Welcome to the "Endgame Tablebases" forum!
This forum is for discussing any topics related to chess endgame tablebases (EGTB): tablebase generation, usage, tablebase exchange, including p2p sharing, endgame analysis using tablebases, RAID arrays for storing tablebases, etc.. Tablebases of any format can be discussed, including Nalimov's DTM bases, Scorpio bitbases, Gaviota, etc, and even tablebases for chess variants.
You have to register before you can post here. As an anti-spam measure, the first two messages of every new user have to be approved by a moderator before they can be visible to the public. Approval usually takes a day or two, depending on how often the moderators are visiting this forum. After the initial two messages you can post unrestricted.
If you have problems getting an account or using the board, please contact me.
Have fun!
[Updated on 2010-08-25]
Welcome to "Endgame Tablebases" Forum!
- Kirill Kryukov
- Site Admin
- Posts: 7399
- Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:58 am
- Sign-up code: 10159
- Location: Mishima, Japan
- Contact:
Welcome to "Endgame Tablebases" Forum!
Last edited by Kirill Kryukov on Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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