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Endgame Tablebase Online Downloads???

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:56 pm
by grandad364
I would like to download SOME 6-piece endgame tablebases. These are for my own use, and to redistribute via torrents if there is sufficient interest.
I had no problem uploading 3, 4 and 5 piece Nalimov tablebases from Dr. Robert Hyatts sit via FTP. These tablebases work for crafty, of course, but also work for some commercial programs including Fritz. What I am looking for are selected (i.e., most common) Nalimov endgame tablebases.

I have followed the thread to eMule, and have found that most sources are dead, i.e., 0 users are found. It is possible that I do not have a current or good IP address to find active sites, but it appears that at this time, no one is sharing. I find this surprising due to the huge number of downloads indicated by eMule.

ANY help would be appreciated. As I said, I intend to share the selected EGTBs via torrents. I can upload via ftp, torrents, eMule, and probably other methods (i.e., http).

Tom Dowdy

Re: Endgame Tablebase Online Downloads???

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:26 am
by Kirill Kryukov
Hi Tom,

Please check the "Other ways to download 6-men tablebases" section on the "Endgame Tablebases Online" web-site.

Also, please check "Snail mail EGTB trading" thread - this is currently the fastest way to obtain the tablebases.
