B-  93W+  71W=  59W-  68B=  70W=  40B-  84B+  66W+    4.5     33.0     5     0
 51: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  40B-  78W-  63W=  96B+  83W+  56B-  69W+  70W+  28B-    4.5     33.0     5    +2
 52: Joker 1.1.14                  2306   5W-  69B=  55W-  89B-  81B+  83B-  90W+  74W+  75W+    4.5     32.5     5    -6
 53: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341   7W=  43B+  28W=   6B=  59W+  13W=  24B-  25B-  37B-    4.0     49.5     4    +1
 54: Sage 3.53                     2327  27W+  19B=  47W=  62W+   4B-  29B=   8B-  39W=  38B-    4.0     48.0     4    +4
 55: Eveann 1.72                   2309  41B=  22W-  52B+  38W+  13B-  12W-  75B+  40W-  62W=    4.0     44.5     5    +2
 56: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  77W+  11B-  49B=  70W+  16B-  51W+  12W=  44B-  43B-    4.0     43.5     4   -13
 57: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  78B+  40W+   8B-  29W-  64W+  21B-  44B-  58W-  85W+    4.0     42.0     5    +1
 58: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  93W+   5B-  20W-  49B=  42B=  35W-  82W+  57B+  39B-    4.0     41.0     4    -4
 59: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326  10W=  28B-  96W+  50B+  53B-  74B+  23W=  21W-  33W-    4.0     40.5     5    -1
 60: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288  19W-  27B-  93B+  95W+  31B=  41W=  33B+  23W-  35B-    4.0     40.0     4    +4
 61: PostModernist 1016            2391  71B-  65W+  95B+   7W-  39B=  20W-  83B+  41B=  36W-    4.0     39.0     4    -4
 62: KnightX 1.92                  2300  23W-  96W+  78B+  54B-  37B+  32W-  41B=  33W-  55B=    4.0     38.0     4    +2
 63: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  38B-  42W=  51B=  88W+  43W-  68B-  86B+  71W+  41B-    4.0     37.5     4   +12
 64: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  35W-  84W+  21B-  82W+  57B-  89B+  68W+  34B-  42W-    4.0     37.0     5   +10
 65: Natwarlal 0.14                2262  15W-  61B-  82B-  90W=  75B-  94W+  96B+  86W+  72B=    4.0     28.5     4    -5
 66: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   3W-  75B+  83B=  14W-  79B+  72B+  26W-  28W-  50B-    3.5     42.0     4    -5
 67: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   2W-  82B+  26W-  84B+  22W-  76B=  74B+  48W-  45W-    3.5     41.5     5    -7
 68: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  13W-  14B=  80B+  27B-  50W=  63W+  64B-  49W-  78B=    3.5     41.5     4    -4
 69: Parrot 07.07.22               2071   6W-  52W=  91B=  25B+  36B-  42W-  51B-  88W+  77B=    3.5     40.0     4   +16
 70: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  75W+  32B-  30W=  56B-  38W=  50B=  72W=  51B-  76W=    3.5     39.0     5   -13
 71: RamJet 0.13                   2213  61W+  15B-  50B=  41W-  89W+  26B-  85W=  63B-  80B=    3.5     37.5     4    +4
 72: Gosu 0.16                     2384  94W+  48B-  29B-  91W+  20B=  66W-  70B=  35B-  65W=    3.5     36.0     4   -14
 73: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  26B-  44W+  24B-  76W=  74W-  85B-  87B+  80W=  82B=    3.5     36.0     4     0
 74: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336   4B-  91W=  42B-  75W+  73B+  59W-  67W-  52B-  90W+    3.5     35.5     5   -16
 75: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  70B-  66W-  45B+  74B-  65W+  49W=  55W-  83W+  52B-    3.5     35.5     5    +8
 76: Averno 0.81                   2310  32W-  87B-  94W+  73B=  82B+  67W=  30W-  43B-  70B=    3.5     34.5     4   -15
 77: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  56B-  29W-  84W-  94B+  91W+  78B+  36W-  38B-  69W=    3.5     34.0     5    -1
 78: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  57W-  51B+  62W-  31B-  92B+  77W-  80W=  81B=  68W=    3.5     33.5     5   -31
 79: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  83W-  81B+  40B=  16W-  66W-  84B-  92W+  45B-  91W+    3.5     33.0     5   -26
 80: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  33W=  30B-  68W-  92W=  95B+  37W-  78B=  73B=  71W=    3.5     33.0     5    +3
 81: Zeus 1.29                     2254   8B-  79W-  92B=  36B-  52W-  93B+  89W+  78W=  84B=    3.5     32.5     4    -3
 82: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  24B-  67W-  65W+  64B-  76W-  95W+  58B-  92B+  73W=    3.5     31.5     5    +2
 83: Adam 3.3                      2228  79B+   8W-  66W=  40B-  51B-  52W+  61W-  75B-  87B=    3.0     38.0     4    -5
 84: Arion 1.7                     2334  18W-  64B-  77B+  67W-  85B=  79W+  49B-  50W-  81W=    3.0     35.5     5   -16
 85: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331  48W-  94B+  35B-  44B-  84W=  73W+  71B=  42W-  57B-    3.0     35.5     4   -17
 86: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319  17W-  92B+  88W+  46B-  44W-  45B-  63W-  65B-  94B+    3.0     35.0     4   -19
 87: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  88W-  76W+  34B-  43B-  45W-  90B=  73W-  89B+  83W=    3.0     33.0     5    +1
 88: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  87B+  37W-  86B-  63B-  25W-  96W+  38W-  69B-  92B+    3.0     32.0     4   -29
 89: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  28W=  39B-  14B-  52W+  71B-  64W-  81B-  87W-  95B+    2.5     36.5     4   -20
 90: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  95W-  25B-  44W-  65B=  96W=  87W=  52B-  93B+  74B-    2.5     30.0     4   -17
 91: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  46W-  74B=  69W=  72B-  77B-  92W-  93W=  95B+  79B-    2.5     27.5     4   -11
 92: InmiChess 3.05                2160  34B-  86W-  81W=  80B=  78W-  91B+  79B-  82W-  88W-    2.0     31.0     5    -9
 93: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  58B-  50B-  60W-  45W-  94B=  81W-  91B=  90W-  96B+    2.0     29.0     4   -11
 94: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  72B-  85W-  76B-  77W-  93W=  65B-  95W=  96B+  86W-    2.0     25.0     5   -17
 95: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  90B+   1W-  61W-  60B-  80W-  82B-  94B=  91W-  89W-    1.5     33.5     5   -41
 96: Matheus 2.3                   2053  30W=  62B-  59B-  51W-  90B=  88B-  65W-  94W-  93W-    1.0     31.5     5   -11

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 10. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Matheus 2.3                  ----   Giraffe 20161023 64-bit         
   2: Prophet 3.0 64-bit           ----   InmiChess 3.05                  
   3: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit         ----   Chispa 4.0.3                    
   4: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit        ----   GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit        
   5: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit    ----   Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit        
   6: Betsy 6.51 Nobook            ----   Arion 1.7                       
   7: Adam 3.3                     ----   Mediocre 0.5 64-bit             
   8: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit          ----   Uralochka 1.1b                  
   9: Gosu 0.16                    ----   RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu      
  10: Zeus 1.29                    ----   RamJet 0.13                     
  11: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit          ----   KnightDreamer 3.3               
  12: Parrot 07.07.22              ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
  13: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit        ----   Buzz 0.08 64-bit                
  14: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit      ----   Protej 0.5.8c                   
  15: Jazz 840 64-bit              ----   Averno 0.81                     
  16: Natwarlal 0.14               ----   Chexa 0.49991 64-bit            
  17: Alex 2.14a 64-bit            ----   ChessAlex 2.0r4                 
  18: Clunk 1.1 64-bit             ----   Sungorus 1.4 64-bit             
  19: Bearded N44.5 64-bit         ----   KnightX 1.92                    
  20: PostModernist 1016           ----   Eveann 1.72                     
  21: Sage 3.53                    ----   Sorgenkind 0.4                  
  22: Ayito 0.2.994                ----   Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit             
  23: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit      ----   Joker 1.1.14                    
  24: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit           ----   Aice 0.99.2                     
  25: MadChess 2.2 64-bit          ----   Comet B68                       
  26: Gothmog 1.0b10               ----   Asterisk 0.6                    
  27: Gaia 3.5 64-bit              ----   Now 0.1x                        
  28: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   Waster 0.15                     
  29: Tytan 9.32 64-bit            ----   Amy 0.87b                       
  30: Caligula 0.7b                ----   Der Bringer 1.9                 
  31: Leila 0.53h                  ----   Ares 64-bit           
  32: King of Kings 2.56           ----   Delphil 3.2 64-bit              
  33: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit          ----   Flux 2.21                       
  34: RomiChess P3n 64-bit         ----   Popochin 4.1 64-bit             
  35: Lozza 1.18 64-bit            ----   Tigran 2.4n 64-bit              
  36: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         ----   Patzer 3.80                     
  37: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit          ----   Delocto 0.6 64bit               
  38: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit           ----   Horizon 4.4                     
  39: Yace 0.99.87                 ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit             
  40: Absolute Zero 64-bit ----   Xpdnt 091007                    
  41: Diablo 0.5.1                 ----   OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit           
  42: TJchess 1.3 64-bit           ----   Quark 2.35                      
  43: Hussar 0.4                   ----   Winter 0.2 64-bit               
  44: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           ----   Nameless 1.1j 64-bit            
  45: Orion 0.5 64-bit             ----   Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit         
  46: Matacz 1.4                   ----   Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit           
  47: Trace 1.37a                  ----   Gromit 3.82                    
  48: Anubisx 0.052                ----   Xiphos 0.3 64-bit              

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:27 pm
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Matheus 2.3                   0.5 -- 0.5  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 Prophet 3.0 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  InmiChess 3.05              
 NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Chispa 4.0.3                
 Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit    
 Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     0.0 -- 1.0  Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit    
 Betsy 6.51 Nobook             0.0 -- 1.0  Arion 1.7                   
 Adam 3.3                      1.0 -- 0.0  Mediocre 0.5 64-bit         
 Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Uralochka 1.1b              
 Gosu 0.16                     1.0 -- 0.0  RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu  
 Zeus 1.29                     0.0 -- 1.0  RamJet 0.13                 
 Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  KnightDreamer 3.3           
 Parrot 07.07.22               0.0 -- 1.0  Nejmet 3.07                 
 KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Buzz 0.08 64-bit            
 Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Protej 0.5.8c               
 Jazz 840 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Averno 0.81                 
 Natwarlal 0.14                1.0 -- 0.0  Chexa 0.49991 64-bit        
 Alex 2.14a 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  ChessAlex 2.0r4             
 Clunk 1.1 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Sungorus 1.4 64-bit         
 Bearded N44.5 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  KnightX 1.92                
 PostModernist 1016            0.0 -- 1.0  Eveann 1.72                 
 Sage 3.53                     1.0 -- 0.0  Sorgenkind 0.4              
 Ayito 0.2.994                 1.0 -- 0.0  Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit         
 Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Joker 1.1.14                
 Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Aice 0.99.2                 
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Comet B68                   
 Gothmog 1.0b10                1.0 -- 0.0  Asterisk 0.6                
 Gaia 3.5 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Now 0.1x                    
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.5 -- 0.5  Waster 0.15                 
 Tytan 9.32 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Amy 0.87b                   
 Caligula 0.7b                 1.0 -- 0.0  Der Bringer 1.9             
 Leila 0.53h                   1.0 -- 0.0  Ares 64-bit       
 King of Kings 2.56            0.0 -- 1.0  Delphil 3.2 64-bit          
 Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Flux 2.21                   
 RomiChess P3n 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Popochin 4.1 64-bit         
 Lozza 1.18 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Tigran 2.4n 64-bit          
 Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Patzer 3.80                 
 BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Delocto 0.6 64bit           
 Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Horizon 4.4                 
 Yace 0.99.87                  1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit         
 Absolute Zero 64-bit  1.0 -- 0.0  Xpdnt 091007                
 Diablo 0.5.1                  0.0 -- 1.0  OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit       
 TJchess 1.3 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Quark 2.35                  
 Hussar 0.4                    0.0 -- 1.0  Winter 0.2 64-bit           
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Nameless 1.1j 64-bit        
 Orion 0.5 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit     
 Matacz 1.4                    0.0 -- 1.0  Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit       
 Trace 1.37a                   1.0 -- 0.0  Gromit 3.82                 
 Anubisx 0.052                 0.0 -- 1.0  Xiphos 0.3 64-bit  

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  23W+  93B+   9B+   2W+   7B+   5W+   6B+   3W+   8W+  10B+   10.0     64.0     5    +2
  2: Trace 1.37a                   2507  79B+  47W+  10B+   1B-  55W+   3W+   5W=   7B+   6B+   9W+    8.5     64.0     5   +29
  3: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  62W+  55B=  11W+   8B+  44W+   2B-  14B+   1B-  34W+  16W+    7.5     64.0     5   +18
  4: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  67B=  17W=  43W+  69B+   9W+  34B=   7B-  20W+  18W+   5B+    7.5     57.0     5    -6
  5: Matacz 1.4                    2448  80B+  27W+  45B+  16W+  13W+   1B-   2B=  11B+  10W=   4W-    7.0     66.5     5   +22
  6: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  70B=  39B+  15W+  35B=  46W+  13B+   1W-  36W+   2W-  25B+    7.0     63.0     5   +16
  7: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  54B+  64W+  29W+  12B+   1W-  18B=   4W+   2W-  16B-  35B+    6.5     66.0     5   +19
  8: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  30B+  36W+  12B=   3W-  50W+  16B+  34B=  15W+   1B-  14W=    6.5     65.5     5   +13
  9: Gromit 3.82                   2426  63B+  68W+   1W-  20W+   4B-  46B+  13W+  34B=  11W+   2B-    6.5     64.0     5   +23
 10: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  81B+  19B+   2W-  67W=  26W=  31B+  17W+  21B+   5B=   1W-    6.5     63.5     5   +24
 11: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  25W+  15B=   3B-  76B+  48W+  38W+  18B+   5W-   9B-  34W+    6.5     59.5     5   +38
 12: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  33W+  20B+   8W=   7W-  25B-  49B+  48B=  29W+  46B+  15W=    6.5     58.5     5   +16
 13: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  77B+  35W+  34W+  37B+   5B-   6W-   9B-  39W+  19B=  36W+    6.5     58.0     5    +3
 14: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  52B+  48W+  37W-  38B=  19B+  36W+   3W-  35W=  43W+   8B=    6.5     57.0     6    -2
 15: Quark 2.35                    2424  71B+  11W=   6B-  30W+  49W+  67B=  45W+   8B-  52W+  12B=    6.5     55.5     5    +7
 16: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  84W+  74B+  57W+   5B-  37B=   8W-  44W+  55B+   7W+   3B-    6.5     54.5     5   +11
 17: Patzer 3.80                   2382  43W=   4B=  53W+  45B+  34B-  57W+  10B-  70B+  35W=  38B+    6.5     54.0     4   +14
 18: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  51B+  44W=  21W=  31B+  24B+   7W=  11W-  22B+   4B-  23W=    6.0     60.5     5    +6
 19: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  73B+  10W-  23W+  26B=  14W-  28W+  70B=  51B+  13W=  31W=    6.0     56.5     6    +4
 20: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  24W+  12W-  68B+   9B-  61W=  69B+  38W+   4B-  37B+  22B=    6.0     56.0     4   -11
 21: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  56W=  49B+  18B=  36W-  79B+  26B+  22W+  10W-  23B=  24W=    6.0     55.0     5    -1
 22: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  44B-  51W+  27B=  71W+  35B+  37W+  21B-  18W-  40B+  20W=    6.0     54.5     5     0
 23: Horizon 4.4                   2342   1B-  86W+  19B-  81W-  90B+  27B+  47W+  67W+  21W=  18B=    6.0     53.0     5   +15
 24: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  20B-  75B+  61W+  57B+  18W-  44W=  37W+  43B-  55W+  21B=    6.0     51.0     5   +15
 25: Hussar 0.4                    2419  11B-  71W=  92W+  80B+  12W+  55W-  32B+  56B+  36W=   6W-    6.0     50.5     6    +2
 26: Leila 0.53h                   2388  83B=  43B=  41W+  19W=  10B=  21W-  51W-  73B+  70B+  50W+    6.0     50.5     5     0
 27: Flux 2.21                     2373  58W+   5B-  22W=  49B-  72B=  23W-  90B+  75W+  44W+  43B+    6.0     49.5     5    +3
 28: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  42W+  57B-  76W=  74W+  38B-  19B-  60W+  49B+  45B=  46W+    6.0     49.0     5     0
 29: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  60W+  90B+   7B-  46W-  73W-  83B+  33W+  12B-  67W+  52W+    6.0     48.0     6    -3
 30: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329   8W-  58B=  62W+  15B-  68W=  81B+  46W-  88B+  53B+  47W+    6.0     47.5     5    +8
 31: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  96B=  83W+  72B=  18W-  47B+  10W-  65B+  45W=  56W+  19B=    6.0     46.5     5    +8
 32: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  39W=  92W+  55B=  56B-  69W=  52B+  25W-  44B=  68W+  45B+    6.0     46.0     5    -5
 33: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  12B-  40W-  59W-  91B+  78B+  89W+  29B-  76W+  79B+  60W+    6.0     44.5     5   +17
 34: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  89B+  46W+  13B-  47B+  17W+   4W=   8W=   9W=   3B-  11B-    5.5     60.5     5     0
 35: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  82W+  13B-  79B+   6W=  22W-  64W+  80B+  14B=  17B=   7W-    5.5     54.0     5    +5
 36: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  85W+   8B-  82W+  21B+  56W+  14B-  67W+   6B-  25B=  13B-    5.5     54.0     4    +6
 37: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  88B+  61W+  14B+  13W-  16W=  22B-  24B-  79B+  20W-  63W+    5.5     53.0     5    -4
 38: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  92B=  70W+  67B=  14W=  28W+  11B-  20B-  80B+  42W+  17W-    5.5     51.0     5    -5
 39: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  32B=   6W-  50B-  84W+  81W+  43W=  75B+  13B-  69B+  41W=    5.5     50.0     5    +5
 40: Comet B68                     2377  41B-  33B+  48W=  68W=  45W-  59B=  77W+  71B+  22W-  55B+    5.5     48.5     5    -2
 41: Waster 0.15                   2181  40W+  67W-  26B-  78W+  58B+  56B-  43B-  65W+  48W+  39B=    5.5     48.5     5   +20
 42: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  28B-  66W-  58W=  96B+  74W+  48B-  81W+  72W+  38B-  56W+    5.5     43.0     6    +7
 43: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  17B=  26W=   4B-  66W+  51W=  39B=  41W+  24W+  14B-  27W-    5.0     59.0     6   +24
 44: Sage 3.53                     2327  22W+  18B=  56W=  73W+   3B-  24B=  16B-  32W=  27B-  70W+    5.0     56.5     5    +9
 45: King of Kings 2.56            2438  65B+  72W+   5W-  17W-  40B+  73B+  15B-  31B=  28W=  32W-    5.0     56.0     5    -7
 46: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  94W+  34B-  78W+  29B+   6B-   9W-  30B+  53W+  12W-  28B-    5.0     54.5     5    -3
 47: Amy 0.87b                     2387  53B+   2B-  88W+  34W-  31W-  68B+  23B-  61W+  51W+  30B-    5.0     53.5     5    -4
 48: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  75W+  14B-  40B=  72W+  11B-  42W+  12W=  52B-  41B-  73W+    5.0     53.0     5   -10
 49: Eveann 1.72                   2309  50B=  21W-  63B+  27W+  15B-  12W-  59B+  28W-  73W=  69B+    5.0     53.0     5    +8
 50: Ares 64-bit         2432  49W=  56B-  39W+  64B+   8B-  51B=  73W=  69W=  58W+  26B-    5.0     49.5     5   -15
 51: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288  18W-  22B-  91B+  93W+  43B=  50W=  26B+  19W-  47B-  67W+    5.0     48.0     5   +10
 52: Now 0.1x                      2338  14W-  82B-  86B+  88W+  89B+  32W-  57W+  48W+  15B-  29B-    5.0     47.5     5    +4
 53: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  47W-  77W+  17B-  85W+  57B-  92B+  71W+  46B-  30W-  68B+    5.0     45.0     5   +17
 54: Natwarlal 0.14                2262   7W-  69B-  85B-  86W=  59B-  95W+  96B+  89W+  61B=  82W+    5.0     36.5     5    -1
 55: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  87B+   3W=  32W=  89W+   2B-  25B+  56B=  16W-  24B-  40W-    4.5     57.0     5    -5
 56: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  21B=  50W+  44B=  32W+  36B-  41W+  55W=  25W-  31B-  42B-    4.5     55.0     5    +3
 57: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  66B+  28W+  16B-  24W-  53W+  17B-  52B-  68W-  88W+  58B=    4.5     51.0     5    -1
 58: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  27B-  30W=  42B=  90W+  41W-  71B-  89B+  64W+  50B-  57W=    4.5     47.0     5   +14
 59: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  72B-  80W-  33B+  62B-  54W+  40W=  49W-  74W+  63B-  79B+    4.5     45.5     5   +16
 60: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  29B-  91W+  64W=  70W-  71B=  72W=  28B-  77B+  80W+  33B-    4.5     45.0     5    -5
 61: Gosu 0.16                     2384  95W+  37B-  24B-  87W+  20B=  80W-  72B=  47B-  54W=  83W+    4.5     44.0     5   -11
 62: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336   3B-  87W=  30B-  59W+  82B+  70W-  79W-  63B-  86W+  85W+    4.5     44.0     6   -13
 63: Joker 1.1.14                  2306   9W-  81B=  49W-  92B-  84B+  74B-  86W+  62W+  59W+  37B-    4.5     43.0     5    -8
 64: RamJet 0.13                   2213  69W+   7B-  60B=  50W-  92W+  35B-  88W=  58B-  83B=  84B+    4.5     42.5     4    +9
 65: Averno 0.81                   2310  45W-  78B-  95W+  82B=  85B+  79W=  31W-  41B-  72B=  80B+    4.5     40.5     4   -10
 66: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  57W-  42B+  73W-  43B-  94B+  75W-  83W=  84B=  71W=  81B+    4.5     39.5     5   -30
 67: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341   4W=  41B+  38W=  10B=  70W+  15W=  36B-  23B-  29B-  51B-    4.0     58.0     4    -5
 68: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  91W+   9B-  20W-  40B=  30B=  47W-  85W+  57B+  32B-  53W-    4.0     51.0     5   -11
 69: PostModernist 1016            2391  64B-  54W+  93B+   4W-  32B=  20W-  74B+  50B=  39W-  49W-    4.0     50.5     5   -10
 70: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326   6W=  38B-  96W+  60B+  67B-  62B+  19W=  17W-  26W-  44B-    4.0     50.5     5    -6
 71: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  15W-  25B=  83B+  22B-  60W=  58W+  53B-  40W-  66B=  75W=    4.0     50.0     5    -5
 72: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  59W+  45B-  31W=  48B-  27W=  60B=  61W=  42B-  65W=  76W=    4.0     49.5     6   -13
 73: KnightX 1.92                  2300  19W-  96W+  66B+  44B-  29B+  45W-  50B=  26W-  49B=  48B-    4.0     49.0     4    -1
 74: Adam 3.3                      2228  76B+  16W-  80W=  28B-  42B-  63W+  69W-  59B-  78B=  89W+    4.0     45.5     5    +1
 75: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  48B-  24W-  77W-  95B+  87W+  66B+  39W-  27B-  81W=  71B=    4.0     44.0     5     0
 76: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  74W-  84B+  28B=  11W-  80W-  77B-  94W+  33B-  87W+  72B=    4.0     43.0     5   -26
 77: Arion 1.7                     2334  13W-  53B-  75B+  79W-  88B=  76W+  40B-  60W-  84W=  90B+    4.0     42.5     5   -11
 78: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  90W-  65W+  46B-  41B-  33W-  86B=  82W-  92B+  74W=  88B+    4.0     40.5     5    +8
 79: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   2W-  85B+  35W-  77B+  21W-  65B=  62B+  37W-  33W-  59W-    3.5     52.5     6   -14
 80: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   5W-  59B+  74B=  25W-  76B+  61B+  35W-  38W-  60B-  65W-    3.5     50.0     5   -10
 81: Parrot 07.07.22               2071  10W-  63W=  87B=  23B+  39B-  30W-  42B-  90W+  75B=  66W-    3.5     49.0     5   +14
 82: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  35B-  52W+  36B-  65W=  62W-  88B-  78B+  83W=  85B=  54B-    3.5     44.0     4    -4
 83: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  26W=  31B-  71W-  94W=  93B+  29W-  66B=  82B=  64W=  61B-    3.5     43.0     5    +1
 84: Zeus 1.29                     2254  16B-  76W-  94B=  39B-  63W-  91B+  92W+  66W=  77B=  64W-    3.5     41.0     5    -9
 85: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  36B-  79W-  54W+  53B-  65W-  93W+  68B-  94B+  82W=  62B-    3.5     39.5     5    -1
 86: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  93W-  23B-  52W-  54B=  96W=  78W=  63B-  91B+  62B-  92B+    3.5     38.0     4   -11
 87: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  55W-  62B=  81W=  61B-  75B-  94W-  91W=  93B+  76B-  95W+    3.5     34.0     5    -6
 88: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331  37W-  95B+  47B-  52B-  77W=  82W+  64B=  30W-  57B-  78W-    3.0     44.0     5   -25
 89: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319  34W-  94B+  90W+  55B-  52W-  33B-  58W-  54B-  95B+  74B-    3.0     41.5     4   -25
 90: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  78B+  29W-  89B-  58B-  23W-  96W+  27W-  81B-  94B+  77W-    3.0     40.5     5   -34
 91: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  68B-  60B-  51W-  33W-  95B=  84W-  87B=  86W-  96B+  94W+    3.0     35.5     5    -5
 92: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  38W=  32B-  25B-  63W+  64B-  53W-  84B-  78W-  93B+  86W-    2.5     44.5     5   -26
 93: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  86B+   1W-  69W-  51B-  83W-  85B-  95B=  87W-  92W-  96B=    2.0     39.0     5   -45
 94: InmiChess 3.05                2160  46B-  89W-  84W=  83B=  66W-  87B+  76B-  85W-  90W-  91B-    2.0     36.5     5   -14
 95: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  61B-  88W-  65B-  75W-  91W=  54B-  93W=  96B+  89W-  87B-    2.0     34.0     5   -22
 96: Matheus 2.3                   2053  31W=  73B-  70B-  42W-  86B=  90B-  54W-  95W-  91W-  93W=    1.5     38.0     6    -7

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 ------------------ ROUND 11. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: InmiChess 3.05               ----   Matheus 2.3                     
   2: Chispa 4.0.3                 ----   Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit          
   3: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   Prophet 3.0 64-bit              
   4: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit    ----   Betsy 6.51 Nobook               
   5: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit          ----   NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit            
   6: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit         ----   GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit        
   7: Uralochka 1.1b               ----   Parrot 07.07.22                 
   8: Zeus 1.29                    ----   Jazz 840 64-bit                 
   9: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu   ----   Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit         
  10: KnightX 1.92                 ----   Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit        
  11: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit        ----   Arion 1.7                       
  12: KnightDreamer 3.3            ----   Sorgenkind 0.4                  
  13: Buzz 0.08 64-bit             ----   PostModernist 1016              
  14: Adam 3.3                     ----   Alex 2.14a 64-bit               
  15: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit          ----   Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit             
  16: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   Asterisk 0.6                    
  17: Averno 0.81                  ----   Protej 0.5.8c                   
  18: Clunk 1.1 64-bit             ----   Joker 1.1.14                    
  19: RamJet 0.13                  ----   Sungorus 1.4 64-bit             
  20: Aice 0.99.2                  ----   Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit             
  21: Gosu 0.16                    ----   MadChess 2.2 64-bit             
  22: ChessAlex 2.0r4              ----   Bearded N44.5 64-bit            
  23: Natwarlal 0.14               ----   Amy 0.87b                       
  24: Der Bringer 1.9              ----   Now 0.1x                        
  25: Ayito 0.2.994                ----   King of Kings 2.56              
  26: Ares 64-bit        ----   Sage 3.53                       
  27: Eveann 1.72                  ----   Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit             
  28: Waster 0.15                  ----   Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit         
  29: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit          ----   Rival 1.0.1 64-bit              
  30: Diablo 0.5.1                 ----   Comet B68                       
  31: Xpdnt 091007                 ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
  32: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit         ----   Gothmog 1.0b10                  
  33: Delphil 3.2 64-bit           ----   Tigran 2.4n 64-bit              
  34: Horizon 4.4                  ----   Popochin 4.1 64-bit             
  35: Tytan 9.32 64-bit            ----   BBChess 1.3b 64-bit             
  36: Lozza 1.18 64-bit            ----   Caligula 0.7b                   
  37: Delocto 0.6 64bit            ----   Gaia 3.5 64-bit                 
  38: Flux 2.21                    ----   RomiChess P3n 64-bit            
  39: Leila 0.53h                  ----   Eeyore 1.52 64-bit              
  40: Patzer 3.80                  ----   Hussar 0.4                      
  41: Yace 0.99.87                 ----   Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit         
  42: Absolute Zero 64-bit ----   Nameless 1.1j 64-bit            
  43: Quark 2.35                   ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
  44: Gromit 3.82                  ----   TJchess 1.3 64-bit              
  45: Winter 0.2 64-bit            ----   OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit           
  46: Matacz 1.4                   ----   Orion 0.5 64-bit                
  47: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           ----   Trace 1.37a                    
  48: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit        ----   Xiphos 0.3 64-bit              

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:43 pm
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 InmiChess 3.05                1.0 -- 0.0  Matheus 2.3                 
 Chispa 4.0.3                  1.0 -- 0.0  Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit       
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Prophet 3.0 64-bit          
 Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     0.0 -- 1.0  Betsy 6.51 Nobook           
 Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit        
 Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit    
 Uralochka 1.1b                0.0 -- 1.0  Parrot 07.07.22             
 Zeus 1.29                     1.0 -- 0.0  Jazz 840 64-bit             
 RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    0.5 -- 0.5  Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit     
 KnightX 1.92                  0.0 -- 1.0  Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit    
 KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Arion 1.7                   
 KnightDreamer 3.3             1.0 -- 0.0  Sorgenkind 0.4              
 Buzz 0.08 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  PostModernist 1016          
 Adam 3.3                      1.0 -- 0.0  Alex 2.14a 64-bit           
 Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit         
 Nejmet 3.07                   1.0 -- 0.0  Asterisk 0.6                
 Averno 0.81                   1.0 -- 0.0  Protej 0.5.8c               
 Clunk 1.1 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Joker 1.1.14                
 RamJet 0.13                   0.5 -- 0.5  Sungorus 1.4 64-bit         
 Aice 0.99.2                   0.0 -- 1.0  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit         
 Gosu 0.16                     0.0 -- 1.0  MadChess 2.2 64-bit         
 ChessAlex 2.0r4               0.0 -- 1.0  Bearded N44.5 64-bit        
 Natwarlal 0.14                0.0 -- 1.0  Amy 0.87b                   
 Der Bringer 1.9               1.0 -- 0.0  Now 0.1x                    
 Ayito 0.2.994                 0.0 -- 1.0  King of Kings 2.56          
 Ares 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Sage 3.53                   
 Eveann 1.72                   1.0 -- 0.0  Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit         
 Waster 0.15                   0.0 -- 1.0  Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit     
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Rival 1.0.1 64-bit          
 Diablo 0.5.1                  1.0 -- 0.0  Comet B68                   
 Xpdnt 091007                  0.5 -- 0.5  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Gothmog 1.0b10              
 Delphil 3.2 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Tigran 2.4n 64-bit          
 Horizon 4.4                   0.0 -- 1.0  Popochin 4.1 64-bit         
 Tytan 9.32 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  BBChess 1.3b 64-bit         
 Lozza 1.18 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Caligula 0.7b               
 Delocto 0.6 64bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Gaia 3.5 64-bit             
 Flux 2.21                     0.5 -- 0.5  RomiChess P3n 64-bit        
 Leila 0.53h                   1.0 -- 0.0  Eeyore 1.52 64-bit          
 Patzer 3.80                   0.0 -- 1.0  Hussar 0.4                  
 Yace 0.99.87                  1.0 -- 0.0  Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit     
 Absolute Zero 64-bit  0.0 -- 1.0  Nameless 1.1j 64-bit        
 Quark 2.35                    1.0 -- 0.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 Gromit 3.82                   1.0 -- 0.0  TJchess 1.3 64-bit          
 Winter 0.2 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit       
 Matacz 1.4                    0.5 -- 0.5  Orion 0.5 64-bit            
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Trace 1.37a                 
 Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Xiphos 0.3 64-bit           

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  35W+  95B+   7B+   2W+  18B+   6W+   4B+   3W+   5W+  17B+   9B+   11.0     75.5     5    +3
  2: Trace 1.37a                   2507  78B+  43W+  17B+   1B-  47W+   3W+   6W=  18B+   4B+   7W+   5B-    8.5     78.0     5   +23
  3: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  51W+  47B=  19W+   5B+  38W+   2B-  10B+   1B-  32W+  21W+   6B=    8.0     78.0     5   +17
  4: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  80B=  40B+  11W+  24B=  37W+   8B+   1W-  34W+   2W-  14B+  18W+    8.0     76.5     6   +20
  5: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  29B+  34W+  20B=   3W-  55W+  21B+  32B=  11W+   1B-  10W=   2W+    7.5     79.0     6   +19
  6: Matacz 1.4                    2448  88B+  28W+  36B+  21W+   8W+   1B-   2B=  19B+  17W=   9W-   3W=    7.5     78.0     6   +23
  7: Gromit 3.82                   2426  71B+  79W+   1W-  12W+   9B-  37B+   8W+  32B=  19W+   2B-  20W+    7.5     75.0     6   +27
  8: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  63B+  24W+  32W+  27B+   6B-   4W-   7B-  40W+  22B=  34W+  21W+    7.5     72.0     6    +7
  9: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  77B=  25W=  54W+  68B+   7W+  32B=  18B-  12W+  33W+   6B+   1W-    7.5     71.5     6    -7
 10: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  57B+  41W+  27W-  44B=  22B+  34W+   3W-  24W=  54W+   5B=  19B+    7.5     69.5     6     0
 11: Quark 2.35                    2424  82B+  19W=   4B-  29W+  42W+  77B=  36W+   5B-  57W+  20B=  17W+    7.5     66.5     6   +11
 12: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  26W+  20W-  79B+   7B-  70W=  68B+  44W+   9B-  27B+  23B=  45W+    7.0     66.0     5    -8
 13: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  67W=  42B+  33B=  34W-  78B+  15B+  23W+  17W-  35B=  26W=  39W+    7.0     65.0     6    +4
 14: Hussar 0.4                    2419  19B-  82W=  94W+  88B+  20W+  47W-  30B+  67B+  34W=   4W-  25B+    7.0     60.0     6    +7
 15: Leila 0.53h                   2388  84B=  54B=  48W+  22W=  17B=  13W-  59W-  81B+  80B+  55W+  33W+    7.0     58.5     6    +6
 16: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  96B=  84W+  56B=  33W-  43B+  17W-  52B+  36W=  67W+  22B=  35B+    7.0     57.5     5   +13
 17: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  69B+  22B+   2W-  77W=  15W=  16B+  25W+  13B+   6B=   1W-  11B-    6.5     77.0     5   +20
 18: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  66B+  64W+  45W+  20B+   1W-  33B=   9W+   2W-  21B-  24B+   4B-    6.5     76.5     5   +15
 19: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  14W+  11B=   3B-  61B+  41W+  44W+  33B+   6W-   7B-  32W+  10W-    6.5     74.0     6   +37
 20: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  31W+  12B+   5W=  18W-  14B-  42B+  41B=  45W+  37B+  11W=   7B-    6.5     73.5     5   +11
 21: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  75W+  62B+  58W+   6B-  27B=   5W-  38W+  47B+  18W+   3B-   8B-    6.5     69.5     5    +8
 22: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  81B+  17W-  35W+  15B=  10W-  39W+  80B=  59B+   8W=  16W=  28B=    6.5     67.0     6    +3
 23: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  38B-  59W+  28B=  82W+  24B+  27W+  13B-  33W-  49B+  12W=  29B=    6.5     66.5     5    -2
 24: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  83W+   8B-  78B+   4W=  23W-  64W+  88B+  10B=  25B=  18W-  49W+    6.5     64.5     6   +10
 25: Patzer 3.80                   2382  54W=   9B=  60W+  36B+  32B-  58W+  17B-  80B+  24W=  44B+  14W-    6.5     64.5     5   +10
 26: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  12B-  72B+  70W+  58B+  33W-  38W=  27W+  54B-  47W+  13B=  30B=    6.5     63.5     5   +17
 27: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  90B+  70W+  10B+   8W-  21W=  23B-  26B-  78B+  12W-  71W+  48B+    6.5     63.0     5    -3
 28: Flux 2.21                     2373  50W+   6B-  23W=  42B-  56B=  35W-  85B+  72W+  38W+  54B+  22W=    6.5     62.5     6    +4
 29: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329   5W-  50B=  51W+  11B-  79W=  69B+  37W-  90B+  60B+  43W+  23W=    6.5     61.0     6   +10
 30: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  40W=  94W+  47B=  67B-  68W=  57B+  14W-  38B=  79W+  36B+  26W=    6.5     57.5     6    -7
 31: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  20B-  49W-  73W-  87B+  65B+  91W+  45B-  61W+  78B+  74W+  44B=    6.5     54.0     5   +20
 32: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  91B+  37W+   8B-  43B+  25W+   9W=   5W=   7W=   3B-  19B-  40W=    6.0     72.0     6    -2
 33: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  59B+  38W=  13W=  16B+  26B+  18W=  19W-  23B+   9B-  35W=  15B-    6.0     71.5     5     0
 34: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  89W+   5B-  83W+  13B+  67W+  10B-  77W+   4B-  14B=   8B-  46W=    6.0     66.5     5    +5
 35: Horizon 4.4                   2342   1B-  86W+  22B-  69W-  85B+  28B+  43W+  77W+  13W=  33B=  16W-    6.0     66.5     6   +10
 36: King of Kings 2.56            2438  52B+  56W+   6W-  25W-  49B+  81B+  11B-  16B=  39W=  30W-  59B+    6.0     66.0     5    -4
 37: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  92W+  32B-  65W+  45B+   4B-   7W-  29B+  60W+  20W-  39B-  57W+    6.0     64.5     6    +1
 38: Sage 3.53                     2327  23W+  33B=  67W=  81W+   3B-  26B=  21B-  30W=  28B-  80W+  55B+    6.0     64.0     5   +16
 39: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  46W+  58B-  61W=  62W+  44B-  22B-  74W+  42B+  36B=  37W+  13B-    6.0     63.0     5    -4
 40: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  30B=   4W-  55B-  75W+  69W+  54W=  72B+   8B-  68B+  48W=  32B=    6.0     61.5     5    +7
 41: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  72W+  10B-  49B=  56W+  19B-  46W+  20W=  57B-  48B-  81W+  60B+    6.0     61.0     5    -7
 42: Eveann 1.72                   2309  55B=  13W-  71B+  28W+  11B-  20W-  73B+  39W-  81W=  68B+  54W+    6.0     61.0     6   +11
 43: Amy 0.87b                     2387  60B+   2B-  90W+  32W-  16W-  79B+  35B-  70W+  59W+  29B-  66B+    6.0     60.5     5    -1
 44: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  94B=  80W+  77B=  10W=  39W+  19B-  12B-  88B+  46W+  25W-  31W=    6.0     60.0     6    -7
 45: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  74W+  85B+  18B-  37W-  81W-  84B+  31W+  20B-  77W+  57W+  12B-    6.0     58.0     6    -6
 46: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  39B-  53W-  50W=  96B+  62W+  41B-  69W+  56W+  44B-  67W+  34B=    6.0     55.5     6    +9
 47: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  76B+   3W=  30W=  91W+   2B-  14B+  67B=  21W-  26B-  49W-  70B+    5.5     65.0     5     0
 48: Waster 0.15                   2181  49W+  77W-  15B-  65W+  50B+  67B-  54B-  52W+  41W+  40B=  27W-    5.5     60.5     6   +18
 49: Comet B68                     2377  48B-  31B+  41W=  79W=  36W-  73B=  63W+  82B+  23W-  47B+  24B-    5.5     60.0     5    -7
 50: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  28B-  29W=  46B=  85W+  48W-  82B-  91B+  64W+  55B-  58W=  71W+    5.5     55.0     6   +21
 51: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336   3B-  76W=  29B-  73W+  83B+  80W-  78W-  71B-  86W+  89W+  67B+    5.5     52.0     6    -8
 52: Averno 0.81                   2310  36W-  65B-  93W+  83B=  89B+  78W=  16W-  48B-  56B=  88B+  73W+    5.5     51.0     5    -7
 53: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  58W-  46B+  81W-  54B-  92B+  72W-  84W=  75B=  82W=  69B+  74W+    5.5     49.0     6   -27
 54: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  25B=  15W=   9B-  53W+  59W=  40B=  48W+  26W+  10B-  28W-  42B-    5.0     69.5     6   +20
 55: Ares 64-bit         2432  42W=  67B-  40W+  64B+   5B-  59B=  81W=  68W=  50W+  15B-  38W-    5.0     61.0     6   -21
 56: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  73W+  36B-  16W=  41B-  28W=  74B=  70W=  46B-  52W=  61W=  77B+    5.0     59.5     6    -8
 57: Now 0.1x                      2338  10W-  83B-  86B+  90W+  91B+  30W-  58W+  41W+  11B-  45B-  37B-    5.0     58.5     5    -1
 58: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  53B+  39W+  21B-  26W-  60W+  25B-  57B-  79W-  90W+  50B=  64B=    5.0     58.5     5    -2
 59: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288  33W-  23B-  87B+  95W+  54B=  55W=  15B+  22W-  43B-  77W+  36W-    5.0     58.0     6    +7
 60: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  43W-  63W+  25B-  89W+  58B-  94B+  82W+  37B-  29W-  79B+  41W-    5.0     55.0     6   +15
 61: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  62W-  75B+  39B=  19W-  88W-  63B-  92W+  31B-  76W+  56B=  80W+    5.0     53.5     6   -22
 62: Adam 3.3                      2228  61B+  21W-  88W=  39B-  46B-  71W+  68W-  73B-  65B=  91W+  79W+    5.0     52.5     6    +8
 63: Arion 1.7                     2334   8W-  60B-  72B+  78W-  90B=  61W+  49B-  74W-  75W=  85B+  82B+    5.0     51.5     5    -6
 64: RamJet 0.13                   2213  68W+  18B-  74B=  55W-  94W+  24B-  90W=  50B-  84B=  75B+  58W=    5.0     51.5     5   +10
 65: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  85W-  52W+  37B-  48B-  31W-  86B=  83W-  94B+  62W=  90B+  81B+    5.0     50.0     5   +15
 66: Natwarlal 0.14                2262  18W-  68B-  89B-  86W=  73B-  93W+  96B+  91W+  70B=  83W+  43W-    5.0     45.0     6    -4
 67: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  13B=  55W+  38B=  30W+  34B-  48W+  47W=  14W-  16B-  46B-  51W-    4.5     67.0     6    -2
 68: PostModernist 1016            2391  64B-  66W+  95B+   9W-  30B=  12W-  62B+  55B=  40W-  42W-  72B=    4.5     59.5     5   -12
 69: Parrot 07.07.22               2071  17W-  71W=  76B=  35B+  40B-  29W-  46B-  85W+  72B=  53W-  89B+    4.5     57.5     5   +21
 70: Gosu 0.16                     2384  93W+  27B-  26B-  76W+  12B=  88W-  56B=  43B-  66W=  84W+  47W-    4.5     56.5     6   -16
 71: Joker 1.1.14                  2306   7W-  69B=  42W-  94B-  75B+  62B-  86W+  51W+  73W+  27B-  50B-    4.5     56.0     5   -15
 72: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  41B-  26W-  63W-  93B+  76W+  53B+  40W-  28B-  69W=  82B=  68W=    4.5     56.0     6    +2
 73: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  56B-  88W-  31B+  51B-  66W+  49W=  42W-  62W+  71B-  78B+  52B-    4.5     56.0     5   +13
 74: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  45B-  87W+  64W=  80W-  82B=  56W=  39B-  63B+  88W+  31B-  53B-    4.5     54.5     5    -9
 75: Zeus 1.29                     2254  21B-  61W-  92B=  40B-  71W-  87B+  94W+  53W=  63B=  64W-  88W+    4.5     50.5     6    -3
 76: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  47W-  51B=  69W=  70B-  72B-  92W-  87W=  95B+  61B-  93W+  91B+    4.5     44.5     5    +1
 77: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341   9W=  48B+  44W=  17B=  80W+  11W=  34B-  35B-  45B-  59B-  56W-    4.0     65.0     5    -9
 78: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   2W-  89B+  24W-  63B+  13W-  52B=  51B+  27W-  31W-  73W-  84B=    4.0     63.0     6   -16
 79: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  87W+   7B-  12W-  49B=  29B=  43W-  89W+  58B+  30B-  60W-  62B-    4.0     61.5     5   -18
 80: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326   4W=  44B-  96W+  74B+  77B-  51B+  22W=  25W-  15W-  38B-  61B-    4.0     60.5     5   -10
 81: KnightX 1.92                  2300  22W-  96W+  53B+  38B-  45B+  36W-  55B=  15W-  42B=  41B-  65W-    4.0     60.5     5    -8
 82: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284  11W-  14B=  84B+  23B-  74W=  50W+  60B-  49W-  53B=  72W=  63W-    4.0     60.5     6    -9
 83: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  24B-  57W+  34B-  52W=  51W-  90B-  65B+  84W=  89B=  66B-  86W=    4.0     53.0     5    -3
 84: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202  15W=  16B-  82W-  92W=  95B+  45W-  53B=  83B=  64W=  70B-  78W=    4.0     52.0     6    +2
 85: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  65B+  45W-  91B-  50B-  35W-  96W+  28W-  69B-  92B+  63W-  90B+    4.0     49.0     5   -30
 86: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  95W-  35B-  57W-  66B=  96W=  65W=  71B-  87B+  51B-  94B+  83B=    4.0     45.0     4   -12
 87: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  79B-  74B-  59W-  31W-  93B=  75W-  76B=  86W-  96B+  92W+  95B+    4.0     42.5     5    +3
 88: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   6W-  73B+  62B=  14W-  61B+  70B+  24W-  44W-  74B-  52W-  75B-    3.5     60.5     5   -16
 89: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  34B-  78W-  66W+  60B-  52W-  95W+  79B-  92B+  83W=  51B-  69W-    3.5     48.5     6    -8
 90: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331  27W-  93B+  43B-  57B-  63W=  83W+  64B=  29W-  58B-  65W-  85W-    3.0     55.0     6   -30
 91: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319  32W-  92B+  85W+  47B-  57W-  31B-  50W-  66B-  93B+  62B-  76W-    3.0     53.0     5   -32
 92: InmiChess 3.05                2160  37B-  91W-  75W=  84B=  53W-  76B+  61B-  89W-  85W-  87B-  96W+    3.0     45.5     6   -11
 93: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  70B-  90W-  52B-  72W-  87W=  66B-  95W=  96B+  91W-  76B-  94W+    3.0     40.0     6   -15
 94: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  44W=  30B-  14B-  71W+  64B-  60W-  75B-  65W-  95B+  86W-  93B-    2.5     52.5     5   -33
 95: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  86B+   1W-  68W-  59B-  84W-  89B-  93B=  76W-  94W-  96B=  87W-    2.0     47.5     6   -53
 96: Matheus 2.3                   2053  16W=  81B-  80B-  46W-  86B=  85B-  66W-  93W-  87W-  95W=  92B-    1.5     46.0     6   -10

Code: Select all

 ------------------ LAST ROUND. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit        ----   Matheus 2.3                    
   2: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   InmiChess 3.05                 
   3: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit          ----   Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit       
   4: Uralochka 1.1b               ----   Chispa 4.0.3                    
   5: Jazz 840 64-bit              ----   Prophet 3.0 64-bit              
   6: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit     ----   KnightX 1.92                    
   7: Sorgenkind 0.4               ----   Betsy 6.51 Nobook               
   8: Alex 2.14a 64-bit            ----   RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu      
   9: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit         ----   Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit         
  10: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit          ----   KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit           
  11: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit         ----   Joker 1.1.14                    
  12: Asterisk 0.6                 ----   Gosu 0.16                       
  13: Parrot 07.07.22              ----   Zeus 1.29                       
  14: Protej 0.5.8c                ----   PostModernist 1016              
  15: Buzz 0.08 64-bit             ----   Aice 0.99.2                     
  16: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit     ----   Ayito 0.2.994                   
  17: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit          ----   Natwarlal 0.14                  
  18: Now 0.1x                     ----   RamJet 0.13                     
  19: Arion 1.7                    ----   Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit             
  20: Adam 3.3                     ----   Ares 64-bit           
  21: KnightDreamer 3.3            ----   Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit             
  22: ChessAlex 2.0r4              ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
  23: Comet B68                    ----   Averno 0.81                     
  24: Waster 0.15                  ----   Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit             
  25: MadChess 2.2 64-bit          ----   Clunk 1.1 64-bit                
  26: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   Rival 1.0.1 64-bit              
  27: Der Bringer 1.9              ----   Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit            
  28: King of Kings 2.56           ----   Gaia 3.5 64-bit                 
  29: Bearded N44.5 64-bit         ----   Horizon 4.4                     
  30: Amy 0.87b                    ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit             
  31: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit           ----   Eveann 1.72                     
  32: Caligula 0.7b                ----   Xpdnt 091007                    
  33: Gothmog 1.0b10               ----   Sage 3.53                       
  34: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit          ----   Delphil 3.2 64-bit              
  35: Tytan 9.32 64-bit            ----   RomiChess P3n 64-bit            
  36: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit      ----   Flux 2.21                       
  37: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit      ----   TJchess 1.3 64-bit              
  38: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit           ----   Absolute Zero 64-bit    
  39: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit        ----   Patzer 3.80                     
  40: Anubisx 0.052                ----   Diablo 0.5.1                    
  41: Popochin 4.1 64-bit          ----   Lozza 1.18 64-bit               
  42: Delocto 0.6 64bit            ----   Leila 0.53h                     
  43: Hussar 0.4                   ----   Quark 2.35                      
  44: Matacz 1.4                   ----   Nameless 1.1j 64-bit            
  45: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           ----   Gromit 3.82                     
  46: Orion 0.5 64-bit             ----   Winter 0.2 64-bit               
  47: Trace 1.37a                  ----   Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit          
  48: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit            ----   Yace 0.99.87                   

Re: Swiss Tournaments Ed.VI. Group C.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:07 am
by Sergio Martinez

Code: Select all


 Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Matheus 2.3                 
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  InmiChess 3.05              
 Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit   
 Uralochka 1.1b                0.5 -- 0.5  Chispa 4.0.3                
 Jazz 840 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Prophet 3.0 64-bit          
 GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      1.0 -- 0.0  KnightX 1.92                
 Sorgenkind 0.4                1.0 -- 0.0  Betsy 6.51 Nobook           
 Alex 2.14a 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu  
 Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit     
 Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit       
 NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Joker 1.1.14                
 Asterisk 0.6                  0.5 -- 0.5  Gosu 0.16                   
 Parrot 07.07.22               0.0 -- 1.0  Zeus 1.29                   
 Protej 0.5.8c                 0.0 -- 1.0  PostModernist 1016          
 Buzz 0.08 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Aice 0.99.2                 
 Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Ayito 0.2.994               
 Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Natwarlal 0.14              
 Now 0.1x                      1.0 -- 0.0  RamJet 0.13                 
 Arion 1.7                     0.0 -- 1.0  Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit         
 Adam 3.3                      0.0 -- 1.0  Ares 64-bit       
 KnightDreamer 3.3             0.5 -- 0.5  Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit         
 ChessAlex 2.0r4               0.0 -- 1.0  Nejmet 3.07                 
 Comet B68                     1.0 -- 0.0  Averno 0.81                 
 Waster 0.15                   0.5 -- 0.5  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit         
 MadChess 2.2 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Clunk 1.1 64-bit            
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.0 -- 1.0  Rival 1.0.1 64-bit          
 Der Bringer 1.9               1.0 -- 0.0  Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit        
 King of Kings 2.56            0.0 -- 1.0  Gaia 3.5 64-bit             
 Bearded N44.5 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Horizon 4.4                 
 Amy 0.87b                     0.0 -- 1.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit         
 Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Eveann 1.72                 
 Caligula 0.7b                 0.0 -- 1.0  Xpdnt 091007                
 Gothmog 1.0b10                1.0 -- 0.0  Sage 3.53                   
 BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Delphil 3.2 64-bit          
 Tytan 9.32 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  RomiChess P3n 64-bit        
 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Flux 2.21                   
 Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  TJchess 1.3 64-bit          
 Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Absolute Zero 64-bit
 OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Patzer 3.80                 
 Anubisx 0.052                 1.0 -- 0.0  Diablo 0.5.1                
 Popochin 4.1 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Lozza 1.18 64-bit           
 Delocto 0.6 64bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Leila 0.53h                 
 Hussar 0.4                    0.5 -- 0.5  Quark 2.35                  
 Matacz 1.4                    1.0 -- 0.0  Nameless 1.1j 64-bit        
 Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Gromit 3.82                 
 Orion 0.5 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Winter 0.2 64-bit           
 Trace 1.37a                   0.0 -- 1.0  Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit       
 Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Yace 0.99.87                

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit             3066  27W+  94B+  13B+   4W+  34B+   5W+   2B+   7W+   3W+  12B+   6B+  11W+   12.0     90.0     6    +3
  2: Winter 0.2 64-bit             2478  67B=  45B+   8W+  37B=  28W+  11B+   1W-  25W+   4W-  19B+  34W+   7B+    9.0     89.5     6   +26
  3: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit            2488  29B+  25W+  35B=   7W-  50W+  15B+  21B=   8W+   1B-  14W=   4W+  13W+    8.5     92.5     7   +23
  4: Trace 1.37a                   2507  84B+  47W+  12B+   1B-  43W+   7W+   5W=  34B+   2B+  13W+   3B-   6W-    8.5     92.0     6   +21
  5: Matacz 1.4                    2448  80B+  38W+  42B+  15W+  11W+   1B-   4B=  36B+  12W=   6W-   7W=  14W+    8.5     90.5     7   +29
  6: Pirarucu 2.2.2 64-bit         2681  66B=  16W=  57W+  59B+  13W+  21B=  34B-  22W+  41W+   5B+   1W-   4B+    8.5     86.5     6    -5
  7: Orion 0.5 64-bit              2512  56W+  43B=  36W+   3B+  44W+   4B-  14B+   1B-  21W+  15W+   5B=   2W-    8.0     93.0     6   +12
  8: Quark 2.35                    2424  85B+  36W=   2B-  29W+  30W+  66B=  42W+   3B-  52W+  35B=  12W+  19B=    8.0     80.5     6   +11
  9: Leila 0.53h                   2388  86B=  57B=  51W+  23W=  12B=  24W-  54W-  83B+  67B+  50W+  41W+  22B+    8.0     71.0     6   +14
 10: Popochin 4.1 64-bit           2345  96B=  86W+  53B=  41W-  47B+  12W-  63B+  42W=  78W+  23B=  27B+  24W+    8.0     68.5     6   +19
 11: Yace 0.99.87                  2508  74B+  37W+  21W+  18B+   5B-   2W-  13B-  45W+  23B=  25W+  15W+   1B-    7.5     90.5     6    +6
 12: Anubisx 0.052                 2348  79B+  23B+   4W-  66W=   9W=  10B+  16W+  24B+   5B=   1W-   8B-  37W+    7.5     90.5     6   +25
 13: Gromit 3.82                   2426  60B+  68W+   1W-  22W+   6B-  28B+  11W+  21B=  36W+   4B-  35W+   3B-    7.5     89.5     6   +23
 14: Nameless 1.1j 64-bit          2540  52B+  49W+  18W-  48B=  23B+  25W+   7W-  37W=  57W+   3B=  36B+   5B-    7.5     83.0     6    -7
 15: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit       2414  64W+  71B+  58W+   5B-  18B=   3W-  44W+  43B+  34W+   7B-  11B-  38W+    7.5     81.0     6   +12
 16: Patzer 3.80                   2382  57W=   6B=  70W+  42B+  21B-  58W+  12B-  67B+  37W=  48B+  19W-  34B+    7.5     76.5     5   +16
 17: Tigran 2.4n 64-bit            2340  22B-  62B+  69W+  58B+  41W-  44W=  18W+  57B-  43W+  24B=  31B=  36W+    7.5     74.5     6   +21
 18: Drosophila 1.5.1 64-bit       2493  92B+  69W+  14B+  11W-  15W=  26B-  17B-  84B+  22W-  60W+  51B+  35W+    7.5     74.0     6    +1
 19: Hussar 0.4                    2419  36B-  85W=  93W+  80B+  35W+  43W-  31B+  78B+  25W=   2W-  16B+   8W=    7.5     73.5     7    +7
 20: Gothmog 1.0b10                2241  35B-  39W-  81W-  90B+  76B+  87W+  32B-  61W+  84B+  72W+  48B=  44W+    7.5     64.0     6   +26
 21: Xpdnt 091007                  2469  87B+  28W+  11B-  47B+  16W+   6W=   3W=  13W=   7B-  36B-  45W=  46B+    7.0     83.0     6    +3
 22: Delocto 0.6 64bit             2604  17W+  35W-  68B+  13B-  69W=  59B+  48W+   6B-  18B+  26B=  32W+   9W-    7.0     81.0     6   -16
 23: RomiChess P3n 64-bit          2425  83B+  12W-  27W+   9B=  14W-  46W+  67B=  54B+  11W=  10W=  38B=  29B=    7.0     80.0     6    +2
 24: Lozza 1.18 64-bit             2442  78W=  30B+  41B=  25W-  84B+   9B+  26W+  12W-  27B=  17W=  46W+  10B-    7.0     79.5     6    -2
 25: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit           2382  89W+   3B-  75W+  24B+  78W+  14B-  66W+   2B-  19B=  11B-  33W=  47B+    7.0     78.5     5   +10
 26: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit           2478  44B-  54W+  38B=  85W+  37B+  18W+  24B-  41W-  39B+  22W=  29B=  31W=    7.0     77.0     6    -2
 27: Horizon 4.4                   2342   1B-  77W+  23B-  79W-  88B+  38B+  47W+  66W+  24W=  41B=  10W-  49B+    7.0     77.0     6   +16
 28: Der Bringer 1.9               2376  95W+  21B-  76W+  32B+   2B-  13W-  29B+  70W+  35W-  46B-  52W+  48W+    7.0     75.0     7    +7
 29: Tytan 9.32 64-bit             2329   3W-  55B=  56W+   8B-  68W=  79B+  28W-  92B+  70B+  47W+  26W=  23W=    7.0     73.0     7   +11
 30: Eveann 1.72                   2309  50B=  24W-  60B+  38W+   8B-  35W-  81B+  46W-  83W=  59B+  57W+  41B+    7.0     71.0     6   +18
 31: Delphil 3.2 64-bit            2475  45W=  93W+  43B=  78B-  59W=  52B+  19W-  44B=  68W+  42B+  17W=  26B=    7.0     70.0     6    -7
 32: Gaia 3.5 64-bit               2428  72W+  88B+  34B-  28W-  83W-  86B+  20W+  35B-  66W+  52W+  22B-  42B+    7.0     68.5     6    -1
 33: Rival 1.0.1 64-bit            2273  46B-  40W-  55W=  96B+  71W+  49B-  79W+  53W+  48B-  78W+  25B=  45B+    7.0     65.5     6   +15
 34: OliThink 5.3.2 64-bit         2422  65B+  73W+  32W+  35B+   1W-  41B=   6W+   4W-  15B-  37B+   2B-  16W-    6.5     89.5     6    +9
 35: TJchess 1.3 64-bit            2406  20W+  22B+   3W=  34W-  19B-  30B+  49B=  32W+  28B+   8W=  13B-  18B-    6.5     87.0     5    +7
 36: Absolute Zero 64-bit  2260  19W+   8B=   7B-  61B+  49W+  48W+  41B+   5W-  13B-  21W+  14W-  17B-    6.5     85.0     6   +33
 37: Diablo 0.5.1                  2390  75W+  11B-  84B+   2W=  26W-  73W+  80B+  14B=  16B=  34W-  39W+  12B-    6.5     77.5     6    +4
 38: Flux 2.21                     2373  55W+   5B-  26W=  30B-  53B=  27W-  88B+  62W+  44W+  57B+  23W=  15B-    6.5     77.0     6    -1
 39: Comet B68                     2377  51B-  20B+  49W=  68W=  42W-  81B=  74W+  85B+  26W-  43B+  37B-  63W+    6.5     69.0     6    -2
 40: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  58W-  33B+  83W-  57B-  95B+  62W-  86W=  64B=  85W=  79B+  72W+  70B+    6.5     58.5     6   -24
 41: Eeyore 1.52 64-bit            2424  54B+  44W=  24W=  10B+  17B+  34W=  36W-  26B+   6B-  27W=   9B-  30W-    6.0     85.0     6    -6
 42: King of Kings 2.56            2438  63B+  53W+   5W-  16W-  39B+  83B+   8B-  10B=  46W=  31W-  54B+  32W-    6.0     80.0     6    -9
 43: MadChess 2.2 64-bit           2388  82B+   7W=  31W=  87W+   4B-  19B+  78B=  15W-  17B-  39W-  69B+  55W=    6.0     76.5     6    -3
 44: Sage 3.53                     2327  26W+  41B=  78W=  83W+   7B-  17B=  15B-  31W=  38B-  67W+  50B+  20B-    6.0     76.5     5    +9
 45: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  31B=   2W-  50B-  64W+  79W+  57W=  62B+  11B-  59B+  51W=  21B=  33W-    6.0     76.0     6    +1
 46: Caligula 0.7b                 2423  33W+  58B-  61W=  71W+  48B-  23B-  72W+  30B+  42B=  28W+  24B-  21W-    6.0     75.0     6    -9
 47: Amy 0.87b                     2387  70B+   4B-  92W+  21W-  10W-  68B+  27B-  69W+  54W+  29B-  65B+  25W-    6.0     74.0     6    -6
 48: Bumblebee 1.0 64-bit          2451  93B=  67W+  66B=  14W=  46W+  36B-  22B-  80B+  33W+  16W-  20W=  28B-    6.0     73.5     6   -13
 49: Bearded N44.5 64-bit          2397  62W+  14B-  39B=  53W+  36B-  33W+  35W=  52B-  51B-  83W+  70B+  27W-    6.0     73.5     6   -13
 50: Ares 64-bit         2432  30W=  78B-  45W+  73B+   3B-  54B=  83W=  59W=  55W+   9B-  44W-  71B+    6.0     71.5     6   -19
 51: Waster 0.15                   2181  39W+  66W-   9B-  76W+  55B+  78B-  57B-  63W+  49W+  45B=  18W-  56W=    6.0     71.5     7   +21
 52: Now 0.1x                      2338  14W-  75B-  77B+  92W+  87B+  31W-  58W+  49W+   8B-  32B-  28B-  73W+    6.0     70.0     6    +2
 53: Cmcchess 2.6 64-bit           2357  81W+  42B-  10W=  49B-  38W=  72B=  69W=  33B-  63W=  61W=  66B+  74B+    6.0     69.0     6    -3
 54: Ayito 0.2.994                 2288  41W-  26B-  90B+  94W+  57B=  50W=   9B+  23W-  47B-  66W+  42W-  76B+    6.0     68.5     6   +10
 55: Clunk 1.1 64-bit              2160  38B-  29W=  33B=  88W+  51W-  85B-  87B+  73W+  50B-  58W=  60W+  43B=    6.0     66.5     6   +24
 56: Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit           2336   7B-  82W=  29B-  81W+  75B+  67W-  84W-  60B-  77W+  89W+  78B+  51B=    6.0     63.0     6   -10
 57: Beowulf 2.4a 32-bit           2193  16B=   9W=   6B-  40W+  54W=  45B=  51W+  17W+  14B-  38W-  30B-  61B=    5.5     82.5     6   +23
 58: Sungorus 1.4 64-bit           2307  40B+  46W+  15B-  17W-  70W+  16B-  52B-  68W-  92W+  55B=  73B=  65W=    5.5     70.5     6    -3
 59: PostModernist 1016            2391  73B-  65W+  94B+   6W-  31B=  22W-  71B+  50B=  45W-  30W-  62B=  81B+    5.5     70.0     5   -10
 60: Joker 1.1.14                  2306  13W-  79B=  30W-  93B-  64B+  71B-  77W+  56W+  81W+  18B-  55B-  82B+    5.5     66.0     5   -12
 61: KnightDreamer 3.3             2402  71W-  64B+  46B=  36W-  80W-  74B-  95W+  20B-  82W+  53B=  67W+  57W=    5.5     64.0     7   -25
 62: Buzz 0.08 64-bit              2221  49B-  17W-  74W-  91B+  82W+  40B+  45W-  38B-  79W=  85B=  59W=  78W+    5.5     64.0     7    +8
 63: Averno 0.81                   2310  42W-  76B-  91W+  75B=  89B+  84W=  10W-  51B-  53B=  80B+  81W+  39B-    5.5     63.0     5   -11
 64: Zeus 1.29                     2254  15B-  61W-  95B=  45B-  60W-  90B+  93W+  40W=  74B=  73W-  80W+  79B+    5.5     60.0     6     0
 65: Natwarlal 0.14                2262  34W-  59B-  89B-  77W=  81B-  91W+  96B+  87W+  69B=  75W+  47W-  58B=    5.5     56.5     6    -4
 66: Plisk 0.2.7d 64-bit           2341   6W=  51B+  48W=  12B=  67W+   8W=  25B-  27B-  32B-  54B-  53W-  85W+    5.0     78.0     6    -5
 67: Sorgenkind 0.4                2326   2W=  48B-  96W+  72B+  66B-  56B+  23W=  16W-   9W-  44B-  61B-  88W+    5.0     71.0     6    -5
 68: Alex 2.14a 64-bit             2349  90W+  13B-  22W-  39B=  29B=  47W-  89W+  58B+  31B-  70W-  71B-  86W+    5.0     68.5     6   -15
 69: Gosu 0.16                     2384  91W+  18B-  17B-  82W+  22B=  80W-  53B=  47B-  65W=  86W+  43W-  72B=    5.0     67.0     6   -17
 70: ChessAlex 2.0r4               2198  47W-  74W+  16B-  89W+  58B-  93B+  85W+  28B-  29W-  68B+  49W-  40W-    5.0     66.5     7   +13
 71: Adam 3.3                      2228  61B+  15W-  80W=  46B-  33B-  60W+  59W-  81B-  76B=  87W+  68W+  50W-    5.0     66.0     7    +5
 72: Asterisk 0.6                  2309  32B-  90W+  73W=  67W-  85B=  53W=  46B-  74B+  80W+  20B-  40B-  69W=    5.0     65.5     6    -8
 73: RamJet 0.13                   2213  59W+  34B-  72B=  50W-  93W+  37B-  92W=  55B-  86B=  64B+  58W=  52B-    5.0     62.5     5    +7
 74: Arion 1.7                     2334  11W-  70B-  62B+  84W-  92B=  61W+  39B-  72W-  64W=  88B+  85B+  53W-    5.0     61.5     6   -11
 75: Chexa 0.49991 64-bit          2203  37B-  52W+  25B-  63W=  56W-  92B-  76B+  86W=  89B=  65B-  77W=  84W+    5.0     61.5     6    +3
 76: Blitzkrieg rev337 64-bit      2141  88W-  63W+  28B-  51B-  20W-  77B=  75W-  93B+  71W=  92B+  83B+  54W-    5.0     61.0     6   +12
 77: GopherCheck 0.2.3 64-bit      2235  94W-  27B-  52W-  65B=  96W=  76W=  60B-  90B+  56B-  93B+  75B=  83W+    5.0     56.0     5    -6
 78: Aice 0.99.2                   2312  24B=  50W+  44B=  31W+  25B-  51W+  43W=  19W-  10B-  33B-  56W-  62B-    4.5     79.0     6    -8
 79: Parrot 07.07.22               2071  12W-  60W=  82B=  27B+  45B-  29W-  33B-  88W+  62B=  40W-  89B+  64W-    4.5     70.0     6   +18
 80: Jazz 840 64-bit               2317   5W-  81B+  71B=  19W-  61B+  69B+  37W-  48W-  72B-  63W-  64B-  90W+    4.5     68.5     6   -14
 81: Protej 0.5.8c                 2149  53B-  80W-  20B+  56B-  65W+  39W=  30W-  71W+  60B-  84B+  63B-  59W-    4.5     68.5     6   +11
 82: NG-Play 9.87b 64-bit          2198  43W-  56B=  79W=  69B-  62B-  95W-  90W=  94B+  61B-  91W+  87B+  60W-    4.5     55.5     6    -3
 83: KnightX 1.92                  2300  23W-  96W+  40B+  44B-  32B+  42W-  50B=   9W-  30B=  49B-  76W-  77B-    4.0     71.5     5   -14
 84: Barbarossa 0.4.0 64-bit       2331   4W-  89B+  37W-  74B+  24W-  63B=  56B+  18W-  20W-  81W-  86B=  75B-    4.0     71.0     6   -22
 85: KMTChess 1.2.1 64-bit         2284   8W-  19B=  86B+  26B-  72W=  55W+  70B-  39W-  40B=  62W=  74W-  66B-    4.0     71.0     6   -14
 86: RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu    2202   9W=  10B-  85W-  95W=  94B+  32W-  40B=  75B=  73W=  69B-  84W=  68B-    4.0     63.5     6    -1
 87: Mediocre 0.5 64-bit           2319  21W-  95B+  88W+  43B-  52W-  20B-  55W-  65B-  91B+  71B-  82W-  92W+    4.0     61.0     6   -27
 88: Betsy 6.51 Nobook             2356  76B+  32W-  87B-  55B-  27W-  96W+  38W-  79B-  95B+  74W-  92B+  67B-    4.0     58.0     5   -35
 89: Uralochka 1.1b                2189  25B-  84W-  65W+  70B-  63W-  94W+  68B-  95B+  75W=  56B-  79W-  91W=    4.0     57.0     7    -8
 90: Prophet 3.0 64-bit            2118  68B-  72B-  54W-  20W-  91B=  64W-  82B=  77W-  96B+  95W+  94B+  80B-    4.0     54.5     5    +1
 91: Chispa 4.0.3                  2197  69B-  92W-  63B-  62W-  90W=  65B-  94W=  96B+  87W-  82B-  93W+  89B=    3.5     49.0     6   -15
 92: Thor's Hammer 2.29 64-bit     2331  18W-  91B+  47B-  52B-  74W=  75W+  73B=  29W-  58B-  76W-  88W-  87B-    3.0     63.5     6   -35
 93: Galjoen 0.39.1 64-bit         2318  48W=  31B-  19B-  60W+  73B-  70W-  64B-  76W-  94B+  77W-  91B-  96W=    3.0     60.0     6   -36
 94: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  77B+   1W-  59W-  54B-  86W-  89B-  91B=  82W-  93W-  96B=  90W-  95W+    3.0     56.5     7   -52
 95: InmiChess 3.05                2160  28B-  87W-  64W=  86B=  40W-  82B+  61B-  89W-  88W-  90B-  96W+  94B-    3.0     54.0     6   -13
 96: Matheus 2.3                   2053  10W=  83B-  67B-  33W-  77B=  88B-  65W-  91W-  90W-  94W=  95B-  93B=    2.0     55.0     6    -7

Code: Select all


 Patzer 3.80                    0.0 -- 1.0  Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit             
 Abrok 5.0                      0.0 -- 1.0  Matacz 1.4                   
 Soldat 4.0 beta 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Anubisx 0.052                
 Popochin 4.1 64-bit            0.0 -- 1.0  Gromit 3.82                  
 Yace 0.99.87                   1.0 -- 0.0  Magnum 4.0                   
 Amateur 2.86                   0.0 -- 1.0  CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit        
 Aristarch 4.50                 1.0 -- 0.0  Snitch 1.6.2 32-bit          
 Danchess CCT7                  0.5 -- 0.5  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    
 Viper 0.1 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  The Crazy Bishop 0052        
 LittleThought 1.052 64-bit     0.0 -- 1.0  Jumbo 0.6.45 64-bit          
 E.T. Chess 13.01.08            1.0 -- 0.0  Leila 0.53h                  
 Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  SpiderChess 070603           
 Ghost 3.1 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Terra 3.4                    
 Green Light Chess     0.0 -- 1.0  LambChop 10.99               
 Ruffian 2.1.0                  0.0 -- 1.0  Coiled 0.6 64-bit            
 Orion 0.5 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Tao 5.6                      
 Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Ifrit m1.8 64-bit            
 Quark 2.35                     0.0 -- 1.0  Hermann 2.8 64-bit           
 Pharaon 3.5.1                  0.0 -- 1.0  Cerebro 4.03 64-bit          
 Trace 1.37a                    0.0 -- 1.0  Winter 0.2 64-bit            
 Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit         
 Shallow 2 rev8 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit           
 Nemeton 1.51                   0.0 -- 1.0  JikChess 0.02 64-bit         
 Dragon 4.6                     0.0 -- 1.0  Zarkov 6.55                  
 Pseudo 0.7c                    1.0 -- 0.0  SOS 5.1                      
 RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Schooner 1.8 64-bit          
 Betsabe II 1.84                1.0 -- 0.0  Ufim 8.02                    
 Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Francesca MAD 0.19           
 Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  0.0 -- 1.0  nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit        
 Muse 0.953 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Anatoli 0.35k                
 AnMon 5.75                     0.0 -- 1.0  Chessmaster 11 Paralyse      
 WildCat 8                      0.5 -- 0.5  N2 0.4 64-bit                
 Glass 2.0 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  DanaSah 7.3                  
 Fridolin 2.0 64-bit            0.5 -- 0.5  Maverick 1.5 64-bit          
 Phalanx XXV                    1.0 -- 0.0  Petir 4.9                    
 Pupsi2 0.09                    0.0 -- 1.0  Sjakk 2.2 64-bit             
 Dorky 4.8 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  Counter 2.9 64-bit           
 Chess Tiger 2007.1             0.0 -- 1.0  Rotor 0.8                    
 Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  GarboChess 3.0 64-bit        
 Tinker T1062 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  Arminius 20170101 64-bit     
 Donna 4.0 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Nameless 1.3f 64-bit         
 Alaric 707                     1.0 -- 0.0  Floyd 0.9 64-bit             
 K2 0.91                        1.0 -- 0.0  Sloppy 0.23 64-bit           
 Marvin 3.1.0 64-bit            1.0 -- 0.0  ECE X3 64-bit                
 Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    1.0 -- 0.0  Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1       
 Pirarucu 2.3.8 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Rodin 8.0                    
 Colossus 2008b                 0.0 -- 1.0  Nebula 2.0 64-bit            
 Brutus 8.05 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Xiphos 0.3 64-bit            

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                          ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Xiphos 0.3 64-bit              3137  37W+  45W+  22B+  18W+   4B+  14W+   2B+  43W+   8B=  33B+   5B+  12B+   11.5     87.5     5     0
  2: Nebula 2.0 64-bit              2654  52W+  70B=  24B+  34W+  12B=  38B+   1W-  19W+  14W+   4W=  23B+   8B+    9.5     87.5     6   +29
  3: Capivara LK 0.09b02G 64-bit    2565  94W+   7B-  42W+  13W=  56W+  19B-  25B+  18B+  21W+   6B=  20W=  14W+    8.5     81.0     7   +30
  4: Pirarucu 2.3.8 64-bit          2676  46W+  10B+   7W+   6W+   1W-  12B+  27B=  14B=  34W+   2B=   8W-   9W=    8.0     95.5     7   +14
  5: Marvin 3.1.0 64-bit            2782  48B+  32W+  18B-  45W+   6B=   7W=  12W-  29B+  35W+  13B+   1W-  23W+    8.0     89.0     7     0
  6: Alaric 707                     2664  42W+  31W+   9B+   4B-   5W=  34B=  26W-  69W+  44B+   3W=  28B=  30W+    8.0     84.5     7   +11
  7: Donna 4.0 64-bit               2653  53B+   3W+   4B-  69W=  16B+   5B=  40W=   9W-  59B+  10W=  47B+  28W+    8.0     84.0     6   +13
  8: Colossus 2008b                 2641  81W=  82B+  37W-  76B+  13W=  69B+  20B+  12W+   1W=  23W=   4B+   2W-    8.0     83.5     7   +19
  9: Rodin 8.0                      2633  54W+  59B+   6W-  77B+  33W=  21W-  79B+   7B+  13W=  34W+  14W=   4B=    8.0     79.5     7   +15
 10: K2 0.91                        2588  91W+   4W-  28B=  21W-  63B+  30B+  29W=  57B=  50B+   7B=  49W+  19W+    8.0     78.0     6   +19
 11: Tinker T1062 64-bit            2572  68W=  56B-  63B+  25W=  60B=  58B+  36W-  16W+  24B=  46W+  21B+  20W+    8.0     75.5     6   +16
 12: Brutus 8.05 64-bit             2554  78B+  58W=  19W+  56B+   2W=   4W-   5B+   8B-  39B=  22W+  33B+   1W-    7.5     87.5     6   +27
 13: Sjakk 2.2 64-bit               2638  29W+  25B=  23W=   3B=   8B=  59W=  28W+  36B+   9B=   5W-  15W=  38B+    7.5     86.5     6    +8
 14: Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1         2615  89B+  57W+  56W=  43B+  35W+   1B-  33W+   4W=   2B-  19W+   9B=   3B-    7.5     86.5     6   +15
 15: Rotor 0.8                      2616  62B-  75W=  61W=  32B+  57B+  66W+  47B=  23W-  18W=  44W+  13B=  33B+    7.5     74.0     6    +7
 16: Phalanx XXV                    2646  82W=  77B=  40B+  22W=   7W-  71B+  35B-  11B-  74W+  78W+  43B+  34W+    7.5     72.0     6    -1
 17: GarboChess 3.0 64-bit          2603  79B=  73W+  35B-  80W-  48W+  22B+  37W-  78B=  72B+  25W+  41W+  26B=    7.5     70.0     6    +2
 18: Counter 2.9 64-bit             2717  47B+  40W+   5W+   1B-  23B=  37B+  43W-   3W-  15B=  45W+  26B=  29B=    7.0     87.5     5    -2
 19: Sloppy 0.23 64-bit             2617  64W+  24B=  12B-  67W+  20W=   3W+  38B+   2B-  47W+  14B-  40W+  10B-    7.0     85.0     6    +2
 20: Arminius 20170101 64-bit       2699  28W+  27B=  62B+  35W-  19B=  51W+   8W-  46B+  26W=  39W+   3B=  11B-    7.0     83.0     6    -9
 21: Chessmaster 11 Paralyse        2704  63W=  44W-  30B+  10B+  58W+   9B+  34W-  26B+   3B-  40W=  11W-  47B+    7.0     82.5     6   -10
 22: Fridolin 2.0 64-bit            2527  50W+  80B+   1W-  16B=  34B-  17W-  54W+  60B+  57W+  12B-  36W+  31W=    7.0     81.5     7   +20
 23: ECE X3 64-bit                  2661  77W=  81B+  13B=  51W+  18W=  27B-  59W+  15B+  43W+   8B=   2W-   5B-    7.0     81.0     6    +3
 24: Anatoli 0.35k                  2456  71B+  19W=   2W-  52B+  36B-  60W+  39B-  51W+  11W=  31B-  48W+  49B+    7.0     79.0     6   +29
 25: nanoSzachy 4.1 64-bit          2560  84B+  13W=  27W-  11B=  54B+  39B=   3W-  49W=  80W+  17B-  60W+  53B+    7.0     77.5     6    +9
 26: Cyrano 0.6b17 64-bit           2640  72W+  34W=  58B-  50B=  68W+  70B+   6B+  21W-  20B=  27W=  18W=  17W=    7.0     77.0     7    +6
 27: DanaSah 7.3                    2596  95B+  20W=  25B+  58B+  43W=  23W+   4W=  34B-  33W-  26B=  30W=  32B=    7.0     76.5     6   +13
 28: Nameless 1.3f 64-bit           2533  20B-  91B+  10W=  62W+  69B=  46W=  13B-  71W+  37B+  43W+   6W=   7B-    7.0     76.5     6   +20
 29: Dorky 4.8 64-bit               2505  13B-  78W+  67B=  48W+  70B=  44W=  10B=   5W-  32B=  52B+  50W+  18W=    7.0     76.5     6   +24
 30: Floyd 0.9 64-bit               2592  41B-  85W+  21W-  81B=  65B+  10W-  53W+  79B+  36W+  38W+  27B=   6B-    7.0     74.5     6    +1
 31: Maverick 1.5 64-bit            2573  60W+   6B-  76W=  36B-  92B+  49W+  44W-  50B=  48B+  24W+  34W=  22B=    7.0     73.0     6    +4
 32: Glass 2.0 64-bit               2605  90W+   5B-  46B-  15W-  86W+  45B-  88B+  56B+  29W=  59B+  39W+  27W=    7.0     71.5     6     0
 33: Chess Tiger 2007.1             2714  61B=  63W+  38B=  47W+   9B=  35W+  14B-  37W+  27B+   1W-  12W-  15W-    6.5     85.5     7   -11
 34: Petir 4.9                      2565  93W+  26B=  39W+   2B-  22W+   6W=  21B+  27W+   4B-   9B-  31B=  16B-    6.5     85.5     5   +12
 35: WildCat 8                      2628  66B+  38W=  17W+  20B+  14B-  33B-  16W+  39W=   5B-  47W-  45B+  40W=    6.5     81.0     6    +4
 36: Pseudo 0.7c                    2577  65B=  74W=  52B=  31W+  24W+  43B-  11B+  13W-  30B-  63W+  22B-  67W+    6.5     77.0     6    -2
 37: Betsabe II 1.84                2544   1B-  95W+   8B+  70W=  80B+  18W-  17B+  33B-  28W-  51B-  63W+  61W+    6.5     76.0     6   +17
 38: Pupsi2 0.09                    2546  92W+  35B=  33W=  79B+  59B+   2W-  19W-  61W+  40B=  30B-  51B+  13W-    6.5     75.5     6   +10
 39: Zarkov 6.55                    2626  75B+  62W=  34B-  82W+  44B=  25W=  24W+  35B=  12W=  20B-  32B-  65B+    6.5     75.0     5    -9
 40: N2 0.4 64-bit                  2591  86W+  18B-  16W-  84B+  45W+  77W+   7B=  44B=  38W=  21B=  19B-  35B=    6.5     75.0     5    +3
 41: Shallow 2 rev8 64-bit          2427  30W+  43W-  47B-  64B+  46B-  53W=  48B-  67W+  73W+  69B+  17B-  66W+    6.5     71.0     6   +24
 42: JikChess 0.02 64-bit           2514   6B-  83W+   3B-  78W=  72B-  48W-  75B+  64W-  93B+  92B+  59W+  56B+    6.5     64.5     5    -1
 43: Jellyfish 1.1 64-bit           2611  85W+  41B+  44W+  14W-  27B=  36W+  18B+   1B-  23B-  28B-  16W-  51W=    6.0     84.0     6    -1
 44: Schooner 1.8 64-bit            2517  69W=  21B+  43B-  65W+  39W=  29B=  31B+  40W=   6W-  15B-  61W=  50B=    6.0     77.5     6   +14
 45: Winter 0.2 64-bit              2606  88W+   1B-  74W+   5B-  40B-  32W+  50W-  76B+  62W+  18B-  35W-  72B+    6.0     77.0     6     0
 46: Pepito 1.59.2 64-bit           2517   4B-  60W+  32W+  59B-  41W+  28B=  72W=  20W-  66B+  11B-  53W-  74B+    6.0     76.0     6    +3
 47: AnMon 5.75                     2540  18W-  86B+  41W+  33B-  79W=  74B+  15W=  77B+  19B-  35B+   7W-  21W-    6.0     74.5     6    +5
 48: Hermann 2.8 64-bit             2541   5W-  90B=  75W+  29B-  17B-  42B+  41W+  52W=  31W-  77W+  24B-  73B+    6.0     74.0     6    -4
 49: Muse 0.953 64-bit              2590  73B=  79W=  51B-  71W=  67W+  31B-  58W+  25B=  61B+  57B+  10B-  24W-    6.0     71.5     5    -9
 50: RedQueen 1.1.98 64-bit         2689  22B-  87W+  57W=  26W=  77B-  88B+  45B+  31W=  10W-  71B+  29B-  44W=    6.0     71.0     6   -24
 51: Francesca MAD 0.19             2584  56B-  88W+  49W+  23B-  53W+  20B-  77W=  24B-  87B+  37W+  38W-  43B=    6.0     70.0     6    -7
 52: Orion 0.5 64-bit               2512   2B-  93B+  36W=  24W-  76W+  72B-  65W+  48B=  78B=  29W-  55B=  75W+    6.0     70.0     6    -2
 53: Little Goliath Evolution 3.12  2509   7W-  94B=  64W=  86W+  51B-  41B=  30B-  84W=  92W+  80B+  46B+  25W-    6.0     66.0     6    -2
 54: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit            2494   9B-  92B=  90W+  57W=  25W-  81B=  22B-  87W-  58B+  83W+  71W=  69B+    6.0     63.5     6    +5
 55: Coiled 0.6 64-bit              2594  57B-  89W-  94B=  92W-  93B=  86W+  85B+  62B-  84W+  66W=  52W=  71B+    6.0     54.5     6   -23
 56: Nemeton 1.51                   2418  51W+  11W+  14B=  12W-   3B-  80B=  57B-  32W-  76W+  64B=  78B+  42W-    5.5     76.0     6   +13
 57: LambChop 10.99                 2434  55W+  14B-  50B=  54B=  15W-  68B+  56W+  10W=  22B-  49W-  65B-  81B+    5.5     75.0     5   +11
 58: E.T. Chess 13.01.08            2636  76B+  12B=  26W+  27W-  21B-  11W-  49B-  65W-  54W-  88B+  82W+  83W+    5.5     72.0     7   -21
 59: Ghost 3.1 64-bit               2551  96B+   9W-  84B+  46W+  38W-  13B=  23B-  72B+   7W-  32W-  42B-  78W+    5.5     72.0     6    -8
 60: Simplex 0.9.8 64-bit           2412  31B-  46B-  93W+  61W+  11W=  24B-  74W+  22W-  64B=  87B+  25B-  68W=    5.5     70.5     6    +8
 61: Ufim 8.02                      2536  33W=  69B-  15B=  60B-  73W+  64W+  70W+  38B-  49W-  72W+  44B=  37B-    5.5     70.0     6    -3
 62: Viper 0.1 64-bit               2469  15W+  39B=  20W-  28B-  78B-  82W=  68B+  55W+  45B-  65W=  66B-  84W+    5.5     70.0     6    +3
 63: Hayabusa 0.11.7 64-bit         2535  21B=  33B-  11W-  90W+  10W-  76B=  89W+  92B+  69W=  36B-  37B-  79W+    5.5     68.5     6    -3
 64: Jumbo 0.6.45 64-bit            2471  19B-  71W=  53B=  41W-  75W+  61B-  73B=  42B+  60W=  56W=  67W-  85B+    5.5     67.5     6     0
 65: Dragon 4.6                     2418  36W=  67B=  80W=  44B-  30W-  85W+  52B-  58B+  77B=  62B=  57W+  39W-    5.5     67.5     6   +15
 66: Bruja 1.9.1 64-bit             2488  35W-  68B+  77W-  73B+  74W=  15B-  87B=  70W+  46W-  55B=  62W+  41B-    5.5     67.0     6    -2
 67: SOS 5.1                        2576  74B=  65W=  29W=  19B-  49B-  83W-  93W+  41B-  90B+  86W+  64B+  36B-    5.5     65.0     5   -21
 68: Ifrit m1.8 64-bit              2398  11B=  66W-  73B=  89W+  26B-  57W-  62W-  94B+  83B=  81W=  70W+  60B=    5.5     63.0     6    +8
 69: Pharaon 3.5.1                  2688  44B=  61W+  70W=   7B=  28W=   8W-  80B+   6B-  63B=  41W-  74B=  54W-    5.0     75.0     6   -31
 70: Aristarch 4.50                 2568  83W+   2W=  69B=  37B=  29W=  26W-  61B-  66B-  86B=  73W=  68B-  91W+    5.0     69.5     6   -19
 71: Ruffian 2.1.0                  2611  24W-  64B=  81W=  49B=  82B+  16W-  83B+  28B-  79W+  50W-  54B=  55W-    5.0     69.0     6   -23
 72: Trace 1.37a                    2507  26B-  84W-  88B=  85B+  42W+  52W+  46B=  59W-  17W-  61B-  87W+  45W-    5.0     67.0     7    -8
 73: Quark 2.35                     2424  49W=  17B-  68W=  66W-  61B-  90B+  64W=  89B+  41B-  70B=  77W+  48W-    5.0     65.5     6    +3
 74: Typhoon 1.00-358 64-bit        2414  67W=  36B=  45B-  94W+  66B=  47W-  60B-  81W+  16B-  79W+  69W=  46W-    5.0     65.5     7    +8
 75: Tao 5.6                        2483  39W-  15B=  48B-  83W=  64B-  93B=  42W-  85W=  95B+  76W+  80W+  52B-    5.0     61.5     6    -7
 76: CyberPagno 3.0 64-bit          2498  58W-  96W+  31B=   8W-  52B-  63W=  82B+  45W-  56B-  75B-  95B+  92B+    5.0     60.0     5    -9
 77: Danchess CCT7                  2513  23B=  16W=  66B+   9W-  50W+  40B-  51B=  47W-  65W=  48B-  73B-  80W=    4.5     73.5     6    -6
 78: Terra 3.4                      2365  12W-  29B-  96W+  42B=  62W+  79B-  81B+  17W=  52W=  16B-  56W-  59B-    4.5     69.0     6    +7
 79: SpiderChess 070603             2437  17W=  49B=  89B+  38W-  47B=  78W+   9W-  30W-  71B-  74B-  92W+  63B-    4.5     68.5     6    -2
 80: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)      2627  87B+  22W-  65B=  17B+  37W-  56W=  69W-  83B+  25B-  53W-  75B-  77B=    4.5     68.0     5   -33
 81: Green Light Chess     2508   8B=  23W-  71B=  30W=  83B=  54W=  78W-  74B-  88W+  68B=  84B=  57W-    4.5     66.5     6   -19
 82: Yace 0.99.87                   2508  16B=   8W-  92W+  39B-  71W-  62B=  76W-  86B-  91B+  85W=  58B-  87W+    4.5     63.5     6   -13
 83: Leila 0.53h                    2388  70B-  42B-  91W+  75B=  81W=  67B+  71W-  80W-  68W=  54B-  86W+  58B-    4.5     61.5     6    +6
 84: The Crazy Bishop 0052          2365  25W-  72B+  59W-  40W-  94B+  87B=  92W-  53B=  55B-  89W+  81W=  62B-    4.5     60.5     6    +6
 85: LittleThought 1.052 64-bit     2454  43B-  30B-  87W=  72W-  91W+  65B-  55W-  75B=  94W+  82B=  89B+  64W-    4.5     59.5     6    -8
 86: Gromit 3.82                    2426  40B-  47W-  95W+  53B-  32B-  55B-  91W+  82W+  70W=  67B-  83B-  96B+    4.5     58.5     5    -2
 87: Magnum 4.0                     2486  80W-  50B-  85B=  88W=  96B+  84W=  66W=  54B+  51W-  60W-  72B-  82B-    4.0     57.5     6   -19
 88: Matacz 1.4                     2448  45B-  51B-  72W=  87B=  89W+  50W-  32W-  90B=  81B-  58W-  96B=  95B+    4.0     55.5     5    -8
 89: Kiwi 0.6d 64-bit               2462  14W-  55B+  79W-  68B-  88B-  95W+  63B-  73W-  96W+  84B-  85W-  93B+    4.0     53.5     6   -22
 90: Soldat 4.0 beta 64-bit         2445  32B-  48W=  54B-  63B-  95B=  73W-  96W+  88W=  67W-  91W-  93B=  94W+    4.0     52.5     7   -17
 91: Snitch 1.6.2 32-bit            2423  10B-  28W-  83B-  93W=  85B-  96W+  86B-  95W+  82W-  90B+  94B=  70B-    4.0     51.5     5   -15
 92: Amateur 2.86                   2344  38B-  54W=  82B-  55B+  31W-  94W+  84B+  63W-  53B-  42W-  79B-  76W-    3.5     65.0     6    -1
 93: Patzer 3.80                    2382  34B-  52W-  60B-  91B=  55W=  75W=  67B-  96B+  42W-  95W-  90W=  89W-    3.0     56.5     7   -14
 94: Anubisx 0.052                  2373   3B-  53W=  55W=  74B-  84W-  92B-  95B+  68W-  85B-  96W=  91W=  90B-    3.0     55.0     6   -19
 95: Abrok 5.0                      2436  27W-  37B-  86B-  96B=  90W=  89B-  94W-  91B-  75W-  93B+  76W-  88W-    2.0     51.5     6   -37
 96: Popochin 4.1 64-bit            2345  59W-  76B-  78B-  95W=  87W-  91B-  90B-  93W-  89B-  94B=  88W=  86W-    1.5     47.5     6   -29
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