Open Swiss Edition III

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Sergio Martinez
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Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

- GUI : Arena 3.51
- Open Swiss tournament. Swiss system tournament. The number of rounds will depend on the engines involved.
- Time control: 40/15 (adapted to the CCRL benchmark).
- Ponder off
- GPU: RTX 2080
- Threads : 4 (but all engines can participate, even with 1 thread)
- Default hash=256Mb,
- Endgame tablebases: Syzygy -- Nalimov -- Scorpio Bitbases -- Gaviota ---64Mb hash
- Resign is set to -5 for 3 consecutive moves where able.
- Updates will not be allowed during each tournament
- Open to all Winboard and UCI engines (free, private and commercial).
- Results will be rated only for engines already in the CCRL lists.
- All engines will use the same opening book limited to an 8 move depth.
- Engine authors can either post their wish for their engine to participate or contact through email ( or private message. I will choose engines by myself too.

Deadline: June 24 --- Start: June 25th
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

New entries:

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  1: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit  Antonio Senatore            Argentina  2482
  2: Raven 0.90 64-bit    Steve Griffin               England    2467
  3: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit  John Merlino                USA        2483
  4: Anubisx 0.052        Jose Carlos Martinez Galan  Spain      2320
  5: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit  Zixiao Han                  China      2132
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Provisional list:

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  1: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit   Robert Houdart                    Belgium      3183
  2: Wasp 4.00 64-bit      John Stanback                     USA          3131
  3: iCE 4.0 64-bit        Thomas Petzke                     Germany      3113
  4: Winter 0.8 64-bit     Jonathan Rosenthal                Switzerland  3108
  5: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit  Alvaro Begue & Jose Manuel Moran  Spain        2808
  6: Rebel 6               Ed Schröder                       Netherlands  2550
  7: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit   Antonio Senatore                  Argentina    2472
  8: Raven 0.90 64-bit     Steve Griffin                     England      2429
  9: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit   John Merlino                      USA          2380
 10: Anubisx 0.052         Jose Carlos Martinez Galan        Spain        2320
 11: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit   Zixiao Han                        China        2147
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Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   The LCZero Authors.                              3600
  2: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      Marco Costalba                    Italy          3490
  3: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       M. Byrne and scores of others     USA            3450
  4: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         D. Dailey, L. Kaufman, M. Lefler  USA            3421
  5: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          Frank Schneider                   Germany        3385
  6: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      Ronald Friederich                 Netherlands    3318
  7: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     Gian-Carlo Pascutto               Belgium        3300
  8: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         Alex Morozov                      Ukraine        3298
  9: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   Richard Delorme                   France         3229
 10: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       Jon Dart                          USA            3220
 11: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      Alexander Lim                     England        3200
 12: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      Robert Houdart                    Belgium        3183
 13: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        V. Medvedev, V. Shcherbyna        Ukraine        3134
 14: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         John Stanback                     USA            3131
 15: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           Thomas Petzke                     Germany        3123
 16: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        Jonathan Rosenthal                Switzerland    3108
 17: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      Martin Danielsson                 Sweden         3075
 18: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        Richard Delorme                   France         3073
 19: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         Sergei Markoff                    Russia         3072
 20: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   Marcin Henryk Bartkowiak          Poland         3071
 21: Godel 7.0 64-bit              Juan Manuel Vazquez               Spain          2975
 22: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      Tord Romstad                      Norway         2917
 23: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     Tom King                          England        2904
 24: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  Aaron Becker                      USA            2896
 25: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     Edsel Apostol                     Philippines    2878
 26: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      Tamas Kuzmics                     Tamas Kuzmics  2820
 27: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          Alvaro Begue & Jose Manuel Moran  Spain          2787
 28: Fruit 2.3.1                   Fabien LETOUZEY                   France         2763
 29: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           Alberto Alonso Ruibal             Spain          2730
 30: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          Vladimir R.Medvedev               Russia         2716
 31: Danasah 8,3                   Pedro Castro                      Spain          2690
 32: Pharaon 3.5.1                 Franck ZIBI                       France         2688
 33: Delfi 5.4                     Dr. Fabio Cavicchio               Italy          2681
 34: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              Marcel van Kervinck               Netherlands    2659
 35: Phalanx XXV                   Dusan Dobes                       Czech          2646
 36: Orion 0.6 64-bit              David CARTEAU                     France         2633
 37: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     Uri Blass                         Israel         2627
 38: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           Moritz Terink                     Austria        2626
 39: Ruffian 2.1.0                 Perola Valfridsson                Sweden         2611
 40: Amyan 1.72                    Antonio Dieguez                   Chile          2599
 41: Tinker T1062 64-bit           Brian Richardson                  USA            2588
 42: Pseudo 0.7c                   Jan Klima                         Czech          2577
 43: SOS 5.1                       Rudolf Huber                      Germany        2576
 44: Betsabe II 1.96               Juan Benitez                      Spain          2563
 45: Rebel 6                       Ed Schröder                       Netherlands    2550
 46: AnMon 5.75                    Christian Barreteau               France         2540
 47: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      John Merlino                      USA            2483
 48: Tao 5.6                       Bas Hamstra                       Netherland     2483
 49: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           Antonio Senatore                  Argentina      2472
 50: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      Laurens Winkelhagen               Netherlands    2463
 51: Raven 0.90 64-bit             Steve Griffin                     England        2429
 52: Nejmet 3.07                   Jean-Christophe Gabillard         France         2427
 53: Quark 2.35                    Thomas Mayer                      Germany        2424
 54: NoC 4.20 64-bit               Jorge Fernandez                   Spain          2416
 55: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       Matthew Lai                       Canada         2406
 56: CT800 1.40 64-bit             Rasmus Althoff                    Germany        2391
 57: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         Oliver Brausch                    Germany        2374
 58: The Crazy Bishop 0052         Rémi Coulom                       France         2365
 59: Yace 0.17                     Dieter Bürßner                    Germany        2350
 60: Chezzz 1.0.3                  David Rasmussen                   Denmark        2323
 61: Anubisx 0.052                 Jose Carlos Martinez Galan        Spain          2320
 62: Waxman 2017                   Ivan Bacigal                      USA            2315
 63: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             Daniel Anulliero                  France         2314
 64: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         Kieren Pearson                    Australia      2300
 65: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        Eric Silverman                    Scotland       2243
 66: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           Zixiao Han                        China          2152
 67: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              Federico Rojo                     Argentina      2130
 68: Merlin 2.3.1                  Balázs Jako                       Hungary        2095
 69: Abbess 2018.02.07             Robert Pope                       USA            2065
 70: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        Jan Nemec, David Šafránek         Czech          2042

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 1. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit       ----   Phalanx XXV                     
   2: Abbess 2018.02.07            ----   Floyd 0.9 64-bit                
   3: Merlin 2.3.1                 ----   Delfi 5.4                       
   4: Pharaon 3.5.1                ----   Ceibo 0.5 64-bit                
   5: Danasah 8,3                  ----   FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit             
   6: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit       ----   GreKo 2020.03 64-bit            
   7: Karballo 1.8 64-bit          ----   Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU           
   8: Fruit 2.3.1                  ----   Isa 2.0.64 64-bit               
   9: Waxman 2017                  ----   RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit            
  10: Anubisx 0.052                ----   tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit        
  11: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU    ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
  12: Yace 0.17                    ----   Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit    
  13: The Crazy Bishop 0052        ----   Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit       
  14: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU     ----   OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit           
  15: Godel 7.0 64-bit             ----   CT800 1.40 64-bit               
  16: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU     
  17: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit        ----   NoC 4.20 64-bit                 
  18: Quark 2.35                   ----   Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU          
  19: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
  20: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Raven 0.90 64-bit               
  21: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU          ----   FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit        
  22: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Cerebro 4.03 64-bit             
  23: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Tao 5.6                         
  24: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU        
  25: AnMon 5.75                   ----   ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080        
  26: Rebel 6                      ----   Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU         
  27: Betsabe II 1.96              ----   RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU     
  28: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   SOS 5.1                         
  29: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080    ----   Pseudo 0.7c                     
  30: Tinker T1062 64-bit          ----   RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU        
  31: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU         ----   Amyan 1.72                      
  32: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Ruffian 2.1.0                   
  33: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU      ----   Delocto 0.61n 64bit             
  34: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)       
  35: Orion 0.6 64-bit             ----   Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080     
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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 Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  Phalanx XXV                 
 Abbess 2018.02.07             0.0 -- 1.0  Floyd 0.9 64-bit            
 Merlin 2.3.1                  0.0 -- 1.0  Delfi 5.4                   
 Pharaon 3.5.1                 1.0 -- 0.0  Ceibo 0.5 64-bit            
 Danasah 8,3                   1.0 -- 0.0  FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit         
 SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        1.0 -- 0.0  GreKo 2020.03 64-bit        
 Karballo 1.8 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU       
 Fruit 2.3.1                   1.0 -- 0.0  Isa 2.0.64 64-bit           
 Waxman 2017                   0.0 -- 1.0  RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit        
 Anubisx 0.052                 0.0 -- 1.0  tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit    
 Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     0.5 -- 0.5  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 Yace 0.17                     0.0 -- 1.0  Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit
 The Crazy Bishop 0052         0.0 -- 1.0  Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit   
 Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit       
 Godel 7.0 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  CT800 1.40 64-bit           
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU 
 SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  NoC 4.20 64-bit             
 Quark 2.35                    0.0 -- 1.0  Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU      
 Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Nejmet 3.07                 
 Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Raven 0.90 64-bit           
 iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           1.0 -- 0.0  FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit    
 Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         0.5 -- 0.5  Cerebro 4.03 64-bit         
 Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Tao 5.6                     
 Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU    
 AnMon 5.75                    0.0 -- 1.0  ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080    
 Rebel 6                       0.0 -- 1.0  Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU     
 Betsabe II 1.96               0.0 -- 1.0  RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU 
 Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  SOS 5.1                     
 Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     1.0 -- 0.0  Pseudo 0.7c                 
 Tinker T1062 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU    
 Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          1.0 -- 0.0  Amyan 1.72                  
 Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Ruffian 2.1.0               
 Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       1.0 -- 0.0  Delocto 0.61n 64bit         
 Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)   
 Orion 0.6 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080 

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 2. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit             ----   Raven 0.90 64-bit               
   2: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit     ----   Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit          
   3: Tao 5.6                      ----   Abbess 2018.02.07               
   4: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Merlin 2.3.1                    
   5: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit          ----   AnMon 5.75                      
   6: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit            ----   Rebel 6                         
   7: Betsabe II 1.96              ----   Waxman 2017                     
   8: SOS 5.1                      ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
   9: Pseudo 0.7c                  ----   Yace 0.17                       
  10: The Crazy Bishop 0052        ----   Tinker T1062 64-bit             
  11: Amyan 1.72                   ----   OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit           
  12: CT800 1.40 64-bit            ----   Ruffian 2.1.0                   
  13: Delocto 0.61n 64bit          ----   Giraffe 20161023 64-bit         
  14: NoC 4.20 64-bit              ----   Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)       
  15: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   Orion 0.6 64-bit                
  16: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit         ----   Quark 2.35                      
  17: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit          ----   Karballo 1.8 64-bit             
  18: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU       
  19: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU           
  20: Pharaon 3.5.1                ----   Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU        
  21: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit       ----   Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU          
  22: Phalanx XXV                  ----   iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU             
  23: Floyd 0.9 64-bit             ----   Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU          
  24: Delfi 5.4                    ----   Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU        
  25: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080     ----   Danasah 8,3                     
  26: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU      ----   Fruit 2.3.1                     
  27: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit         ----   RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU     
  28: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit     ----   Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU           
  29: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit ----   Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080       
  30: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU        
  31: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit    ----   Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU            
  32: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Godel 7.0 64-bit                
  33: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU         
  34: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit        ----   Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU        
  35: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080  ----   Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU          
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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 Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Raven 0.90 64-bit           
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      1.0 -- 0.0  Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit      
 Tao 5.6                       1.0 -- 0.0  Abbess 2018.02.07           
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Merlin 2.3.1                
 FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  AnMon 5.75                  
 Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Rebel 6                     
 Betsabe II 1.96               1.0 -- 0.0  Waxman 2017                 
 SOS 5.1                       1.0 -- 0.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 Pseudo 0.7c                   0.5 -- 0.5  Yace 0.17                   
 The Crazy Bishop 0052         0.5 -- 0.5  Tinker T1062 64-bit         
 Amyan 1.72                    0.5 -- 0.5  OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit       
 CT800 1.40 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Ruffian 2.1.0               
 Delocto 0.61n 64bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 NoC 4.20 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)   
 Nejmet 3.07                   0.0 -- 1.0  Orion 0.6 64-bit            
 GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Quark 2.35                  
 Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Karballo 1.8 64-bit         
 Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         0.0 -- 1.0  Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU   
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.0 -- 1.0  Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU       
 Pharaon 3.5.1                 0.0 -- 1.0  Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU    
 SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU      
 Phalanx XXV                   0.0 -- 1.0  iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU         
 Floyd 0.9 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU      
 Delfi 5.4                     0.0 -- 1.0  Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU    
 ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      1.0 -- 0.0  Danasah 8,3                 
 Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       1.0 -- 0.0  Fruit 2.3.1                 
 RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU 
 tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU       
 Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  0.0 -- 1.0  Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080   
 RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU    
 Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     0.0 -- 1.0  Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU        
 Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Godel 7.0 64-bit            
 Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   0.0 -- 1.0  Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU     
 SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU    
 Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   1.0 -- 0.0  Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU      

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Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  36B+  28W+    2.0      2.0     1     0
  2: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  37W+  29B+    2.0      2.0     1    +1
  3: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  38W+  30W+    2.0      2.0     2    +1
  4: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  39W+  31B+    2.0      2.0     1    +1
  5: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  40B+  32W+    2.0      2.0     1    +1
  6: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  42W+  33B+    2.0      2.0     1    +1
  7: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  41W+  34B+    2.0      2.0     1    +1
  8: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  43W+  35B+    2.0      2.0     1    +1
  9: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  51W+  24B+    2.0      1.5     1    +1
 10: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  52W+  26B+    2.0      1.5     1    +1
 11: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  53B+  25W+    2.0      1.5     1    +1
 12: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  54W+  27B+    2.0      1.5     1    +1
 13: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  59B+  21W+    2.0      1.0     1    +1
 14: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  60W+  23B+    2.0      1.0     1     0
 15: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  61W+  22B+    2.0      1.0     1    +1
 16: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  44B+  17B=    1.5      2.5     0    -4
 17: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  62B+  16W=    1.5      1.5     1    +5
 18: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  48W=  49B+    1.5      1.0     1    -5
 19: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  49W=  50B+    1.5      1.0     1    -4
 20: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  50W=  48B+    1.5      1.0     1    -2
 21: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  46W+  13B-    1.0      3.0     1     0
 22: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  47W+  15W-    1.0      3.0     2    -1
 23: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  45W+  14W-    1.0      3.0     2   +10
 24: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  55B+   9W-    1.0      2.5     1    -1
 25: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  56W+  11B-    1.0      2.5     1     0
 26: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  57B+  10W-    1.0      2.5     1     0
 27: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  58B+  12W-    1.0      2.5     1     0
 28: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  63B+   1B-    1.0      2.0     0     0
 29: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  64W+   2W-    1.0      2.0     2    -1
 30: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  65W+   3B-    1.0      2.0     1     0
 31: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  66B+   4W-    1.0      2.0     1     0
 32: Danasah 8,3                   2690  67W+   5B-    1.0      2.0     1     0
 33: Delfi 5.4                     2681  68B+   6W-    1.0      2.0     1     0
 34: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  69B+   7W-    1.0      2.0     1     0
 35: Phalanx XXV                   2646  70B+   8W-    1.0      2.0     1     0
 36: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   1W-  61B+    1.0      2.0     1    +2
 37: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   2B-  64B+    1.0      2.0     0    +2
 38: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611   3B-  65B+    1.0      2.0     0    +2
 39: SOS 5.1                       2576   4B-  66W+    1.0      2.0     1    +2
 40: AnMon 5.75                    2540   5W-  67B+    1.0      2.0     1    +1
 41: Tao 5.6                       2483   7B-  69W+    1.0      2.0     1    +1
 42: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483   6B-  68W+    1.0      2.0     1    +1
 43: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463   8B-  70W+    1.0      2.0     1    +1
 44: Betsabe II 1.96               2563  16W-  62W+    1.0      1.5     2    +2
 45: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  23B-  63W+    1.0      1.0     1    -8
 46: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  21B-  59W+    1.0      1.0     1    +7
 47: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  22B-  60W+    1.0      1.0     1    +8
 48: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  18B=  20W-    0.5      3.0     1    +3
 49: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  19B=  18W-    0.5      3.0     1    +5
 50: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  20B=  19W-    0.5      3.0     1    +4
 51: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626   9B-  55W=    0.5      2.5     1    -3
 52: Amyan 1.72                    2599  10B-  56W=    0.5      2.5     1    -3
 53: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588  11W-  57B=    0.5      2.5     1    -3
 54: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577  12B-  58W=    0.5      2.5     1    -3
 55: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  24W-  51B=    0.5      1.5     1    +3
 56: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  25B-  52B=    0.5      1.5     0    +3
 57: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  26W-  53W=    0.5      1.5     2    +3
 58: Yace 0.17                     2350  27W-  54B=    0.5      1.5     1    +3
 59: Rebel 6                       2550  13W-  46B-    0.0      3.0     1    -8
 60: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  14B-  47B-    0.0      3.0     0    -9
 61: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  15B-  36W-    0.0      3.0     1    -2
 62: Waxman 2017                   2315  17W-  44B-    0.0      2.5     1    -2
 63: Quark 2.35                    2424  28W-  45B-    0.0      2.0     1    -2
 64: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  29B-  37W-    0.0      2.0     1    -2
 65: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  30B-  38W-    0.0      2.0     1    -2
 66: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  31W-  39B-    0.0      2.0     1    -2
 67: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  32B-  40W-    0.0      2.0     1    -1
 68: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  33W-  42B-    0.0      2.0     1    -1
 69: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  34W-  41B-    0.0      2.0     1    -1
 70: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  35W-  43B-    0.0      2.0     1    -1

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 3. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: NoC 4.20 64-bit              ----   Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit          
   2: Quark 2.35                   ----   Abbess 2018.02.07               
   3: Merlin 2.3.1                 ----   Waxman 2017                     
   4: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit          ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
   5: Raven 0.90 64-bit            ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
   6: Rebel 6                      ----   CT800 1.40 64-bit               
   7: Yace 0.17                    ----   Amyan 1.72                      
   8: Delocto 0.61n 64bit          ----   The Crazy Bishop 0052           
   9: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit        ----   Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU           
  10: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   Giraffe 20161023 64-bit         
  11: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit          ----   Pseudo 0.7c                     
  12: Tinker T1062 64-bit          ----   Ceibo 0.5 64-bit                
  13: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit            ----   Delfi 5.4                       
  14: Danasah 8,3                  ----   GreKo 2020.03 64-bit            
  15: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit     ----   Betsabe II 1.96                 
  16: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit     ----   Godel 7.0 64-bit                
  17: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU     ----   SmarThink 1.98 64-bit           
  18: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Tao 5.6                         
  19: AnMon 5.75                   ----   Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit    
  20: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit    ----   SOS 5.1                         
  21: Ruffian 2.1.0                ----   Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU        
  22: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    ----   Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU     
  23: Orion 0.6 64-bit             ----   SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit          
  24: Phalanx XXV                  ----   Pharaon 3.5.1                   
  25: Floyd 0.9 64-bit             ----   Fruit 2.3.1                     
  26: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit         ----   Karballo 1.8 64-bit             
  27: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU       
  28: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU        
  29: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU          
  30: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU         
  31: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080     ----   Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080       
  32: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU           
  33: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU         ----   Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU           
  34: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU      ----   Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU        
  35: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU          ----   Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080

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Sergio Martinez
Posts: 3396
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
Sign-up code: 10159
Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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 NoC 4.20 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit      
 Quark 2.35                    1.0 -- 0.0  Abbess 2018.02.07           
 Merlin 2.3.1                  0.0 -- 1.0  Waxman 2017                 
 FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Nejmet 3.07                 
 Raven 0.90 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Anubisx 0.052               
 Rebel 6                       0.5 -- 0.5  CT800 1.40 64-bit           
 Yace 0.17                     0.0 -- 1.0  Amyan 1.72                  
 Delocto 0.61n 64bit           1.0 -- 0.0  The Crazy Bishop 0052       
 OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU       
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.5 -- 0.5  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Pseudo 0.7c                 
 Tinker T1062 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Ceibo 0.5 64-bit            
 Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Delfi 5.4                   
 Danasah 8,3                   1.0 -- 0.0  GreKo 2020.03 64-bit        
 tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      1.0 -- 0.0  Betsabe II 1.96             
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Godel 7.0 64-bit            
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      0.0 -- 1.0  SmarThink 1.98 64-bit       
 Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Tao 5.6                     
 AnMon 5.75                    0.0 -- 1.0  Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit
 Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     1.0 -- 0.0  SOS 5.1                     
 Ruffian 2.1.0                 0.0 -- 1.0  Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU    
 Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     0.0 -- 1.0  Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU 
 Orion 0.6 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit      
 Phalanx XXV                   0.0 -- 1.0  Pharaon 3.5.1               
 Floyd 0.9 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Fruit 2.3.1                 
 RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Karballo 1.8 64-bit         
 RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   1.0 -- 0.0  Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU   
 Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU    
 Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        0.5 -- 0.5  Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU      
 Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU     
 ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      0.0 -- 1.0  Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080   
 RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU       
 Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          0.5 -- 0.5  Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU       
 Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       0.5 -- 0.5  Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU    
 iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           0.0 -- 1.0  Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080 

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  24B+  20W+  18B+    3.0      6.0     1    +1
  2: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  34B+  16W+  14W+    3.0      5.5     2    +6
  3: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  46W+  23B+  15B+    3.0      5.0     1    +5
  4: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  44W+  28B+  17W+    3.0      5.0     2    +6
  5: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  37W+  22B+   7W=    2.5      6.0     2    +2
  6: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  33W+  26B+   8W=    2.5      6.0     2    +1
  7: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  40W+  21B+   5B=    2.5      5.5     1     0
  8: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  43W+  25W+   6B=    2.5      5.5     2     0
  9: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  49W+  36B+  12W=    2.5      5.0     2     0
 10: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  41B+  31B=  35W+    2.5      4.0     1    -3
 11: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  39W=  45B+  19W+    2.5      4.0     2    -1
 12: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  63W+  42B+   9B=    2.5      4.0     1    +1
 13: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  59W=  39B+  31B+    2.5      3.0     1    +3
 14: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  47W+  29B+   2B-    2.0      6.0     1    -4
 15: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  48B+  30W+   3W-    2.0      6.0     2    -3
 16: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  38W+   2B-  43B+    2.0      5.5     1    +1
 17: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  64B+  32W+   4B-    2.0      5.0     1    -5
 18: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  53W+  52B+   1W-    2.0      5.0     2     0
 19: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  61W+  27B+  11B-    2.0      5.0     1    -3
 20: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  56B+   1B-  49W+    2.0      5.0     1     0
 21: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  57W+   7W-  44B+    2.0      4.5     2     0
 22: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  50B+   5W-  40B+    2.0      4.5     1     0
 23: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  62B+   3W-  48B+    2.0      4.5     1    +1
 24: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   1W-  61B+  42W+    2.0      4.5     2    +3
 25: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  65W+   8B-  53B+    2.0      4.0     1     0
 26: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  60B+   6W-  47W+    2.0      4.0     2    +1
 27: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  55W+  19W-  52B+    2.0      4.0     2    +4
 28: Delfi 5.4                     2681  68B+   4W-  54B+    2.0      4.0     1    +1
 29: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  66B+  14W-  41W+    2.0      3.5     2    +2
 30: Danasah 8,3                   2690  67W+  15B-  51W+    2.0      3.5     2    +5
 31: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  58B+  10W=  13W-    1.5      6.0     2    -1
 32: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  54W+  17B-  36B=    1.5      4.5     1    -1
 33: Amyan 1.72                    2599   6B-  38W=  62B+    1.5      4.5     1    -1
 34: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588   2W-  60B=  55W+    1.5      4.5     2    -2
 35: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  45W=  59B+  10B-    1.5      4.0     1    -6
 36: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  69B+   9W-  32W=    1.5      4.0     2    +1
 37: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626   5B-  50W=  60W+    1.5      4.0     2    -1
 38: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  16B-  33B=  59W+    1.5      4.0     1    +7
 39: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  11B=  13W-  46W=    1.0      6.0     2    +5
 40: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   7B-  57B+  22W-    1.0      5.5     1    +2
 41: Betsabe II 1.96               2563  10W-  58W+  29B-    1.0      5.5     2     0
 42: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  51W+  12W-  24B-    1.0      5.5     2    +9
 43: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611   8B-  65B+  16W-    1.0      5.0     1    +1
 44: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483   4B-  68W+  21W-    1.0      5.0     2    +1
 45: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  35B=  11W-  50W=    1.0      5.0     2    +6
 46: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577   3B-  62W=  39B=    1.0      4.5     1    -4
 47: SOS 5.1                       2576  14B-  66W+  26B-    1.0      4.5     1    +1
 48: AnMon 5.75                    2540  15W-  67B+  23W-    1.0      4.5     2     0
 49: Tao 5.6                       2483   9B-  69W+  20B-    1.0      4.5     1     0
 50: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  22W-  37B=  45B=    1.0      4.5     1    +2
 51: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  42B-  56W+  30B-    1.0      4.0     1   -13
 52: Phalanx XXV                   2646  70B+  18W-  27W-    1.0      4.0     2    -5
 53: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463  18B-  70W+  25W-    1.0      4.0     2     0
 54: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  32B-  64W+  28W-    1.0      4.0     2    +6
 55: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  27B-  63W+  34B-    1.0      4.0     1    +8
 56: Quark 2.35                    2424  20W-  51B-  69W+    1.0      3.0     2    -1
 57: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  21B-  40W-  70W+    1.0      3.0     2    -1
 58: Waxman 2017                   2315  31W-  41B-  68B+    1.0      2.5     1     0
 59: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  13B=  35W-  38B-    0.5      5.5     1     0
 60: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  26W-  34W=  37B-    0.5      5.0     2    +1
 61: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  19B-  24W-  67B=    0.5      4.5     1    -6
 62: Yace 0.17                     2350  23W-  46B=  33W-    0.5      4.5     2    +1
 63: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  12B-  55B-  66W=    0.5      4.0     1   -10
 64: Rebel 6                       2550  17W-  54B-  65W=    0.5      3.5     2   -10
 65: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  25B-  43W-  64B=    0.5      3.5     1     0
 66: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  29W-  47B-  63B=    0.5      3.5     1    -1
 67: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  30B-  48W-  61W=    0.5      3.5     2    +2
 68: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  28W-  44B-  58W-    0.0      4.0     2    -3
 69: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  36W-  49B-  56B-    0.0      3.5     1    -2
 70: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  52W-  53B-  57B-    0.0      3.0     1    -2

Code: Select all

------------------ ROUND 4. PAIRINGS -------------------

   1: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit       ----   Merlin 2.3.1                    
   2: Abbess 2018.02.07            ----   FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit             
   3: Raven 0.90 64-bit            ----   Yace 0.17                       
   4: Anubisx 0.052                ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
   5: CT800 1.40 64-bit            ----   The Crazy Bishop 0052           
   6: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Rebel 6                         
   7: Waxman 2017                  ----   AnMon 5.75                      
   8: SOS 5.1                      ----   NoC 4.20 64-bit                 
   9: Pseudo 0.7c                  ----   Quark 2.35                      
  10: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit            ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
  11: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit             ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU        
  12: Ruffian 2.1.0                ----   FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit        
  13: Phalanx XXV                  ----   SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit          
  14: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit         ----   Betsabe II 1.96                 
  15: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    ----   Giraffe 20161023 64-bit         
  16: Tao 5.6                      ----   Cerebro 4.03 64-bit             
  17: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit        ----   Tinker T1062 64-bit             
  18: Amyan 1.72                   ----   Floyd 0.9 64-bit                
  19: Fruit 2.3.1                  ----   Delocto 0.61n 64bit             
  20: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU    ----   RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit            
  21: Delfi 5.4                    ----   Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU     
  22: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Danasah 8,3                     
  23: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU     ----   tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit        
  24: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU          ----   Pharaon 3.5.1                   
  25: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU      ----   Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit       
  26: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Godel 7.0 64-bit                
  27: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit ----   ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080        
  28: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Orion 0.6 64-bit                
  29: Karballo 1.8 64-bit          ----   SmarThink 1.98 64-bit           
  30: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU           
  31: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU           
  32: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU            
  33: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU         
  34: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080    ----   RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU        
  35: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080  ----   Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU        
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Sergio Martinez
Posts: 3396
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
Sign-up code: 10159
Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        1.0 -- 0.0  Merlin 2.3.1                
 Abbess 2018.02.07             0.0 -- 1.0  FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit         
 Raven 0.90 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Yace 0.17                   
 Anubisx 0.052                 1.0 -- 0.0  Nejmet 3.07                 
 CT800 1.40 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  The Crazy Bishop 0052       
 Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         0.0 -- 1.0  Rebel 6                     
 Waxman 2017                   0.0 -- 1.0  AnMon 5.75                  
 SOS 5.1                       1.0 -- 0.0  NoC 4.20 64-bit             
 Pseudo 0.7c                   1.0 -- 0.0  Quark 2.35                  
 Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU    
 Ruffian 2.1.0                 0.0 -- 1.0  FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit    
 Phalanx XXV                   1.0 -- 0.0  SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit      
 GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Betsabe II 1.96             
 Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     1.0 -- 0.0  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 Tao 5.6                       0.5 -- 0.5  Cerebro 4.03 64-bit         
 OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Tinker T1062 64-bit         
 Amyan 1.72                    0.5 -- 0.5  Floyd 0.9 64-bit            
 Fruit 2.3.1                   0.5 -- 0.5  Delocto 0.61n 64bit         
 Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     0.0 -- 1.0  RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit        
 Delfi 5.4                     0.0 -- 1.0  Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU 
 Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        0.5 -- 0.5  Danasah 8,3                 
 Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit    
 iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           1.0 -- 0.0  Pharaon 3.5.1               
 Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       1.0 -- 0.0  Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit   
 Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      0.5 -- 0.5  Godel 7.0 64-bit            
 Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  0.5 -- 0.5  ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080    
 Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Orion 0.6 64-bit            
 Karballo 1.8 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  SmarThink 1.98 64-bit       
 Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        0.5 -- 0.5  Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU       
 Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU       
 RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   0.5 -- 0.5  Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU        
 Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        0.5 -- 0.5  Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU     
 Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     1.0 -- 0.0  RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU    
 Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   1.0 -- 0.0  Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU    

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  32B+  21W+   8B+   6W+    4.0     10.5     2    +2
  2: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  36W+  19B+  18B+   4W+    4.0     10.0     2   +10
  3: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  33W+  12B+   5B=  20W+    3.5     10.5     2    +1
  4: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  27B+  23W+  11W+   2B-    3.0     12.0     2     0
  5: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  43W+  16B+   3W=  10B=    3.0     11.5     2    -2
  6: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  42W+  34B+  14W+   1B-    3.0     11.0     2    +5
  7: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  35W+  31B+   9W=  13B=    3.0     10.0     2    -1
  8: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  39W+  41B+   1W-  30W+    3.0     10.0     3    +1
  9: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  55W+  22W+   7B=  15B=    3.0      9.5     2    -3
 10: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  50W+  40B+  15W=   5W=    3.0      9.5     3    +4
 11: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  37W+  28B+   4B-  32W+    3.0      9.0     2    -4
 12: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  57W+   3W-  42B+  26B+    3.0      9.0     2    +1
 13: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  46B+  24B=  48W+   7W=    3.0      8.5     2    -1
 14: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  49B+  29W+   6B-  31W+    3.0      8.5     2    -4
 15: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  62W+  56B+  10B=   9W=    3.0      8.0     2    +4
 16: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  58B+   5W-  33B+  34B+    3.0      8.0     1    +1
 17: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  66W+  30B+  20B-  28W+    3.0      7.0     2    -1
 18: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  38B+  25W+   2W-  19B=    2.5     11.0     2    -7
 19: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  59B+   2W-  38B+  18W=    2.5      9.5     2    +4
 20: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  45W=  61B+  17W+   3B-    2.5      9.0     2    -2
 21: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  63B+   1B-  50W+  25W=    2.5      9.0     2    -4
 22: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  52W+   9B-  39B+  23B=    2.5      9.0     1    -1
 23: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  47W+   4B-  55B+  22W=    2.5      8.0     2    +2
 24: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  64B+  13W=  26W-  48B+    2.5      8.0     2    +5
 25: Danasah 8,3                   2690  54W+  18B-  51W+  21B=    2.5      8.0     2    +9
 26: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  68W=  45B+  24B+  12W-    2.5      7.5     2    +2
 27: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588   4W-  67B=  60W+  47B+    2.5      6.0     2     0
 28: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  53B+  11W-  46W+  17B-    2.0      9.0     2     0
 29: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  44W+  14B-  40B=  43W=    2.0      9.0     2    -3
 30: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  60W+  17W-  41B+   8B-    2.0      9.0     2    +3
 31: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  67B+   7W-  37W+  14B-    2.0      8.5     2     0
 32: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   1W-  66B+  56W+  11B-    2.0      8.5     2    +3
 33: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   3B-  57B+  16W-  58W+    2.0      8.5     2    +4
 34: Delfi 5.4                     2681  69B+   6W-  44B+  16W-    2.0      8.0     2     0
 35: Amyan 1.72                    2599   7B-  47W=  59B+  40W=    2.0      7.5     2     0
 36: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577   2B-  59W=  45B=  63W+    2.0      7.5     2    -1
 37: SOS 5.1                       2576  11B-  53W+  31B-  57W+    2.0      7.5     2    +3
 38: AnMon 5.75                    2540  18W-  54B+  19W-  64B+    2.0      7.5     2    +2
 39: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463   8B-  65W+  22W-  55B+    2.0      7.5     2    +7
 40: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  70B+  10W-  29W=  35B=    2.0      7.0     2     0
 41: Phalanx XXV                   2646  65B+   8W-  30W-  56W+    2.0      7.0     3    -4
 42: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483   6B-  69W+  12W-  60B+    2.0      7.0     2    +2
 43: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626   5B-  58W=  67W+  29B=    2.0      6.5     2    +1
 44: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  29B-  49W+  34W-  61W+    2.0      6.5     3   +12
 45: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  20B=  26W-  36W=  50B=    1.5      8.5     2    +5
 46: Betsabe II 1.96               2563  13W-  64W+  28B-  51B=    1.5      7.5     2    +2
 47: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  23B-  35B=  68W+  27W-    1.5      7.5     2    +4
 48: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  61W=  68B+  13B-  24W-    1.5      7.0     2   -12
 49: Rebel 6                       2550  14W-  44B-  52W=  68B+    1.5      7.0     2    -8
 50: Tao 5.6                       2483  10B-  70W+  21B-  45W=    1.5      7.0     2     0
 51: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  56B-  63W+  25B-  46W=    1.5      6.0     2   -15
 52: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  22B-  55W-  49B=  67W+    1.5      5.5     2    +4
 53: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  28W-  37B-  62B=  66W+    1.5      5.5     2    +6
 54: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  25B-  38W-  66W=  70B+    1.5      5.0     2    +6
 55: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611   9B-  52B+  23W-  39W-    1.0      9.0     2    -6
 56: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  51W+  15W-  32B-  41B-    1.0      8.5     2    +8
 57: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  12B-  33W-  65W+  37B-    1.0      8.0     2    -4
 58: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  16W-  43B=  61B=  33B-    1.0      8.0     1    -1
 59: Yace 0.17                     2350  19W-  36B=  35W-  62B=    1.0      7.5     2    +2
 60: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  30B-  62W+  27B-  42W-    1.0      7.5     2    +7
 61: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  48B=  20W-  58W=  44B-    1.0      7.0     2    +1
 62: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  15B-  60B-  53W=  59W=    1.0      6.5     2   -11
 63: Quark 2.35                    2424  21W-  51B-  70W+  36B-    1.0      6.0     2    -4
 64: Waxman 2017                   2315  24W-  46B-  69B+  38W-    1.0      6.0     2    -2
 65: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  41W-  39B-  57B-  69W+    1.0      5.0     2    +4
 66: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  17B-  32W-  54B=  53B-    0.5      8.0     1   -12
 67: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  31W-  27W=  43B-  52B-    0.5      8.0     2    -4
 68: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  26B=  48W-  47B-  49W-    0.5      7.0     2    -2
 69: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  34W-  42B-  64W-  65B-    0.0      6.0     2    -9
 70: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  40W-  50B-  63B-  54W-    0.0      6.0     2    -6

Code: Select all

------------------ ROUND 5. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Merlin 2.3.1                 ----   Abbess 2018.02.07               
   2: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU           
   3: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit       ----   The Crazy Bishop 0052           
   4: Yace 0.17                    ----   Waxman 2017                     
   5: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   Quark 2.35                      
   6: Raven 0.90 64-bit            ----   NoC 4.20 64-bit                 
   7: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit          
   8: Ruffian 2.1.0                ----   Ceibo 0.5 64-bit                
   9: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit          ----   Tao 5.6                         
  10: CT800 1.40 64-bit            ----   Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU       
  11: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit        ----   GreKo 2020.03 64-bit            
  12: Anubisx 0.052                ----   Betsabe II 1.96                 
  13: Rebel 6                      ----   Cerebro 4.03 64-bit             
  14: Amyan 1.72                   ----   Isa 2.0.64 64-bit               
  15: Delfi 5.4                    ----   Delocto 0.61n 64bit             
  16: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU        
  17: Orion 0.6 64-bit             ----   Phalanx XXV                     
  18: Floyd 0.9 64-bit             ----   Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit       
  19: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit     ----   Pharaon 3.5.1                   
  20: AnMon 5.75                   ----   Fruit 2.3.1                     
  21: SOS 5.1                      ----   tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit        
  22: Tinker T1062 64-bit          ----   Pseudo 0.7c                     
  23: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Karballo 1.8 64-bit             
  24: Danasah 8,3                  ----   Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU           
  25: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit ----   RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit            
  26: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU     ----   ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080        
  27: Godel 7.0 64-bit             ----   Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU        
  28: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU          
  29: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU          
  30: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU      ----   iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU             
  31: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit        ----   Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU            
  32: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU         
  33: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU        ----   RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU        
  34: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU        
  35: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080    ----   Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080     
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Sergio Martinez
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Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
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Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Merlin 2.3.1                  0.5 -- 0.5  Abbess 2018.02.07           
 Nejmet 3.07                   0.5 -- 0.5  Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU       
 Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  The Crazy Bishop 0052       
 Yace 0.17                     0.0 -- 1.0  Waxman 2017                 
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       0.5 -- 0.5  Quark 2.35                  
 Raven 0.90 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  NoC 4.20 64-bit             
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.0 -- 1.0  SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit      
 Ruffian 2.1.0                 1.0 -- 0.0  Ceibo 0.5 64-bit            
 FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Tao 5.6                     
 CT800 1.40 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU   
 OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  GreKo 2020.03 64-bit        
 Anubisx 0.052                 0.0 -- 1.0  Betsabe II 1.96             
 Rebel 6                       1.0 -- 0.0  Cerebro 4.03 64-bit         
 Amyan 1.72                    1.0 -- 0.0  Isa 2.0.64 64-bit           
 Delfi 5.4                     1.0 -- 0.0  Delocto 0.61n 64bit         
 Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU    
 Orion 0.6 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Phalanx XXV                 
 Floyd 0.9 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit   
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      1.0 -- 0.0  Pharaon 3.5.1               
 AnMon 5.75                    0.5 -- 0.5  Fruit 2.3.1                 
 SOS 5.1                       0.0 -- 1.0  tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit    
 Tinker T1062 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Pseudo 0.7c                 
 Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Karballo 1.8 64-bit         
 Danasah 8,3                   0.0 -- 1.0  Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU       
 Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  0.5 -- 0.5  RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit        
 Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      0.5 -- 0.5  ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080    
 Godel 7.0 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU    
 Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU      
 Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   0.5 -- 0.5  Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU      
 Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       1.0 -- 0.0  iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU         
 SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU        
 RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   0.5 -- 0.5  Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU     
 Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         0.5 -- 0.5  RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU    
 Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      0.0 -- 1.0  Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU    
 Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     0.5 -- 0.5  Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080 

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  24B+  15W+  19B+  17W+   2B=    4.5     17.0     2    -2
  2: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  29W+  21B+  18B+   7W+   1W=    4.5     17.0     3   +13
  3: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  27W+  16B+   8B=  14W+  17B+    4.5     16.5     2    +3
  4: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  45W+  22B+   7B-  24W+  20W+    4.0     14.5     3    -1
  5: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  42B+  34W+  17B-  25W+  19W+    4.0     14.0     3     0
  6: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  65W+  43B+  14B-  22W+  32B+    4.0     12.0     2    +2
  7: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  38B+  26W+   4W+   2B-  11B=    3.5     17.5     2    +2
  8: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  46W+  13B+   3W=  12B=  10B=    3.5     17.0     2    -5
  9: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  31W+  25B+  11W=  10B=  16B=    3.5     16.5     2    -5
 10: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  36B+  23B=  40W+   9W=   8W=    3.5     15.0     3    +2
 11: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  47W+  32W+   9B=  20B=   7W=    3.5     14.5     3    -5
 12: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  39W+  44B+  20W=   8W=  13B=    3.5     14.5     3    +3
 13: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  57B+   8W-  27B+  28B+  12W=    3.5     14.5     2    +2
 14: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  54W=  64B+   6W+   3B-  33B+    3.5     13.5     2    -1
 15: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  56B+   1B-  39W+  33W=  35W+    3.5     13.5     3    -3
 16: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  63W+   3W-  51B+  35B+   9W=    3.5     13.5     3    +4
 17: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  51W+  28B+   5W+   1B-   3W-    3.0     18.0     3    +4
 18: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  37B+  33W+   2W-  21B=  26B=    3.0     15.5     2   -10
 19: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  30W+  50B+   1W-  43W+   5B-    3.0     15.5     3    -3
 20: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  53W+  49B+  12B=  11W=   4B-    3.0     15.0     2    +2
 21: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  62B+   2W-  37B+  18W=  23W=    3.0     14.0     3    +3
 22: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  59B+   4W-  36W+   6B-  45B+    3.0     14.0     2    +2
 23: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  52B+  10W=  35W-  40B+  21B=    3.0     13.5     2    +7
 24: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   1W-  65B+  49W+   4B-  50W+    3.0     13.5     3    +8
 25: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  60B+   9W-  45W+   5B-  44B+    3.0     13.0     2    +2
 26: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  55W+   7B-  47B+  32W=  18W=    3.0     12.5     3    +5
 27: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   3B-  63B+  13W-  57W+  51W+    3.0     12.5     3    +7
 28: Delfi 5.4                     2681  69B+  17W-  48B+  13W-  46W+    3.0     11.0     3    +4
 29: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577   2B-  62W=  54B=  56W+  38B+    3.0     11.0     2    +4
 30: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463  19B-  68W+  32W-  47B+  43W+    3.0     10.5     3   +15
 31: Amyan 1.72                    2599   9B-  55W=  62B+  44W=  48W+    3.0     10.0     3    +2
 32: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  58W+  11B-  30B+  26B=   6W-    2.5     15.0     2    -4
 33: Danasah 8,3                   2690  61W+  18B-  41W+  15B=  14W-    2.5     14.0     3    +9
 34: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  48W+   5B-  44B=  46W=  37B=    2.5     12.5     2    -6
 35: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  67W=  54B+  23B+  16W-  15B-    2.5     12.5     2    +1
 36: Betsabe II 1.96               2563  10W-  52W+  22B-  41B=  59B+    2.5     12.5     2    +4
 37: AnMon 5.75                    2540  18W-  61B+  21W-  52B+  34W=    2.5     12.0     3    +5
 38: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588   7W-  60B=  66W+  55B+  29W-    2.5     10.5     3    -5
 39: Tao 5.6                       2483  12B-  70W+  15B-  54W=  61B+    2.5     10.5     2    +1
 40: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  64W=  67B+  10B-  23W-  58B+    2.5     10.0     2   -11
 41: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  49B-  56W+  33B-  36W=  55B+    2.5     10.0     2   -14
 42: Rebel 6                       2550   5W-  48B-  58W=  67B+  54W+    2.5     10.0     3    -4
 43: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  66W+   6W-  50B+  19B-  30B-    2.0     13.0     2    -5
 44: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  70B+  12W-  34W=  31B=  25W-    2.0     12.5     3    -2
 45: SOS 5.1                       2576   4B-  59W+  25B-  63W+  22W-    2.0     12.5     3    +1
 46: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626   8B-  57W=  60W+  34B=  28B-    2.0     12.0     2    -3
 47: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611  11B-  58B+  26W-  30W-  66W+    2.0     12.0     3    -6
 48: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  34B-  42W+  28W-  64W+  31B-    2.0     12.0     3   +10
 49: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  41W+  20W-  24B-  50B-  64B+    2.0     11.5     2   +14
 50: Phalanx XXV                   2646  68B+  19W-  43W-  49W+  24B-    2.0     11.0     3    -9
 51: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483  17B-  69W+  16W-  66B+  27B-    2.0     11.0     2    -1
 52: Waxman 2017                   2315  23W-  36B-  69B+  37W-  62B+    2.0      9.5     2    +3
 53: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  20B-  66B-  59W=  62W=  63W+    2.0      7.5     3    -6
 54: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  14B=  35W-  29W=  39B=  42B-    1.5     14.0     2    +1
 55: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  26B-  31B=  67W+  38W-  41W-    1.5     12.0     3    +3
 56: Quark 2.35                    2424  15W-  41B-  70W+  29B-  57B=    1.5     11.0     2    -4
 57: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  13W-  46B=  64B=  27B-  56W=    1.5     11.0     2     0
 58: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  32B-  47W-  42B=  60W+  40W-    1.5     11.0     3    +4
 59: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  22W-  45B-  53B=  65W+  36W-    1.5     10.5     3    +4
 60: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  25W-  38W=  46B-  58B-  68B+    1.5     10.0     2    -3
 61: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  33B-  37W-  65W=  70B+  39W-    1.5      9.0     3    +5
 62: Yace 0.17                     2350  21W-  29B=  31W-  53B=  52W-    1.0     13.0     3    -4
 63: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  16B-  27W-  68W+  45B-  53B-    1.0     11.5     2    -9
 64: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  40B=  14W-  57W=  48B-  49W-    1.0     11.5     3    -5
 65: Nejmet 3.07                   2427   6B-  24W-  61B=  59B-  67W=    1.0     11.0     2   -14
 66: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  43B-  53W+  38B-  51W-  47B-    1.0     10.5     2    +6
 67: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  35B=  40W-  55B-  42W-  65B=    1.0     10.0     2     0
 68: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  50W-  30B-  63B-  69W+  60W-    1.0      8.0     3    +3
 69: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  28W-  51B-  52W-  68B-  70W=    0.5      8.5     3    -9
 70: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  44W-  39B-  56B-  61W-  69B=    0.5      8.0     2    -5

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 6. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit             ----   Abbess 2018.02.07               
   2: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   Merlin 2.3.1                    
   3: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit       ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
   4: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Yace 0.17                       
   5: NoC 4.20 64-bit              ----   FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit             
   6: Quark 2.35                   ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
   7: The Crazy Bishop 0052        ----   OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit           
   8: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit          ----   CT800 1.40 64-bit               
   9: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   Raven 0.90 64-bit               
  10: Waxman 2017                  ----   Ruffian 2.1.0                   
  11: Delocto 0.61n 64bit          ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU        
  12: SOS 5.1                      ----   Phalanx XXV                     
  13: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit       ----   Floyd 0.9 64-bit                
  14: Pharaon 3.5.1                ----   Isa 2.0.64 64-bit               
  15: Betsabe II 1.96              ----   Rebel 6                         
  16: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit         ----   Karballo 1.8 64-bit             
  17: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU    ----   Fruit 2.3.1                     
  18: Tao 5.6                      ----   Danasah 8,3                     
  19: Godel 7.0 64-bit             ----   Tinker T1062 64-bit             
  20: Amyan 1.72                   ----   AnMon 5.75                      
  21: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit         ----   FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit        
  22: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit     ----   Delfi 5.4                       
  23: Pseudo 0.7c                  ----   Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit    
  24: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)       
  25: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU     ----   iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU             
  26: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080     ----   Orion 0.6 64-bit                
  27: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit    ----   Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU        
  28: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit        ----   Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU           
  29: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU        ----   RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU     
  30: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU         ----   Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU     
  31: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU      ----   Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU          
  32: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU          
  33: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU         
  34: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080    ----   Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU           
  35: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080     
The tournament will resume tomorrow. Thanks.
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Sergio Martinez
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Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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Sergio Martinez
Posts: 3396
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
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Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

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 Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Abbess 2018.02.07           
 Nejmet 3.07                   1.0 -- 0.0  Merlin 2.3.1                
 Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         0.0 -- 1.0  Yace 0.17                   
 NoC 4.20 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit         
 Quark 2.35                    1.0 -- 0.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 The Crazy Bishop 0052         0.0 -- 1.0  OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit       
 Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  CT800 1.40 64-bit           
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Raven 0.90 64-bit           
 Waxman 2017                   0.5 -- 0.5  Ruffian 2.1.0               
 Delocto 0.61n 64bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU    
 SOS 5.1                       0.0 -- 1.0  Phalanx XXV                 
 SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  Floyd 0.9 64-bit            
 Pharaon 3.5.1                 1.0 -- 0.0  Isa 2.0.64 64-bit           
 Betsabe II 1.96               0.5 -- 0.5  Rebel 6                     
 GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          0.5 -- 0.5  Karballo 1.8 64-bit         
 Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     0.5 -- 0.5  Fruit 2.3.1                 
 Tao 5.6                       0.0 -- 1.0  Danasah 8,3                 
 Godel 7.0 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Tinker T1062 64-bit         
 Amyan 1.72                    0.0 -- 1.0  AnMon 5.75                  
 RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit    
 tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      0.5 -- 0.5  Delfi 5.4                   
 Pseudo 0.7c                   0.0 -- 1.0  Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit
 Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)   
 Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      0.0 -- 1.0  iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU         
 ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      1.0 -- 0.0  Orion 0.6 64-bit            
 Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     0.5 -- 0.5  Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU    
 SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU       
 Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         0.0 -- 1.0  RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU 
 Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          1.0 -- 0.0  Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU 
 Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       1.0 -- 0.0  Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU      
 RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      0.5 -- 0.5  Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU      
 Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU     
 Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     0.5 -- 0.5  Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU       
 Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      0.5 -- 0.5  Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080 

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  33W+  14B+  12B+  10W+   2W=   9W=    5.0     24.5     4   +13
  2: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  30B+  21W+  15B+  18W+   1B=   3B=    5.0     24.0     2    -3
  3: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  32W+  22B+   5B=  19W+  18B+   2W=    5.0     23.0     3    +4
  4: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  61W+  31B+  19B-  24W+  23B+  11W+    5.0     19.5     3    +9
  5: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  44W+  20B+   3W=  13B=   7B=  21W+    4.5     23.0     3    -4
  6: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  38W+  25B+   8W=   7B=  22B=  20W+    4.5     22.5     3    -3
  7: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  35B+  17B=  40W+   6W=   5W=  19B+    4.5     22.5     3    +5
  8: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  45W+  23W+   6B=  16B=  10W=  22B+    4.5     22.0     3    -4
  9: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  55W+  24B+  10B-  30W+  16W+   1B=    4.5     21.5     3    -1
 10: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  46B+  29W+   9W+   1B-   8B=  13W=    4.0     23.5     3    -1
 11: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  43B+  34W+  18B-  25W+  15W+   4B-    4.0     22.0     3    -7
 12: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  27B+  26W+   1W-  14B=  29B=  30W+    4.0     22.0     3   -10
 13: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  48W+  41B+  16W=   5W=  20B=  10B=    4.0     21.5     3    +5
 14: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  57B+   1W-  27B+  12W=  17W=  33B+    4.0     21.5     3    +4
 15: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  36W+  42B+   2W-  31W+  11B-  29B+    4.0     21.0     3    -1
 16: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  59W+  54B+  13B=   8W=   9B-  32W+    4.0     20.0     3    +2
 17: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  50B+   7W=  37W-  40B+  14B=  36W+    4.0     20.0     3    +8
 18: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  51W+  28B+  11W+   2B-   3W-  25B=    3.5     23.5     3    +1
 19: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  47W=  58B+   4W+   3B-  26B+   7W-    3.5     22.5     3    -5
 20: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  49B+   5W-  32B+  28B+  13W=   6B-    3.5     22.0     2     0
 21: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  52B+   2B-  48W+  26W=  37W+   5B-    3.5     21.0     3    -4
 22: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  65W+   3W-  51B+  37B+   6W=   8W-    3.5     21.0     4    +3
 23: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  63W+   8B-  36B+  29B=   4W-  46W+    3.5     19.5     3    -3
 24: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  64B+   9W-  35W+   4B-  55B+  28W=    3.5     19.5     3     0
 25: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  66B+   6W-  55W+  11B-  41B+  18W=    3.5     18.5     3    +5
 26: Danasah 8,3                   2690  60W+  12B-  39W+  21B=  19W-  48B+    3.5     18.5     3   +11
 27: AnMon 5.75                    2540  12W-  60B+  14W-  50B+  34W=  38B+    3.5     18.5     3   +11
 28: Delfi 5.4                     2681  70B+  18W-  56B+  20W-  44W+  24B=    3.5     15.5     3    +6
 29: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  53W+  10B-  45B+  23W=  12W=  15W-    3.0     20.5     4    +3
 30: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   2W-  61B+  54W+   9B-  42W+  12B-    3.0     20.5     3    +8
 31: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  62W+   4W-  42B+  15B-  36B-  56W+    3.0     19.0     3    -4
 32: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   3B-  65B+  20W-  49W+  51W+  16B-    3.0     19.0     3    +7
 33: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577   1B-  57W=  47B=  52W+  46B+  14W-    3.0     18.5     3    +3
 34: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  56W+  11B-  41B=  44W=  27B=  40B=    3.0     18.0     2    -4
 35: Betsabe II 1.96               2563   7W-  50W+  24B-  39B=  64B+  43W=    3.0     18.0     3    +4
 36: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463  15B-  68W+  23W-  45B+  31W+  17B-    3.0     18.0     3   +14
 37: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  67W=  47B+  17B+  22W-  21B-  39B=    3.0     17.5     2    +1
 38: Amyan 1.72                    2599   6B-  53W=  57B+  41W=  56W+  27W-    3.0     17.5     4    -4
 39: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  54B-  52W+  26B-  35W=  53B+  37W=    3.0     16.5     3   -14
 40: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  58W=  67B+   7B-  17W-  63B+  34W=    3.0     16.0     3   -13
 41: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  69B+  13W-  34W=  38B=  25W-  54B+    3.0     16.0     3    -1
 42: Phalanx XXV                   2646  68B+  15W-  31W-  54W+  30B-  55B+    3.0     15.0     3    -5
 43: Rebel 6                       2550  11W-  56B-  63W=  67B+  47W+  35B=    3.0     14.0     3    -4
 44: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626   5B-  49W=  66W+  34B=  28B-  51W=    2.5     17.5     3    -5
 45: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611   8B-  63B+  29W-  36W-  62W+  50B=    2.5     16.5     3    -9
 46: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588  10W-  66B=  62W+  53B+  33W-  23B-    2.5     16.5     3    -6
 47: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  19B=  37W-  33W=  48B=  43B-  63W+    2.5     16.5     3    +5
 48: Tao 5.6                       2483  13B-  69W+  21B-  47W=  60B+  26W-    2.5     16.0     3    -1
 49: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  20W-  44B=  58B=  32B-  52W=  59W+    2.5     15.5     3    +5
 50: Waxman 2017                   2315  17W-  35B-  70B+  27W-  57B+  45W=    2.5     15.5     3    +7
 51: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483  18B-  70W+  22W-  62B+  32B-  44B=    2.5     15.0     2    +1
 52: Quark 2.35                    2424  21W-  39B-  69W+  33B-  49B=  64W+    2.5     14.0     3     0
 53: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  29B-  38B=  67W+  46W-  39W-  66B+    2.5     14.0     3    +8
 54: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  39W+  16W-  30B-  42B-  58B+  41W-    2.0     18.0     3   +13
 55: SOS 5.1                       2576   9B-  64W+  25B-  65W+  24W-  42W-    2.0     17.5     4    -3
 56: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  34B-  43W+  28W-  58W+  38B-  31B-    2.0     17.5     3    +9
 57: Yace 0.17                     2350  14W-  33B=  38W-  59B=  50W-  67B+    2.0     15.5     3    +1
 58: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  40B=  19W-  49W=  56B-  54W-  68B+    2.0     14.0     3    -4
 59: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  16B-  62B-  64W=  57W=  65W+  49B-    2.0     13.5     3   -12
 60: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  26B-  27W-  61W=  69B+  48W-  65B=    2.0     13.5     3    +8
 61: Nejmet 3.07                   2427   4B-  30W-  60B=  64B-  67W=  70W+    2.0     13.0     3   -13
 62: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  31B-  59W+  46B-  51W-  45B-  69W+    2.0     13.0     3   +10
 63: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  23B-  45W-  43B=  66W+  40W-  47B-    1.5     16.0     3     0
 64: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  24W-  55B-  59B=  61W+  35W-  52B-    1.5     15.0     3     0
 65: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  22B-  32W-  68W+  55B-  59B-  60W=    1.5     13.5     3   -12
 66: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  25W-  46W=  44B-  63B-  68B+  53W-    1.5     13.5     3    -7
 67: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  37B=  40W-  53B-  43W-  61B=  57W-    1.0     15.5     3    -4
 68: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  42W-  36B-  65B-  70W+  66W-  58W-    1.0     11.5     4    +1
 69: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  41W-  48B-  52B-  60W-  70B=  62B-    0.5     12.5     2    -9
 70: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  28W-  51B-  50W-  68B-  69W=  61B-    0.5     12.0     3   -11

Code: Select all

 ------------------ ROUND 7. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Abbess 2018.02.07            ----   Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit          
   2: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Merlin 2.3.1                    
   3: The Crazy Bishop 0052        ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
   4: NoC 4.20 64-bit              ----   CT800 1.40 64-bit               
   5: Yace 0.17                    ----   Ceibo 0.5 64-bit                
   6: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit            ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
   7: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit          ----   SOS 5.1                         
   8: Raven 0.90 64-bit            ----   SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit          
   9: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit        ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
  10: Quark 2.35                   ----   Cerebro 4.03 64-bit             
  11: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Tinker T1062 64-bit             
  12: Ruffian 2.1.0                ----   Giraffe 20161023 64-bit         
  13: Delocto 0.61n 64bit          ----   Waxman 2017                     
  14: Tao 5.6                      ----   Rebel 6                         
  15: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit     ----   Phalanx XXV                     
  16: Floyd 0.9 64-bit             ----   Betsabe II 1.96                 
  17: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU    ----   Pseudo 0.7c                     
  18: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    ----   GreKo 2020.03 64-bit            
  19: Pharaon 3.5.1                ----   Amyan 1.72                      
  20: Karballo 1.8 64-bit          ----   Orion 0.6 64-bit                
  21: Fruit 2.3.1                  ----   Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU        
  22: Delfi 5.4                    ----   SmarThink 1.98 64-bit           
  23: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU       ----   AnMon 5.75                      
  24: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Danasah 8,3                     
  25: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit       
  26: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit     ----   Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU        
  27: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit         ----   Godel 7.0 64-bit                
  28: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080     ----   Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU          
  29: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU      ----   Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit    
  30: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU     ----   iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU             
  31: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU          
  32: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU           
  33: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU         ----   Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU         
  34: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080  ----   Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU        
  35: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080       
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Sergio Martinez
Posts: 3396
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
Sign-up code: 10159
Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Abbess 2018.02.07             1.0 -- 0.0  Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit      
 Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         0.0 -- 1.0  Merlin 2.3.1                
 The Crazy Bishop 0052         1.0 -- 0.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 NoC 4.20 64-bit               0.0 -- 1.0  CT800 1.40 64-bit           
 Yace 0.17                     0.5 -- 0.5  Ceibo 0.5 64-bit            
 Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Nejmet 3.07                 
 FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  SOS 5.1                     
 Raven 0.90 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit      
 OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         0.0 -- 1.0  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 Quark 2.35                    0.5 -- 0.5  Cerebro 4.03 64-bit         
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      0.0 -- 1.0  Tinker T1062 64-bit         
 Ruffian 2.1.0                 1.0 -- 0.0  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 Delocto 0.61n 64bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Waxman 2017                 
 Tao 5.6                       1.0 -- 0.0  Rebel 6                     
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Phalanx XXV                 
 Floyd 0.9 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Betsabe II 1.96             
 Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     1.0 -- 0.0  Pseudo 0.7c                 
 Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     0.0 -- 1.0  GreKo 2020.03 64-bit        
 Pharaon 3.5.1                 0.0 -- 1.0  Amyan 1.72                  
 Karballo 1.8 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Orion 0.6 64-bit            
 Fruit 2.3.1                   0.5 -- 0.5  Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU    
 Delfi 5.4                     0.0 -- 1.0  SmarThink 1.98 64-bit       
 Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        1.0 -- 0.0  AnMon 5.75                  
 Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   1.0 -- 0.0  Danasah 8,3                 
 Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit   
 tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      0.0 -- 1.0  Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU    
 RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Godel 7.0 64-bit            
 ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      0.5 -- 0.5  Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU      
 Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       0.0 -- 1.0  Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit
 RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU         
 Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         0.5 -- 0.5  Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU      
 RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   0.0 -- 1.0  Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU       
 Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          0.5 -- 0.5  Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU     
 Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   1.0 -- 0.0  Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU    
 Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      0.5 -- 0.5  Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080   

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  28B+  16W+  22B+  14W+   2B=   3B=   9W+    6.0     32.5     3    -3
  2: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  43W+  10B+  13B+   7W+   1W=   8W=   3B=    5.5     34.0     4   +16
  3: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  44W+  18B+   5B=  15W+  14B+   1W=   2W=    5.5     33.0     4    +2
  4: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  41W+  20W+   6B=  17B=   7W=  18B+  11B+    5.5     31.5     3    -1
  5: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  40W+  19B+   3W=  12B=  11B=  16W+   6B=    5.0     32.0     3    -5
  6: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  24W+  31B+   4W=  11B=  18B=  19W+   5W=    5.0     31.5     4    -2
  7: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  38B+  29W+   8W+   2B-   4B=  12W=  22W+    5.0     31.5     4    +2
  8: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  48W+  32B+   7B-  28W+  17W+   2B=  12W=    5.0     29.5     4    -4
  9: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  53W+  45B+  15B-  32W+  20B+  21W+   1B-    5.0     28.5     3    +9
 10: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  59B+   2W-  33B+  13W=  23W=  43B+  21B+    5.0     27.0     3   +13
 11: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  39B+  23B=  25W+   6W=   5W=  15B+   4W-    4.5     31.5     4    +3
 12: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  42W+  37B+  17W=   5W=  19B=   7B=   8B=    4.5     31.0     3    +8
 13: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  33B+  30W+   2W-  10B=  29B=  28W+  17W=    4.5     29.0     4   -11
 14: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  55W+  36B+  21W+   1B-   3W-  31B=  32B+    4.5     28.5     3    +2
 15: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  47W=  51B+   9W+   3B-  30B+  11W-  31W+    4.5     28.0     4    -3
 16: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  49B+   1B-  42W+  30W=  34W+   5B-  33W+    4.5     28.0     4    -3
 17: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  52W+  62B+  12B=   4W=   8B-  44W+  13B=    4.5     27.5     3    +3
 18: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  66W+   3W-  55B+  34B+   6W=   4W-  36B+    4.5     27.0     4    +4
 19: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  54B+   5W-  44B+  36B+  12W=   6B-  30W+    4.5     27.0     3    +1
 20: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  56W+   4B-  46B+  29B=   9W-  38W+  23B+    4.5     27.0     3    -1
 21: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  50B+  35W+  14B-  31W+  22W+   9B-  10W-    4.0     28.5     4   -15
 22: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  46W+  27B+   1W-  45W+  21B-  29B+   7B-    4.0     28.5     3    -3
 23: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  57B+  11W=  34W-  25B+  10B=  46W+  20W-    4.0     27.0     4    +6
 24: Amyan 1.72                    2599   6B-  58W=  59B+  37W=  63W+  33W-  45B+    4.0     22.0     4    +2
 25: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  51W=  69B+  11B-  23W-  56B+  35W=  43W+    4.0     21.5     4   -11
 26: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  62B-  49W+  30B-  39W=  58B+  34W=  44B+    4.0     21.0     3   -10
 27: Phalanx XXV                   2646  70B+  22W-  45W-  62W+  28B-  48B+  46B+    4.0     19.5     3    -2
 28: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   1W-  53B+  62W+   8B-  27W+  13B-  34B=    3.5     28.0     3   +10
 29: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  58W+   7B-  41B+  20W=  13W=  22W-  35B=    3.5     27.5     4    +1
 30: Danasah 8,3                   2690  64W+  13B-  26W+  16B=  15W-  42B+  19B-    3.5     27.5     3   +10
 31: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  61B+   6W-  48W+  21B-  37B+  14W=  15B-    3.5     27.0     3    +3
 32: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  65B+   8W-  39W+   9B-  48B+  36W=  14W-    3.5     26.0     4    -1
 33: AnMon 5.75                    2540  13W-  64B+  10W-  57B+  35W=  24B+  16B-    3.5     26.0     3   +10
 34: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  69W=  47B+  23B+  18W-  16B-  26B=  28W=    3.5     24.5     3    -1
 35: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  63W+  21B-  37B=  40W=  33B=  25B=  29W=    3.5     24.0     3    -2
 36: Delfi 5.4                     2681  68B+  14W-  63B+  19W-  40W+  32B=  18W-    3.5     24.0     4    +5
 37: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  67B+  12W-  35W=  24B=  31W-  62B+  39W=    3.5     22.5     4    -2
 38: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588   7W-  61B=  60W+  58B+  43W-  20B-  55B+    3.5     22.5     3    -3
 39: Betsabe II 1.96               2563  11W-  57W+  32B-  26B=  65B+  50W=  37B=    3.5     22.5     3    +5
 40: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626   5B-  54W=  61W+  35B=  36B-  55W=  57W+    3.5     22.0     4    -4
 41: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611   4B-  56B+  29W-  46W-  60W+  57B=  54W+    3.5     22.0     4    -7
 42: Tao 5.6                       2483  12B-  67W+  16B-  47W=  64B+  30W-  50W+    3.5     22.0     4    +5
 43: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577   2B-  59W=  47B=  49W+  38B+  10W-  25B-    3.0     26.5     3    +1
 44: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   3B-  66B+  19W-  54W+  55W+  17B-  26W-    3.0     25.0     4    +3
 45: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  60W+   9W-  27B+  22B-  46B-  63W+  24W-    3.0     24.5     4   -10
 46: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463  22B-  70W+  20W-  41B+  45W+  23B-  27W-    3.0     24.0     4   +11
 47: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  15B=  34W-  43W=  42B=  50B-  56W+  49B=    3.0     23.0     3    +4
 48: SOS 5.1                       2576   8B-  65W+  31B-  66W+  32W-  27W-  64B+    3.0     21.0     4    -2
 49: Quark 2.35                    2424  16W-  26B-  67W+  43B-  54B=  65W+  47W=    3.0     20.0     4     0
 50: Rebel 6                       2550  21W-  63B-  56W=  69B+  47W+  39B=  42B-    3.0     19.5     3   -10
 51: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  25B=  15W-  54W=  63B-  62W-  70B+  58B+    3.0     18.5     3    +2
 52: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  17B-  60B-  65W=  59W=  66W+  54B-  62W+    3.0     17.0     4    -9
 53: Nejmet 3.07                   2427   9B-  28W-  64B=  65B-  69W=  68W+  63B+    3.0     16.5     3    -9
 54: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  19W-  40B=  51B=  44B-  49W=  52W+  41B-    2.5     23.5     3    +3
 55: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483  14B-  68W+  18W-  60B+  44B-  40B=  38W-    2.5     23.0     3    -3
 56: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  20B-  41W-  50B=  61W+  25W-  47B-  66B+    2.5     22.0     3    +5
 57: Waxman 2017                   2315  23W-  39B-  68B+  33W-  59B+  41W=  40B-    2.5     22.0     3    +5
 58: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  29B-  24B=  69W+  38W-  26W-  61B+  51W-    2.5     21.5     4    +2
 59: Yace 0.17                     2350  10W-  43B=  24W-  52B=  57W-  69B+  60W=    2.5     21.0     4    -2
 60: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  45B-  52W+  38B-  55W-  41B-  67W+  59B=    2.5     19.5     3   +13
 61: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  31W-  38W=  40B-  56B-  70B+  58W-  65W+    2.5     18.0     4    -3
 62: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  26W+  17W-  28B-  27B-  51B+  37W-  52B-    2.0     25.5     3   +11
 63: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  35B-  50W+  36W-  51W+  24B-  45B-  53W-    2.0     23.0     4    +5
 64: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  30B-  33W-  53W=  67B+  42W-  66B=  48W-    2.0     19.5     4    +7
 65: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  32W-  48B-  52B=  53W+  39W-  49B-  61B-    1.5     21.5     3    -4
 66: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  18B-  44W-  70W+  48B-  52B-  64W=  56W-    1.5     19.0     4   -18
 67: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  37W-  42B-  49B-  64W-  68B=  60B-  70W+    1.5     17.0     3    -5
 68: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  36W-  55B-  57W-  70B-  67W=  53B-  69B+    1.5     15.0     3    -3
 69: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  34B=  25W-  58B-  50W-  53B=  59W-  68W-    1.0     20.0     4   -12
 70: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  27W-  46B-  66B-  68W+  61W-  51W-  67B-    1.0     17.0     4    -4

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 ------------------ ROUND 8. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit       ----   Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU           
   2: Merlin 2.3.1                 ----   NoC 4.20 64-bit                 
   3: Abbess 2018.02.07            ----   Anubisx 0.052                   
   4: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit       ----   FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit             
   5: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit            ----   The Crazy Bishop 0052           
   6: CT800 1.40 64-bit            ----   Ceibo 0.5 64-bit                
   7: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Yace 0.17                       
   8: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit           
   9: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   Waxman 2017                     
  10: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit          ----   Raven 0.90 64-bit               
  11: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit        
  12: Rebel 6                      ----   Pharaon 3.5.1                   
  13: Quark 2.35                   ----   Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)       
  14: Pseudo 0.7c                  ----   SOS 5.1                         
  15: Karballo 1.8 64-bit          ----   Tao 5.6                         
  16: AnMon 5.75                   ----   Ruffian 2.1.0                   
  17: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit     ----   Delocto 0.61n 64bit             
  18: Betsabe II 1.96              ----   Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit       
  19: Danasah 8,3                  ----   Floyd 0.9 64-bit                
  20: Tinker T1062 64-bit          ----   Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU        
  21: Orion 0.6 64-bit             ----   Delfi 5.4                       
  22: Phalanx XXV                  ----   Fruit 2.3.1                     
  23: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit         ----   RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit            
  24: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU          ----   Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU       
  25: Amyan 1.72                   ----   Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU         
  26: Godel 7.0 64-bit             ----   Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU           
  27: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU        
  28: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit        ----   ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080        
  29: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU          
  30: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU       ----   RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU     
  31: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit ----   Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU           
  32: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU     ----   RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU        
  33: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU         ----   Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU        
  34: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU      ----   Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080       
  35: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080     
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Sergio Martinez
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Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
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Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU       
 Merlin 2.3.1                  0.0 -- 1.0  NoC 4.20 64-bit             
 Abbess 2018.02.07             0.0 -- 1.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        1.0 -- 0.0  FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit         
 Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  The Crazy Bishop 0052       
 CT800 1.40 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Ceibo 0.5 64-bit            
 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      0.0 -- 1.0  Yace 0.17                   
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit       
 Nejmet 3.07                   0.0 -- 1.0  Waxman 2017                 
 Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Raven 0.90 64-bit           
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.0 -- 1.0  FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit    
 Rebel 6                       1.0 -- 0.0  Pharaon 3.5.1               
 Quark 2.35                    0.5 -- 0.5  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)   
 Pseudo 0.7c                   1.0 -- 0.0  SOS 5.1                     
 Karballo 1.8 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Tao 5.6                     
 AnMon 5.75                    1.0 -- 0.0  Ruffian 2.1.0               
 tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      1.0 -- 0.0  Delocto 0.61n 64bit         
 Betsabe II 1.96               0.0 -- 1.0  Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit   
 Danasah 8,3                   1.0 -- 0.0  Floyd 0.9 64-bit            
 Tinker T1062 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU    
 Orion 0.6 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Delfi 5.4                   
 Phalanx XXV                   0.5 -- 0.5  Fruit 2.3.1                 
 GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit        
 iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           1.0 -- 0.0  Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU   
 Amyan 1.72                    0.0 -- 1.0  Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU     
 Godel 7.0 64-bit              0.5 -- 0.5  Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU       
 Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   0.0 -- 1.0  Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU    
 SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         0.5 -- 0.5  ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080    
 Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU      
 Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        0.0 -- 1.0  RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU 
 Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  0.0 -- 1.0  Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU       
 Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      0.5 -- 0.5  RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU    
 Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          0.5 -- 0.5  Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU    
 Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       0.0 -- 1.0  Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080   
 Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         0.5 -- 0.5  Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080 

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  32B+  22W+  17B+   9W+   2B=   3B=  10W+   4B=    6.5     43.0     3    -5
  2: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  33W+  14B+  13B+   6W+   1W=   5W=   3B=  12B+    6.5     43.0     4   +23
  3: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  41W+  18B+  12B=  16W+   9B+   1W=   2W=   7B=    6.0     42.5     4     0
  4: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  42W+  19W+   7B=  21B=   6W=  18B+   8B+   1W=    6.0     41.0     4    +1
  5: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  55W+  26B+   6B-  32W+  21W+   2B=  11W=  14B+    6.0     38.5     4    -3
  6: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  46B+  25W+   5W+   2B-   4B=  11W=  17W+  10B=    5.5     42.5     4    -1
  7: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  37W+  24B+   4W=   8B=  18B=  23W+  12W=   3W=    5.5     40.5     5    -1
  8: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  40B+  31B=  35W+   7W=  12W=  16B+   4W-  21B+    5.5     37.5     4    +6
  9: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  61W+  36B+  15W+   1B-   3W-  24B=  26B+  23B+    5.5     37.5     3    +5
 10: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  60W+  54B+  16B-  26W+  19B+  15W+   1B-   6W=    5.5     37.5     4   +12
 11: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  47W+  44B+  21W=  12W=  23B=   6B=   5B=  22W+    5.5     37.0     4   +12
 12: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  45W+  23B+   3W=  11B=   8B=  22W+   7B=   2W-    5.0     41.5     4   -12
 13: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  29B+  27W+   2W-  14B=  25B=  32W+  21W=  18B=    5.0     38.5     4   -13
 14: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  50B+   2W-  29B+  13W=  31W=  33B+  15B+   5W-    5.0     38.5     4   +12
 15: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  39B+  34W+   9B-  24W+  17W+  10B-  14W-  37B+    5.0     37.5     4   -15
 16: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  43W=  58B+  10W+   3B-  27B+   8W-  24W+  19B=    5.0     37.5     4    -5
 17: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  38W+  30B+   1W-  54W+  15B-  25B+   6B-  35W+    5.0     37.0     4    -1
 18: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  64W+   3W-  61B+  28B+   7W=   4W-  36B+  13W=    5.0     36.0     5    +6
 19: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  57W+   4B-  38B+  25B=  10W-  46W+  31B+  16W=    5.0     35.5     4    +1
 20: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  56B-  48W+  27B-  40W=  62B+  28W=  41B+  31W+    5.0     29.0     4    -4
 21: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  52W+  56B+  11B=   4W=   5B-  41W+  13B=   8W-    4.5     38.0     4     0
 22: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  48B+   1B-  47W+  27W=  28W+  12B-  29W+  11B-    4.5     37.5     4    -8
 23: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  49B+  12W-  41B+  36B+  11W=   7B-  27W+   9W-    4.5     37.0     4    -2
 24: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  53B+   7W-  55W+  15B-  44B+   9W=  16B-  40B+    4.5     34.5     3    +4
 25: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  62W+   6B-  42B+  19W=  13W=  17W-  34B=  46B+    4.5     34.0     4    +2
 26: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  63B+   5W-  40W+  10B-  55B+  36W=   9W-  45W+    4.5     33.5     5    +1
 27: Danasah 8,3                   2690  66W+  13B-  20W+  22B=  16W-  47B+  23B-  44W+    4.5     33.0     4   +15
 28: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  67W=  43B+  31B+  18W-  22B-  20B=  32W=  47W+    4.5     31.5     4    +1
 29: AnMon 5.75                    2540  13W-  66B+  14W-  51B+  34W=  37B+  22B-  42W+    4.5     31.5     4   +16
 30: Phalanx XXV                   2646  70B+  17W-  54W-  56W+  32B-  55B+  38B+  34W=    4.5     27.0     4    -1
 31: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  51B+   8W=  28W-  35B+  14B=  38W+  19W-  20B-    4.0     36.5     4     0
 32: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   1W-  60B+  56W+   5B-  30W+  13B-  28B=  36W=    4.0     36.5     4   +10
 33: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577   2B-  50W=  43B=  48W+  46B+  14W-  35B-  55W+    4.0     32.5     4    +6
 34: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  65W+  15B-  44B=  45W=  29B=  35B=  25W=  30B=    4.0     31.5     3    -4
 35: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  58W=  67B+   8B-  31W-  57B+  34W=  33W+  17B-    4.0     30.5     4   -13
 36: Delfi 5.4                     2681  69B+   9W-  65B+  23W-  45W+  26B=  18W-  32B=    4.0     30.5     4    +4
 37: Amyan 1.72                    2599   7B-  62W=  50B+  44W=  65W+  29W-  54B+  15W-    4.0     29.5     5    +2
 38: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463  17B-  70W+  19W-  42B+  54W+  31B-  30W-  58B+    4.0     29.0     4   +14
 39: Rebel 6                       2550  15W-  65B-  57W=  67B+  43W+  40B=  47B-  54W+    4.0     25.5     4    -3
 40: Betsabe II 1.96               2563   8W-  51W+  26B-  20B=  63B+  39W=  44B=  24W-    3.5     33.0     4    +4
 41: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   3B-  64B+  23W-  49W+  61W+  21B-  20W-  48B=    3.5     32.0     4     0
 42: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611   4B-  57B+  25W-  38W-  59W+  51B=  49W+  29B-    3.5     32.0     4   -13
 43: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  16B=  28W-  33W=  47B=  39B-  57W+  48B=  52W=    3.5     31.0     4    +3
 44: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  68B+  11W-  34W=  37B=  24W-  56B+  40W=  27B-    3.5     30.5     4    -7
 45: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626  12B-  49W=  53W+  34B=  36B-  61W=  51W+  26B-    3.5     30.5     4    -6
 46: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588   6W-  53B=  59W+  62B+  33W-  19B-  61B+  25W-    3.5     30.5     4    -4
 47: Tao 5.6                       2483  11B-  68W+  22B-  43W=  66B+  27W-  39W+  28B-    3.5     30.0     4    +3
 48: Quark 2.35                    2424  22W-  20B-  68W+  33B-  49B=  63W+  43W=  41W=    3.5     28.0     5    +3
 49: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  23W-  45B=  58B=  41B-  48W=  52W+  42B-  62W+    3.5     27.5     4    +7
 50: Yace 0.17                     2350  14W-  33B=  37W-  52B=  51W-  67B+  59W=  61B+    3.5     27.5     4    +5
 51: Waxman 2017                   2315  31W-  40B-  69B+  29W-  50B+  42W=  45B-  60B+    3.5     27.0     3   +12
 52: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  21B-  59B-  63W=  50W=  64W+  49B-  56W+  43B=    3.5     26.0     4    -8
 53: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  24W-  46W=  45B-  57B-  70B+  62W-  63W+  65B+    3.5     22.5     4    +1
 54: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  59W+  10W-  30B+  17B-  38B-  65W+  37W-  39B-    3.0     32.0     4   -17
 55: SOS 5.1                       2576   5B-  63W+  24B-  64W+  26W-  30W-  66B+  33B-    3.0     30.5     4    -7
 56: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  20W+  21W-  32B-  30B-  58B+  44W-  52B-  66W+    3.0     30.0     4   +14
 57: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  19B-  42W-  39B=  53W+  35W-  43B-  64B+  59W=    3.0     29.0     4    +2
 58: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  35B=  16W-  49W=  65B-  56W-  70B+  62B+  38W-    3.0     25.0     4    -1
 59: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  54B-  52W+  46B-  61W-  42B-  68W+  50B=  57B=    3.0     24.0     3   +16
 60: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  10B-  32W-  66B=  63B-  67W=  69W+  65B+  51W-    3.0     23.0     4   -16
 61: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483   9B-  69W+  18W-  59B+  41B-  45B=  46W-  50W-    2.5     29.0     4   -10
 62: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  25B-  37B=  67W+  46W-  20W-  53B+  58W-  49B-    2.5     29.0     4    -2
 63: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  26W-  55B-  52B=  60W+  40W-  48B-  53B-  68B+    2.5     26.0     3    -2
 64: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  18B-  41W-  70W+  55B-  52B-  66W=  57W-  69B+    2.5     22.5     4   -16
 65: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  34B-  39W+  36W-  58W+  37B-  54B-  60W-  53W-    2.0     28.5     5    +1
 66: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  27B-  29W-  60W=  68B+  47W-  64B=  55W-  56B-    2.0     25.5     4    +3
 67: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  28B=  35W-  62B-  39W-  60B=  50W-  69W-  70B+    2.0     24.0     4   -10
 68: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  44W-  47B-  48B-  66W-  69B=  59B-  70W+  63W-    1.5     20.5     4    -7
 69: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  36W-  61B-  51W-  70B-  68W=  60B-  67B+  64W-    1.5     20.0     4    -4
 70: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  30W-  38B-  64B-  69W+  53W-  58W-  68B-  67W-    1.0     22.5     5    -6

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 ------------------ ROUND 9. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Abbess 2018.02.07            ----   Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU           
   2: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit          ----   Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit         
   3: Merlin 2.3.1                 ----   Isa 2.0.64 64-bit              
   4: NoC 4.20 64-bit              ----   OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit           
   5: Anubisx 0.052                ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU        
   6: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit          
   7: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit             ----   SOS 5.1                         
   8: Pharaon 3.5.1                ----   CT800 1.40 64-bit               
   9: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   The Crazy Bishop 0052           
  10: Raven 0.90 64-bit            ----   Delocto 0.61n 64bit             
  11: Waxman 2017                  ----   Floyd 0.9 64-bit                
  12: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   Cerebro 4.03 64-bit             
  13: Ruffian 2.1.0                ----   Yace 0.17                       
  14: Tao 5.6                      ----   Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)       
  15: Betsabe II 1.96              ----   Quark 2.35                      
  16: Tinker T1062 64-bit          ----   Rebel 6                         
  17: Fruit 2.3.1                  ----   FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit        
  18: Pseudo 0.7c                  ----   Amyan 1.72                      
  19: Orion 0.6 64-bit             ----   Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU       
  20: Delfi 5.4                    ----   RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit            
  21: Phalanx XXV                  ----   Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU        
  22: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit    ----   AnMon 5.75                      
  23: Karballo 1.8 64-bit          ----   Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU     
  24: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU       ----   tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit        
  25: Danasah 8,3                  ----   Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU          
  26: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU      ----   GreKo 2020.03 64-bit            
  27: Godel 7.0 64-bit             ----   Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit    
  28: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080     ----   iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU             
  29: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU      ----   SmarThink 1.98 64-bit           
  30: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU          
  31: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU     ----   RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU     
  32: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU            
  33: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU     ----   RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU        
  34: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080       
  35: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080  ----   Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU          

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Sergio Martinez
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Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
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Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Abbess 2018.02.07             0.0 -- 1.0  Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU       
 FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit      
 Merlin 2.3.1                  0.0 -- 1.0  Isa 2.0.64 64-bit           
 NoC 4.20 64-bit               0.5 -- 0.5  OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit       
 Anubisx 0.052                 1.0 -- 0.0  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU    
 Nejmet 3.07                   0.5 -- 0.5  SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit      
 Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  SOS 5.1                     
 Pharaon 3.5.1                 0.0 -- 1.0  CT800 1.40 64-bit           
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.0 -- 1.0  The Crazy Bishop 0052       
 Raven 0.90 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Delocto 0.61n 64bit         
 Waxman 2017                   0.0 -- 1.0  Floyd 0.9 64-bit            
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       1.0 -- 0.0  Cerebro 4.03 64-bit         
 Ruffian 2.1.0                 1.0 -- 0.0  Yace 0.17                   
 Tao 5.6                       0.0 -- 1.0  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)   
 Betsabe II 1.96               1.0 -- 0.0  Quark 2.35                  
 Tinker T1062 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Rebel 6                     
 Fruit 2.3.1                   0.5 -- 0.5  FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit    
 Pseudo 0.7c                   0.0 -- 1.0  Amyan 1.72                  
 Orion 0.6 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU   
 Delfi 5.4                     0.0 -- 1.0  RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit        
 Phalanx XXV                   0.0 -- 1.0  Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU    
 Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     1.0 -- 0.0  AnMon 5.75                  
 Karballo 1.8 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU 
 Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        0.5 -- 0.5  tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit    
 Danasah 8,3                   0.0 -- 1.0  Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU      
 Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       1.0 -- 0.0  GreKo 2020.03 64-bit        
 Godel 7.0 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit
 ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      0.0 -- 1.0  iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU         
 Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       1.0 -- 0.0  SmarThink 1.98 64-bit       
 Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU      
 Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      0.0 -- 1.0  RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU 
 Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      0.0 -- 1.0  Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU        
 Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU    
 Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080   
 Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   1.0 -- 0.0  Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU       

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  44B+  24W+  10B+  14W+   4B=   2B=  15W+   3B=   8W+    7.5     52.5     4    -4
  2: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  36W+  22B+   7B=  11W+  14B+   1W=   4W=   5B=  13W+    7.0     53.0     5    +3
  3: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  34W+  20W+   5B=  17B=  13W=  22B+   6B+   1W=   4W+    7.0     52.5     5    +4
  4: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  45W+  12B+  21B+  13W+   1W=   8W=   2B=   7B+   3B-    6.5     54.0     4   +19
  5: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  30W+  18B+   3W=   6B=  22B=  23W+   7W=   2W=  14B+    6.5     52.5     5    +1
  6: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  35B+  25B=  27W+   5W=   7W=  11B+   3W-  17B+  15B+    6.5     51.0     4    +9
  7: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  50W+  23B+   2W=  16B=   6B=  24W+   5B=   4W-  22W+    6.0     50.5     5   -11
  8: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  60W+  26B+  13B-  44W+  17W+   4B=  16W=  12B+   1B-    6.0     48.5     4    -4
  9: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  48B+  33W+  14B-  18W+  10W+  15B-  12W-  30B+  28W+    6.0     47.0     5   -15
 10: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  39W+  40B+   1W-  59W+   9B-  19B+  13B-  27W+  21B+    6.0     46.5     4    +5
 11: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  51W=  62B+  15W+   2B-  31B+   6W-  18W+  20B=  16W+    6.0     46.0     5     0
 12: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  53B+   4W-  32B+  21W=  25W=  45B+   9B+   8W-  20B+    6.0     45.5     4   +18
 13: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  38B+  19W+   8W+   4B-   3B=  16W=  10W+  15B=   2B-    5.5     53.5     4    -4
 14: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  67W+  46B+   9W+   1B-   2W-  18B=  26B+  23B+   5W-    5.5     49.0     4    +3
 15: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  58W+  59B+  11B-  26W+  20B+   9W+   1B-  13W=   6W-    5.5     48.0     5    +9
 16: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  54W+  37B+  17W=   7W=  23B=  13B=   8B=  24W+  11B-    5.5     47.0     4    +7
 17: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  42W+  52B+  16B=   3W=   8B-  36W+  21B=   6W-  31B+    5.5     47.0     4    +1
 18: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  43B+   5W-  60W+   9B-  37B+  14W=  11B-  35B+  32W+    5.5     45.0     4    +5
 19: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  61W+  13B-  34B+  20W=  21W=  10W-  33B=  38B+  40B+    5.5     42.5     4    +4
 20: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  47W+   3B-  39B+  19B=  15W-  38W+  25B+  11W=  12W-    5.0     48.0     5    -5
 21: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  32B+  31W+   4W-  12B=  19B=  44W+  17W=  22B=  10W-    5.0     47.5     5   -19
 22: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  64W+   2W-  67B+  29B+   5W=   3W-  46B+  21W=   7B-    5.0     46.0     5    +5
 23: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  41B+   7W-  36B+  46B+  16W=   5B-  31W+  14W-  29B=    5.0     46.0     4    -6
 24: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  55B+   1B-  54W+  31W=  29W+   7B-  32W+  16B-  26W=    5.0     45.0     5   -11
 25: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  56B+   6W=  29W-  27B+  12B=  39W+  20W-  28B-  46B+    5.0     44.5     4    +3
 26: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  57B+   8W-  35W+  15B-  60B+  46W=  14W-  50W+  24B=    5.0     40.5     5    +5
 27: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  62W=  65B+   6B-  25W-  47B+  33W=  45W+  10B-  44B+    5.0     40.0     4   -11
 28: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  52B-  55W+  31B-  35W=  61B+  29W=  36B+  25W+   9B-    5.0     39.5     4    -5
 29: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  65W=  51B+  25B+  22W-  24B-  28B=  44W=  54W+  23W=    5.0     39.0     5    +5
 30: Amyan 1.72                    2599   5B-  61W=  53B+  37W=  63W+  32W-  59B+   9W-  45B+    5.0     38.0     5    +7
 31: Danasah 8,3                   2690  66W+  21B-  28W+  24B=  11W-  54B+  23B-  37W+  17W-    4.5     42.5     5   +14
 32: AnMon 5.75                    2540  21W-  66B+  12W-  56B+  33W=  30B+  24B-  34W+  18B-    4.5     42.0     4   +15
 33: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  63W+   9B-  37B=  50W=  32B=  27B=  19W=  40B=  39W=    4.5     41.0     4    -7
 34: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611   3B-  47B+  19W-  39W-  49W+  56B=  41W+  32B-  53W+    4.5     41.0     5   -11
 35: Betsabe II 1.96               2563   6W-  56W+  26B-  28B=  57B+  48W=  37B=  18W-  55W+    4.5     41.0     5    +7
 36: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   2B-  64B+  23W-  41W+  67W+  17B-  28W-  55B=  54B+    4.5     39.5     4    +3
 37: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  68B+  16W-  33W=  30B=  18W-  52B+  35W=  31B-  56B+    4.5     38.0     4    -6
 38: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588  13W-  43B=  49W+  61B+  45W-  20B-  67B+  19W-  48W+    4.5     38.0     5    +1
 39: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463  10B-  70W+  20W-  34B+  59W+  25B-  40W-  62B+  33B=    4.5     36.5     4   +18
 40: Phalanx XXV                   2646  70B+  10W-  59W-  52W+  44B-  60B+  39B+  33W=  19W-    4.5     35.0     5    -3
 41: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  23W-  50B=  62B=  36B-  55W=  42W+  34B-  61W+  51W+    4.5     35.0     5   +13
 42: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  17B-  49B-  57W=  53W=  64W+  41B-  52W+  51B=  50W+    4.5     34.5     5    -1
 43: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  18W-  38W=  50B-  47B-  70B+  61W-  57W+  63B+  62B+    4.5     31.0     4    +6
 44: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   1W-  58B+  52W+   8B-  40W+  21B-  29B=  46W=  27W-    4.0     44.0     5    +8
 45: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577   4B-  53W=  51B=  55W+  38B+  12W-  27B-  60W+  30W-    4.0     40.5     5    +1
 46: Delfi 5.4                     2681  69B+  14W-  63B+  23W-  50W+  26B=  22W-  44B=  25W-    4.0     37.5     5    +1
 47: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  20B-  34W-  48B=  43W+  27W-  51B-  64B+  49W=  59B+    4.0     36.5     4   +11
 48: Rebel 6                       2550   9W-  63B-  47W=  65B+  51W+  35B=  54B-  59W+  38B-    4.0     35.0     4    -8
 49: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  59B-  42W+  38B-  67W-  34B-  68W+  53B=  47B=  60W+    4.0     31.0     4   +26
 50: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626   7B-  41W=  43W+  33B=  46B-  67W=  56W+  26B-  42B-    3.5     39.0     4   -14
 51: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  11B=  29W-  45W=  54B=  48B-  47W+  55B=  42W=  41B-    3.5     39.0     4    -2
 52: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  28W+  17W-  44B-  40B-  62B+  37W-  42B-  66W+  58B=    3.5     37.5     4   +17
 53: Yace 0.17                     2350  12W-  45B=  30W-  42B=  56W-  65B+  49W=  67B+  34B-    3.5     37.0     4    +3
 54: Tao 5.6                       2483  16B-  68W+  24B-  51W=  66B+  31W-  48W+  29B-  36W-    3.5     36.5     5     0
 55: Quark 2.35                    2424  24W-  28B-  68W+  45B-  41B=  57W+  51W=  36W=  35B-    3.5     36.0     5     0
 56: Waxman 2017                   2315  25W-  35B-  69B+  32W-  53B+  34W=  50B-  58B+  37W-    3.5     35.0     4   +11
 57: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  26W-  60B-  42B=  58W+  35W-  55B-  43B-  68B+  67W+    3.5     32.5     4    +5
 58: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  15B-  44W-  66B=  57B-  65W=  69W+  63B+  56W-  52W=    3.5     30.5     5   -18
 59: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  49W+  15W-  40B+  10B-  39B-  63W+  30W-  48B-  47W-    3.0     40.5     5   -25
 60: SOS 5.1                       2576   8B-  57W+  18B-  64W+  26W-  40W-  66B+  45B-  49B-    3.0     38.5     4   -16
 61: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  19B-  30B=  65W+  38W-  28W-  43B+  62W-  41B-  64B=    3.0     38.0     4    -2
 62: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  27B=  11W-  41W=  63B-  52W-  70B+  61B+  39W-  43W-    3.0     35.0     5    -6
 63: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  33B-  48W+  46W-  62W+  30B-  59B-  58W-  43W-  69B+    3.0     33.0     5    +3
 64: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  22B-  36W-  70W+  60B-  42B-  66W=  47W-  69B+  61W=    3.0     29.5     5   -17
 65: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  29B=  27W-  61B-  48W-  58B=  53W-  69W-  70B+  68B+    3.0     28.0     4    -8
 66: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  31B-  32W-  58W=  68B+  54W-  64B=  60W-  52B-  70W+    3.0     28.0     5    +7
 67: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483  14B-  69W+  22W-  49B+  36B-  50B=  38W-  53W-  57B-    2.5     35.5     4   -17
 68: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  37W-  54B-  55B-  66W-  69B=  49B-  70W+  57W-  65W-    1.5     27.5     5    -9
 69: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  46W-  67B-  56W-  70B-  68W=  58B-  65B+  64W-  63W-    1.5     25.0     5    -6
 70: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  40W-  39B-  64B-  69W+  43W-  62W-  68B-  65W-  66B-    1.0     28.5     5    -9

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 ------------------ ROUND 10. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit          
   2: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit          ----   Merlin 2.3.1                   
   3: NoC 4.20 64-bit              ----   Abbess 2018.02.07              
   4: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Chezzz 1.0.3                    
   5: SOS 5.1                      ----   Isa 2.0.64 64-bit               
   6: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit        ----   Pharaon 3.5.1                   
   7: Yace 0.17                    ----   Nejmet 3.07                     
   8: Anubisx 0.052                ----   SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit          
   9: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit          ----   Waxman 2017                     
  10: Delocto 0.61n 64bit          ----   Quark 2.35                      
  11: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit             ----   Tao 5.6                         
  12: Rebel 6                      ----   Pseudo 0.7c                     
  13: CT800 1.40 64-bit            ----   Orion 0.6 64-bit                
  14: The Crazy Bishop 0052        ----   Delfi 5.4                       
  15: Floyd 0.9 64-bit             ----   Raven 0.90 64-bit               
  16: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit     ----   Betsabe II 1.96                 
  17: Phalanx XXV                  ----   Ruffian 2.1.0                   
  18: Fruit 2.3.1                  ----   Giraffe 20161023 64-bit         
  19: AnMon 5.75                   ----   Tinker T1062 64-bit             
  20: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)    ----   Danasah 8,3                     
  21: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit         ----   Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU          
  22: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Amyan 1.72                      
  23: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU    ----   SmarThink 1.98 64-bit           
  24: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080     ----   Karballo 1.8 64-bit             
  25: Godel 7.0 64-bit             ----   tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit        
  26: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU     ----   RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit            
  27: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit    ----   Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU        
  28: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU          
  29: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU          
  30: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU          ----   Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit    
  31: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU           
  32: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU      ----   Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU         
  33: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU  ----   Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080       
  34: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU           
  35: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080  ----   Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU            
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Sergio Martinez
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Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
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Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit      
 FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  Merlin 2.3.1                
 NoC 4.20 64-bit               1.0 -- 0.0  Abbess 2018.02.07           
 Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         0.0 -- 1.0  Chezzz 1.0.3                
 SOS 5.1                       1.0 -- 0.0  Isa 2.0.64 64-bit           
 OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  Pharaon 3.5.1               
 Yace 0.17                     1.0 -- 0.0  Nejmet 3.07                 
 Anubisx 0.052                 0.0 -- 1.0  SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit      
 Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           0.0 -- 1.0  Waxman 2017                 
 Delocto 0.61n 64bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Quark 2.35                  
 Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  Tao 5.6                     
 Rebel 6                       0.5 -- 0.5  Pseudo 0.7c                 
 CT800 1.40 64-bit             0.5 -- 0.5  Orion 0.6 64-bit            
 The Crazy Bishop 0052         0.0 -- 1.0  Delfi 5.4                   
 Floyd 0.9 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Raven 0.90 64-bit           
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      0.5 -- 0.5  Betsabe II 1.96             
 Phalanx XXV                   1.0 -- 0.0  Ruffian 2.1.0               
 Fruit 2.3.1                   1.0 -- 0.0  Giraffe 20161023 64-bit     
 AnMon 5.75                    0.5 -- 0.5  Tinker T1062 64-bit         
 Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     0.0 -- 1.0  Danasah 8,3                 
 GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU      
 Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   1.0 -- 0.0  Amyan 1.72                  
 Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     0.5 -- 0.5  SmarThink 1.98 64-bit       
 ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      1.0 -- 0.0  Karballo 1.8 64-bit         
 Godel 7.0 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit    
 Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      0.5 -- 0.5  RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit        
 Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     0.0 -- 1.0  Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU    
 Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU      
 RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU      
 iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           1.0 -- 0.0  Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit
 Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU       
 Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       1.0 -- 0.0  Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU     
 RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   0.0 -- 1.0  Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080   
 Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      1.0 -- 0.0  Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU       
 Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   1.0 -- 0.0  Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU        

Code: Select all

Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  40B+  19W+   7B+  11W+   3B=   2B=  12W+   4B=   6W+   8W+    8.5     66.5     5    -2
  2: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  41W+  23B+   5B=  15W+  11B+   1W=   3W=   8B=   9W+   4W+    8.0     65.5     6    +7
  3: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  43W+  13B+  16B+   9W+   1W=   6W=   2B=   5B+   4B-  10B+    7.5     67.0     4   +23
  4: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  42W+  17W+   8B=  22B=   9W=  23B+  10B+   1W=   3W+   2B-    7.0     65.0     5     0
  5: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  53W+  20B+   2W=  21B=  10B=  19W+   8B=   3W-  23W+  14W+    7.0     61.5     6    -9
  6: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  54W+  31B+   9B-  40W+  22W+   3B=  21W=  13B+   1B-  15W+    7.0     59.0     5    -2
  7: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  38W+  30B+   1W-  65W+  14B-  18B+   9B-  27W+  16B+  13W+    7.0     58.0     5    +7
  8: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  37W+  24B+   4W=  10B=  23B=  20W+   5W=   2W=  11B+   1B-    6.5     65.5     5    -1
  9: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  36B+  18W+   6W+   3B-   4B=  21W=   7W+  12B=   2B-  22W+    6.5     65.0     5    -2
 10: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  35B+  25B=  27W+   8W=   5W=  15B+   4W-  22B+  12B+   3W-    6.5     62.0     5    +5
 11: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  62W+  39B+  14W+   1B-   2W-  24B=  31B+  20B+   8W-  21W+    6.5     59.5     5    +7
 12: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  64W+  65B+  15B-  31W+  17B+  14W+   1B-   9W=  10W-  24B+    6.5     56.5     5   +12
 13: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  49B+   3W-  32B+  16W=  25W=  43B+  14B+   6W-  17B+   7B-    6.0     59.0     4   +16
 14: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  51B+  28W+  11B-  24W+   7W+  12B-  13W-  37B+  33W+   5B-    6.0     58.5     5   -17
 15: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  61W=  57B+  12W+   2B-  26B+  10W-  24W+  17B=  21W+   6B-    6.0     58.0     5    -3
 16: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  32B+  26W+   3W-  13B=  18B=  40W+  22W=  23B=   7W-  34W+    6.0     57.5     6   -18
 17: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  47W+   4B-  38B+  18B=  12W-  36W+  25B+  15W=  13W-  31W+    6.0     56.5     6    -2
 18: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  55W+   9B-  42B+  17W=  16W=   7W-  28B=  36B+  30B+  25W=    6.0     55.5     5    +2
 19: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  56B+   1B-  46W+  26W=  34W+   5B-  32W+  21B-  31W=  33B+    6.0     55.0     5   -10
 20: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  45B+   5W-  41B+  39B+  21W=   8B-  26W+  11W-  34B=  37W+    6.0     55.0     5    -6
 21: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  46W+  29B+  22W=   5W=  20B=   9B=   6B=  19W+  15B-  11B-    5.5     60.5     4    +3
 22: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  48W+  44B+  21B=   4W=   6B-  41W+  16B=  10W-  26B+   9B-    5.5     57.5     4    -2
 23: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  59W+   2W-  62B+  34B+   8W=   4W-  39B+  16W=   5B-  27B=    5.5     57.5     5    +3
 24: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  52B+   8W-  54W+  14B-  29B+  11W=  15B-  35B+  32W+  12W-    5.5     55.5     5    +3
 25: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  50B+  10W=  34W-  27B+  13B=  38W+  17W-  33B-  39B+  18B=    5.5     54.5     4    +5
 26: Danasah 8,3                   2690  60W+  16B-  33W+  19B=  15W-  46B+  20B-  29W+  22W-  41B+    5.5     53.0     5   +18
 27: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  57W=  67B+  10B-  25W-  47B+  28W=  43W+   7B-  40B+  23W=    5.5     50.5     5    -9
 28: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  66W+  14B-  29B=  53W=  32B=  27B=  18W=  30B=  38W=  45W+    5.5     50.0     5    -6
 29: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  68B+  21W-  28W=  37B=  24W-  44B+  35W=  26B-  50B+  48W+    5.5     47.0     5    -4
 30: Phalanx XXV                   2646  70B+   7W-  65W-  44W+  40B-  54B+  38B+  28W=  18W-  42W+    5.5     45.0     6    +2
 31: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  63B+   6W-  35W+  12B-  54B+  39W=  11W-  53W+  19B=  17B-    5.0     53.5     5    +2
 32: AnMon 5.75                    2540  16W-  60B+  13W-  50B+  28W=  37B+  19B-  42W+  24B-  36W=    5.0     52.0     5   +16
 33: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  44B-  56W+  26B-  35W=  55B+  34W=  41B+  25W+  14B-  19W-    5.0     50.0     5    -6
 34: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  67W=  61B+  25B+  23W-  19B-  33B=  40W=  46W+  20W=  16B-    5.0     49.5     5    +5
 35: Betsabe II 1.96               2563  10W-  50W+  31B-  33B=  63B+  51W=  29B=  24W-  56W+  38B=    5.0     49.0     5    +6
 36: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588   9W-  52B=  58W+  55B+  43W-  17B-  62B+  18W-  51W+  32B=    5.0     48.5     5     0
 37: Amyan 1.72                    2599   8B-  55W=  49B+  29W=  66W+  32W-  65B+  14W-  43B+  20B-    5.0     48.0     5    +6
 38: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463   7B-  70W+  17W-  42B+  65W+  25B-  30W-  57B+  28B=  35W=    5.0     47.0     5   +19
 39: Delfi 5.4                     2681  69B+  11W-  66B+  20W-  53W+  31B=  23W-  40B=  25W-  52B+    5.0     46.0     5    +2
 40: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   1W-  64B+  44W+   6B-  30W+  16B-  34B=  39W=  27W-  47B=    4.5     55.0     5    +5
 41: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   2B-  59B+  20W-  45W+  62W+  22B-  33W-  56B=  46B+  26W-    4.5     50.5     5    -1
 42: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611   4B-  47B+  18W-  38W-  58W+  50B=  45W+  32B-  49W+  30B-    4.5     50.5     5   -15
 43: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577   3B-  49W=  61B=  56W+  36B+  13W-  27B-  54W+  37W-  51B=    4.5     49.5     5    +1
 44: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  33W+  22W-  40B-  30B-  57B+  29W-  48B-  60W+  64B=  63B+    4.5     45.5     4   +23
 45: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  20W-  53B=  57B=  41B-  56W=  48W+  42B-  55W+  61W+  28B-    4.5     44.5     5   +12
 46: Tao 5.6                       2483  21B-  68W+  19B-  61W=  60B+  26W-  51W+  34B-  41W-  58B+    4.5     44.0     5    +1
 47: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  17B-  42W-  51B=  52W+  27W-  61B-  59B+  58W=  65B+  40W=    4.5     44.0     5   +14
 48: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  22B-  58B-  63W=  49W=  59W+  45B-  44W+  61B=  53W+  29B-    4.5     43.5     5    -3
 49: Yace 0.17                     2350  13W-  43B=  37W-  48B=  50W-  67B+  58W=  62B+  42B-  64W+    4.5     43.0     5    +9
 50: Waxman 2017                   2315  25W-  35B-  69B+  32W-  49B+  42W=  53B-  64B+  29W-  61B+    4.5     42.5     4   +18
 51: Rebel 6                       2550  14W-  66B-  47W=  67B+  61W+  35B=  46B-  65W+  36B-  43W=    4.5     42.0     5    -7
 52: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  24W-  36W=  53B-  47B-  70B+  55W-  63W+  66B+  57B+  39W-    4.5     39.5     5    +4
 53: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626   5B-  45W=  52W+  28B=  39B-  62W=  50W+  31B-  48B-  56W=    4.0     48.0     5   -16
 54: SOS 5.1                       2576   6B-  63W+  24B-  59W+  31W-  30W-  60B+  43B-  58B-  66W+    4.0     46.0     5   -14
 55: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  18B-  37B=  67W+  36W-  33W-  52B+  57W-  45B-  59B=  65W+    4.0     44.0     5    +7
 56: Quark 2.35                    2424  19W-  33B-  68W+  43B-  45B=  63W+  61W=  41W=  35B-  53B=    4.0     42.0     5    +3
 57: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  27B=  15W-  45W=  66B-  44W-  70B+  55B+  38W-  52W-  67B+    4.0     41.0     5    -1
 58: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  65B-  48W+  36B-  62W-  42B-  68W+  49B=  47B=  54W+  46W-    4.0     39.5     5   +25
 59: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  23B-  41W-  70W+  54B-  48B-  60W=  47W-  69B+  55W=  68W+    4.0     35.0     6   -16
 60: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  26B-  32W-  64W=  68B+  46W-  59B=  54W-  44B-  70W+  69W+    4.0     35.0     6   +11
 61: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  15B=  34W-  43W=  46B=  51B-  47W+  56B=  48W=  45B-  50W-    3.5     46.5     5   -10
 62: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483  11B-  69W+  23W-  58B+  41B-  53B=  36W-  49W-  63B-  70W+    3.5     40.0     5   -16
 63: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  31W-  54B-  48B=  64W+  35W-  56B-  52B-  68B+  62W+  44W-    3.5     40.0     5    -1
 64: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  12B-  40W-  60B=  63B-  67W=  69W+  66B+  50W-  44W=  49B-    3.5     39.5     5   -24
 65: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  58W+  12W-  30B+   7B-  38B-  66W+  37W-  51B-  47W-  55B-    3.0     49.0     5   -34
 66: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  28B-  51W+  39W-  57W+  37B-  65B-  64W-  52W-  69B+  54B-    3.0     40.5     5    +2
 67: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  34B=  27W-  55B-  51W-  64B=  49W-  69W-  70B+  68B+  57W-    3.0     35.0     5   -13
 68: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  29W-  46B-  56B-  60W-  69B=  58B-  70W+  63W-  67W-  59B-    1.5     35.0     5   -10
 69: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  39W-  62B-  50W-  70B-  68W=  64B-  67B+  59W-  66W-  60B-    1.5     33.0     5   -11
 70: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  30W-  38B-  59B-  69W+  52W-  57W-  68B-  67W-  60B-  62B-    1.0     36.5     5   -10

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 ------------------ LAST ROUND. PAIRINGS ------------------- 

   1: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit            ----   Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit         
   2: Pharaon 3.5.1                ----   Merlin 2.3.1                   
   3: Nejmet 3.07                  ----   Abbess 2018.02.07              
   4: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Anubisx 0.052                  
   5: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit          ----   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU        
   6: Quark 2.35                   ----   NoC 4.20 64-bit                 
   7: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit        ----   FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit             
   8: Chezzz 1.0.3                 ----   SOS 5.1                         
   9: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit             ----   Delocto 0.61n 64bit             
  10: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit      ----   The Crazy Bishop 0052           
  11: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit       ----   Rebel 6                         
  12: Waxman 2017                  ----   Pseudo 0.7c                     
  13: Raven 0.90 64-bit            ----   Ruffian 2.1.0                   
  14: Yace 0.17                    ----   Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)       
  15: Tao 5.6                      ----   Orion 0.6 64-bit                
  16: Delfi 5.4                    ----   CT800 1.40 64-bit               
  17: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit     ----   Tinker T1062 64-bit             
  18: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit         ----   Amyan 1.72                      
  19: AnMon 5.75                   ----   Betsabe II 1.96                 
  20: Karballo 1.8 64-bit          ----   tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit        
  21: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit         ----   Phalanx XXV                     
  22: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit    ----   Fruit 2.3.1                     
  23: Floyd 0.9 64-bit             ----   SmarThink 1.98 64-bit           
  24: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU       
  25: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Danasah 8,3                     
  26: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU  ----   ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080        
  27: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU       ----   Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU           
  28: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU      ----   Godel 7.0 64-bit                
  29: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit ----   Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU        
  30: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU  ----   RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU        
  31: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU     ----   Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU            
  32: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU       
  33: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080    ----   iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU             
  34: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU        ----   Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU       
  35: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080  ----   Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       

The tournament will resume tomorrow. Thanks.
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Sergio Martinez
Posts: 3396
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
Sign-up code: 10159
Location: Murcia, Spain

Re: Open Swiss Edition III

Post by Sergio Martinez »

Code: Select all


 Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             1.0 -- 0.0  Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit      
 Pharaon 3.5.1                 1.0 -- 0.0  Merlin 2.3.1                
 Nejmet 3.07                   1.0 -- 0.0  Abbess 2018.02.07           
 Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         0.0 -- 1.0  Anubisx 0.052               
 Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           0.5 -- 0.5  Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU    
 Quark 2.35                    1.0 -- 0.0  NoC 4.20 64-bit             
 OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         1.0 -- 0.0  FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit         
 Chezzz 1.0.3                  0.5 -- 0.5  SOS 5.1                     
 Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              1.0 -- 0.0  Delocto 0.61n 64bit         
 Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       0.0 -- 1.0  The Crazy Bishop 0052       
 SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        0.0 -- 1.0  Rebel 6                     
 Waxman 2017                   0.0 -- 1.0  Pseudo 0.7c                 
 Raven 0.90 64-bit             0.0 -- 1.0  Ruffian 2.1.0               
 Yace 0.17                     0.0 -- 1.0  Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)   
 Tao 5.6                       0.5 -- 0.5  Orion 0.6 64-bit            
 Delfi 5.4                     1.0 -- 0.0  CT800 1.40 64-bit           
 FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      0.5 -- 0.5  Tinker T1062 64-bit         
 GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          0.0 -- 1.0  Amyan 1.72                  
 AnMon 5.75                    0.5 -- 0.5  Betsabe II 1.96             
 Karballo 1.8 64-bit           1.0 -- 0.0  tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit    
 RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          1.0 -- 0.0  Phalanx XXV                 
 Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     1.0 -- 0.0  Fruit 2.3.1                 
 Floyd 0.9 64-bit              0.0 -- 1.0  SmarThink 1.98 64-bit       
 Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU   
 Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        1.0 -- 0.0  Danasah 8,3                 
 Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   0.5 -- 0.5  ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080    
 Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        0.5 -- 0.5  Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU       
 Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       1.0 -- 0.0  Godel 7.0 64-bit            
 Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  0.0 -- 1.0  Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU    
 RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   0.5 -- 0.5  RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU    
 Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      0.5 -- 0.5  Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU        
 Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         1.0 -- 0.0  Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU    
 Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     1.0 -- 0.0  iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU         
 Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         0.0 -- 1.0  Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU    
 Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   1.0 -- 0.0  Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU    

Code: Select all


Rank Engine                         ELO    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11   Score      Tie White   ELO
  1: Lc0 0.25.1 t40-1541 RTX2080   3600  43B+  21W+  10B+  14W+   3B=   2B=  11W+   4B=   9W+   5W+   7W+    9.5     78.5     6    +1
  2: Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU      3490  34W+  18B+   7B=  17W+  14B+   1W=   3W=   5B=   6W+   4W+   9B+    9.0     79.0     6    +9
  3: Stoofvlees II a14 RTX2080     3300  35W+  24B+  15B+   6W+   1W=   9W=   2B=   7B+   4B-   8B+  10W+    8.5     79.5     5   +26
  4: Komodo 14 64-bit 4CPU         3421  37W+  25W+   5B=  19B=   6W=  18B+   8B+   1W=   3W+   2B-  14W+    8.0     79.0     6    +2
  5: Fritz 17 64-bit 4CPU          3385  27W+  22B+   4W=   8B=  18B=  20W+   7W=   2W=  14B+   1B-  11B=    7.0     79.5     5    -4
  6: RofChade 2.3 64-bit 4CPU      3318  32B+  13W+   9W+   3B-   4B=  16W=  10W+  11B=   2B-  19W+   8B=    7.0     79.0     5    -3
  7: Honey XI-r2 64-bit 4CPU       3450  61W+  20B+   2W=  16B=   8B=  21W+   5B=   3W-  18W+  12W+   1B-    7.0     78.0     6   -12
  8: RubiChess 1.7.3 64-bit 4CPU   3229  36B+  23B=  31W+   5W=   7W=  17B+   4W-  19B+  11B+   3W-   6W=    7.0     75.0     6    +6
  9: Booot 6.4 64-bit 4CPU         3298  51W+  44B+   6B-  43W+  19W+   3B=  16W=  24B+   1B-  17W+   2W-    7.0     74.0     6    -4
 10: iCE 4.0 64-bit 4CPU           3123  39W+  40B+   1W-  60W+  12B-  13B+   6B-  31W+  15B+  24W+   3B-    7.0     72.0     5    +4
 11: Marvin 3.6.0 64-bit 4CPU      3075  59W+  60B+  17B-  44W+  25B+  12W+   1B-   6W=   8W-  22B+   5W=    7.0     70.0     6   +15
 12: Arasan 22.0 64-bit 4CPU       3220  41B+  33W+  14B-  22W+  10W+  11B-  24W-  27B+  45W+   7B-  25W+    7.0     68.0     6   -15
 13: Glaurung 2.2 64-bit 4CPU      2917  47W+   6B-  37B+  25W=  15W=  10W-  33B=  32B+  40B+  23W=  24B+    7.0     66.0     5    +6
 14: Houdini 1.5a 64-bit 4CPU      3183  63W+  28B+  12W+   1B-   2W-  22B=  44B+  20B+   5W-  16W+   4B-    6.5     75.0     5    +5
 15: ChessFighter 3.4 RTX2080      3200  30B+  29W+   3W-  24B=  13B=  43W+  19W=  18B=  10W-  26W+  20B=    6.5     70.0     6   -20
 16: Igel 2.5.0 64-bit 4CPU        3134  46W+  38B+  19W=   7W=  20B=   6B=   9B=  21W+  17B-  14B-  29W+    6.5     69.5     5    +3
 17: Wasp 4.00 64-bit 4CPU         3131  62W=  57B+  11W+   2B-  29B+   8W-  22W+  25B=  16W+   9B-  21B=    6.5     69.5     5    -3
 18: SmarThink 1.98 64-bit         3072  65W+   2W-  63B+  26B+   5W=   4W-  28B+  15W=   7B-  31B=  38B+    6.5     68.5     5    +3
 19: Winter 0.8 64-bit 4CPU        3108  55W+  53B+  16B=   4W=   9B-  34W+  15B=   8W-  29B+   6B-  31W+    6.5     67.5     5    +1
 20: Combusken 1.2.0 64-bit 4CPU   3071  52B+   7W-  34B+  28B+  16W=   5B-  29W+  14W-  26B=  27W+  15W=    6.5     67.0     6    -4
 21: Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU        3073  48B+   1B-  46W+  29W=  26W+   7B-  30W+  16B-  44W=  45B+  17W=    6.5     66.5     6    -9
 22: Francesca MAD 0.29 64-bit     2904  42B+   5W-  51W+  12B-  38B+  14W=  17B-  36B+  30W+  11W-  33W+    6.5     66.0     6    +6
 23: RuyDos 1.1.11 64-bit          2787  56B+   8W=  26W-  31B+  24B=  39W+  25W-  45B-  28B+  13B=  40W+    6.5     64.0     5    +8
 24: Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 64-bit  2896  54B+   3W-  30B+  15W=  23W=  35B+  12B+   9W-  25B+  10B-  13W-    6.0     71.0     5   +11
 25: Godel 7.0 64-bit              2975  50W+   4B-  39B+  13B=  11W-  32W+  23B+  17W=  24W-  44W+  12B-    6.0     68.5     6    -4
 26: Karballo 1.8 64-bit           2730  67W=  62B+  23B+  18W-  21B-  45B=  43W=  46W+  20W=  15B-  44W+    6.0     59.5     6   +11
 27: Amyan 1.72                    2599   5B-  47W=  54B+  38W=  64W+  30W-  60B+  12W-  35B+  20B-  45B+    6.0     59.5     5   +13
 28: Delfi 5.4                     2681  69B+  14W-  64B+  20W-  61W+  44B=  18W-  43B=  23W-  42B+  50W+    6.0     55.5     6    +4
 29: Danasah 8,3                   2690  66W+  15B-  45W+  21B=  17W-  46B+  20B-  38W+  19W-  34B+  16B-    5.5     64.0     5   +18
 30: AnMon 5.75                    2540  15W-  66B+  24W-  56B+  33W=  27B+  21B-  37W+  22B-  32W=  36W=    5.5     62.0     6   +16
 31: Invictus.r305.64-bit 4CPU     2878  57W=  67B+   8B-  23W-  50B+  33W=  35W+  10B-  43B+  18W=  19B-    5.5     61.5     5   -11
 32: Tinker T1062 64-bit           2588   6W-  42B=  49W+  47B+  35W-  25B-  63B+  13W-  41W+  30B=  39B=    5.5     61.5     5    -2
 33: Fruit 2.3.1                   2763  64W+  12B-  38B=  61W=  30B=  31B=  13W=  40B=  39W=  52W+  22B-    5.5     60.5     5    -9
 34: Movei 00.8.438 (10 10 10)     2627   2B-  65B+  20W-  52W+  63W+  19B-  45W-  48B=  46B+  29W-  54B+    5.5     59.5     5    +1
 35: Pseudo 0.7c                   2577   3B-  54W=  62B=  48W+  32B+  24W-  31B-  51W+  27W-  41B=  56B+    5.5     59.5     5    +3
 36: Betsabe II 1.96               2563   8W-  56W+  44B-  45B=  58B+  41W=  38B=  22W-  48W+  39B=  30B=    5.5     59.5     5    +5
 37: Ruffian 2.1.0                 2611   4B-  50B+  13W-  39W-  49W+  56B=  52W+  30B-  54W+  40B-  55B+    5.5     59.0     5   -13
 38: Floyd 0.9 64-bit              2659  68B+  16W-  33W=  27B=  22W-  53B+  36W=  29B-  56B+  55W+  18W-    5.5     57.0     6    -4
 39: FrankWalter 2.4.0 64-bit      2463  10B-  70W+  25W-  37B+  60W+  23B-  40W-  57B+  33B=  36W=  32W=    5.5     56.5     6   +21
 40: Phalanx XXV                   2646  70B+  10W-  60W-  53W+  43B-  51B+  39B+  33W=  13W-  37W+  23B-    5.5     56.0     6    -1
 41: Rebel 6                       2550  12W-  64B-  50W=  67B+  62W+  36B=  46B-  60W+  32B-  35W=  53B+    5.5     52.5     5    -6
 42: The Crazy Bishop 0052         2365  22W-  32W=  61B-  50B-  70B+  47W-  58W+  64B+  57B+  28W-  52B+    5.5     50.0     5   +10
 43: Orion 0.6 64-bit              2633   1W-  59B+  53W+   9B-  40W+  15B-  26B=  28W=  31W-  50B=  46B=    5.0     64.5     5    +3
 44: tomitankChess 4.0 64-bit      2820  58B+   9W-  36W+  11B-  51B+  28W=  14W-  61W+  21B=  25B-  26B-    5.0     63.5     5    -5
 45: GreKo 2020.03 64-bit          2716  53B-  48W+  29B-  36W=  47B+  26W=  34B+  23W+  12B-  21W-  27W-    5.0     63.0     6   -12
 46: Tao 5.6                       2483  16B-  68W+  21B-  62W=  66B+  29W-  41W+  26B-  34W-  49B+  43W=    5.0     55.0     6    +3
 47: OliThink 5.4.7 64-bit         2374  13B-  27B=  67W+  32W-  45W-  42B+  57W-  52B-  65B=  60W+  66W+    5.0     53.0     6    +9
 48: Quark 2.35                    2424  21W-  45B-  68W+  35B-  52B=  58W+  62W=  34W=  36B-  61B=  65W+    5.0     50.5     6    +7
 49: Ceibo 0.5 64-bit              2130  60B-  55W+  32B-  63W-  37B-  68W+  54B=  50B=  51W+  46W-  61W+    5.0     47.5     6   +34
 50: CT800 1.40 64-bit             2391  25B-  37W-  41B=  42W+  31W-  62B-  65B+  49W=  60B+  43W=  28B-    4.5     56.0     5   +12
 51: SOS 5.1                       2576   9B-  58W+  22B-  65W+  44W-  40W-  66B+  35B-  49B-  64W+  57B=    4.5     55.5     5   -18
 52: Giraffe 20161023 64-bit       2406  20W-  61B=  57B=  34B-  48W=  55W+  37B-  47W+  62W+  33B-  42W-    4.5     55.5     6    +6
 53: SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit        2243  45W+  19W-  43B-  40B-  57B+  38W-  55B-  66W+  59B=  58B+  41W-    4.5     55.0     5   +22
 54: Yace 0.17                     2350  24W-  35B=  27W-  55B=  56W-  67B+  49W=  63B+  37B-  59W+  34W-    4.5     54.0     6    +7
 55: Raven 0.90 64-bit             2429  19B-  49B-  58W=  54W=  65W+  52B-  53W+  62B=  61W+  38B-  37W-    4.5     52.5     6    -6
 56: Waxman 2017                   2315  23W-  36B-  69B+  30W-  54B+  37W=  61B-  59B+  38W-  62B+  35W-    4.5     52.5     5   +16
 57: Chezzz 1.0.3                  2323  31B=  17W-  52W=  64B-  53W-  70B+  47B+  39W-  42W-  67B+  51W=    4.5     49.5     6    +2
 58: Anubisx 0.052                 2320  44W-  51B-  55B=  59W+  36W-  48B-  42B-  68B+  63W+  53W-  67B+    4.5     47.5     5    +3
 59: Nejmet 3.07                   2427  11B-  43W-  66B=  58B-  67W=  69W+  64B+  56W-  53W=  54B-  68W+    4.5     44.0     6   -23
 60: Pharaon 3.5.1                 2688  49W+  11W-  40B+  10B-  39B-  64W+  27W-  41B-  50W-  47B-  69W+    4.0     56.5     6   -34
 61: Delocto 0.61n 64bit           2626   7B-  52W=  42W+  33B=  28B-  63W=  56W+  44B-  55B-  48W=  49B-    4.0     56.5     5   -26
 62: Cerebro 4.03 64-bit           2472  17B=  26W-  35W=  46B=  41B-  50W+  48B=  55W=  52B-  56W-  63W=    4.0     55.5     6    -9
 63: Myrddin 0.87 64-bit 4CPU      2483  14B-  69W+  18W-  49B+  34B-  61B=  32W-  54W-  58B-  70W+  62B=    4.0     48.5     5   -17
 64: Isa 2.0.64 64-bit             2314  33B-  41W+  28W-  57W+  27B-  60B-  59W-  42W-  69B+  51B-  70W+    4.0     48.5     6    +3
 65: NoC 4.20 64-bit               2416  18B-  34W-  70W+  51B-  55B-  66W=  50W-  69B+  47W=  68W+  48B-    4.0     43.5     6   -21
 66: FoxSEE 3.3.4 64-bit           2152  29B-  30W-  59W=  68B+  46W-  65B=  51W-  53B-  70W+  69W+  47B-    4.0     42.5     6    +9
 67: Halogen 4 64-bit 4CPU         2300  26B=  31W-  47B-  41W-  59B=  54W-  69W-  70B+  68B+  57W-  58W-    3.0     44.0     6   -17
 68: Abbess 2018.02.07             2065  38W-  46B-  48B-  66W-  69B=  49B-  70W+  58W-  67W-  65B-  59B-    1.5     43.0     5   -11
 69: Merlin 2.3.1                  2095  28W-  63B-  56W-  70B-  68W=  59B-  67B+  65W-  64W-  66B-  60B-    1.5     40.5     5   -11
 70: Honzovy Sachy 2 64-bit        2042  40W-  39B-  65B-  69W+  42W-  57W-  68B-  67W-  66B-  63B-  64B-    1.0     43.0     5   -11
Congrats to Lc0 team
Thank you all
I will upload the results and games to the web soon
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